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Wellbell Smart Dumbbells

Developers: Wellbell (Intrismo), RuGadget
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/12/25
Branches: Entertainment, leisure, sports
Technology: Internet of Things (IoT)

Main article: What is the Internet of things (Internet of Things, IoT)

2020: Announcement of smart dumbbells

On December 25, 2020, RuGadzhet Ulyanovsk the ULNANOTECH nanocenter company announced the development of an electronic filling software for smart dumbbells. sports startup Wellbell The start of industrial production of products is expected in 2021.

Wellbell Smart Dumbbells

According to the company, Smart dumbbells measure the owner's pulse, motion sensors are built into them, which through application or with a signal inform the athlete of errors in the technique of performing exercises. The gadget collects statistics data about training, helps to correctly repeat exercises behind the trainer from the broadcast. The developers consider such dumbbells to be a full-fledged replacement for cardiotrainers, they can be engaged not only in strength training, but also in aerobics, stretching and yoga. The built-in charge accumulators is enough for a month.

For greater safety, the sports gadget has a rubberized body. All data collected by smart dumbbells is transferred to a single online platform. This allows owners to compete with each other even remotely, which brings a game element to the training. The coach gets the opportunity to continuously and remotely monitor the training of his clients, give them personal recommendations, draw up individual work plans.

The platform allows you to monetize your business through a subscription. The possibilities of such a model were especially visible during lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic. The authors of the idea of ​ ​ "smart" dumbbells and the founders of Wellbell Vyacheslav Ermilov, Denis Kozub and Lev Levin initially turned to the South Korean company for the development of the prototype, but she requested several hundred thousand dollars for her work . Then the choice was made in favor of RuGadget from ULNANOTECH, which already had experience in creating Internet things, including using Bluetooth technology.

With the joint participation of representatives of the two companies, the initial terms of reference for the product were significantly finalized. According to statistics from online retailers, dumbbells weighing up to 2 kg in December 2020 are among the top 3 in sales of home sports equipment in Russia. Wellbell immediately began patenting smart dumbbells: a patent for an industrial sample has already been received, and a solution is expected under the patent for the invention in the near future. Now entrepreneurs are considering the possibility of digitalizing racecourses, sticks for Scandinavian walking and tours.