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Zircon 36CT Software package of terminal access

The name of the base system (platform): Zircon Integration platform
Developers: Svemel MVP (Swemel)
Technology: Cybersecurity - Information loss preventions,  OS


The software package of terminal access Zircon 36CT is the software tool of protection against unauthorized access to information containing the data which are the state secret.


Compatibility of Zircon OS with ELAR Context

On March 25, 2020 the corporation ELAR reported that together with the company of closed joint stock company "MVP OF SVEMEL" the certified tests which confirmed compatibility and correctness of work Russian of a software platform ELAR Context and system software Operating system Zircon carried out. In more detail here.

Compatibility of Zircon OS with EDMS THESIS

On March 5, 2020 the Haulmont company reported that together with producer Zircon OS SVEMEL company held testing of the products for compatibility and confirmed correctness of their work. Read more here.

2019: Compatibility with Red the Data Base

On July 1, 2019 the company "RED SOFTWARE" reported that together with "MVP Svemel" the compatibility and correctness of work DBMS Red Data Base with a software package of terminal access confirmed Zircon of 36 ST (PKTD "Zircon of 36 ST"). In more detail here.

2017: Functional characteristics

Functional characteristics

According to information for March, 2017 the software package of terminal access Zircon 36CT consists of the Zircon 36C operating system and the software of terminal access Zircon 36T (further in the text – PKTD "Zircon 36CT").

PKTD "Zircon 36CT" is intended for:

1. The protection against unauthorized access to the information of limited access containing the data which are the state secret, stored and processed on servers and access isolation of users to resources of a local computer network.

2. The access isolation of users to resources of a different confidentiality level of a local computer network implemented by providing a possibility of safe work to them only with resources of that terminal server which smart card with identification data is installed in the card reader of the terminal station functioning under control of software of TD "Zircon 36T".

Zircon 36C OS from the structure of PKTD "Zircon 36CT" is developed based on CentOS Linux GNU/6.5 and contains the KVM software package which is the module of a core and implementing means virtualizations which allow to create the isolated environments (virtual machines) providing functioning of programs of users in a separate environment based on Zircon 36C OS.

By software of TD "Zircon 36T" from the structure of PKTD "Zircon 36CT" it is developed based on a kernel of Centos 6 OS (6.5 is not younger) with the RootFS file system (the LFS project – Linux from Scratch), the terminal client of ThinLinc (TL) and software of OpenBIOS, the including iPXE the client.

Software of TD "Zircon 36T" consists of the following two parts: server – the TL server installed on Zircon 36C OS and providing interaction from terminal * with a part under the OpenSSH and TigerVNC protocols;

  • terminal – a kernel of OS CentOS GNU / Linux 6.5, the RootFS file system, the turning-on terminal client of TL, and OpenBIOS software, the including iPXE the client.

The core and the RootFS file system, the turning-on terminal client of TL, are stored on the server and loaded into RAM of the terminal station only after check using the client's iPXE from structure of software of OpenBIOS of integrity of the loaded software.

OpenBIOS software, the including iPXE the client, is a firmware of the terminal station and should be protected from rewriting by hardware completion of the terminal station. System Requirements.

Zircon 36C OS from the structure of PKTD "Zircon 36CT" can be installed on single-processor and multiprocessor servers and workstations of architecture AMD64 and Intel 64 (the 64-bit version of Zircon 36C OS).

To software of TD "Zircon 36T" it is intended for installation at terminal stations of architecture AMD64 and Intel 64 (the 64-bit version) with the following hardware completion:

  • protection of a chip of BIOS against rewriting of a firmware of the terminal station – the software of OpenBIOS, the including iPXE the client is executed;
  • power off of the terminal station at extraction of a smart card from the card reader is implemented.

Installation and operation of PKTD "Zircon 36CT"

For installation and operation of PKTD "Zircon 36CT" it is necessary to use documents "The installation instruction of PKTD "Zircon 36CT" and a document package on operation, provided by the owner together with a software distribution kit after acquisition of rights to use of the software (license).