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SimpleOne ITSM system implemented "Media Body"

Customers: Media-Tel (Devoteam Russia)

Product: SimpleOne ITSM (IT Service Management)

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/03

2024: Implementation of the SimpleOne ITSM system

The Devoteam Group has completed a project to implement the SimpleOne ITSM system. The project allowed the company to transfer its business processes to a domestic solution while maintaining all existing functionality and seamlessly transferring customers to a new platform.

The Devoteam Group is one of SimpleOne's integration partners. Since 2016, the company has used ServiceNow to automate service processes. Over time, there were risks of disconnection from a foreign product and the need to localize the solution in Russia. After the transfer of ServiceNow to the local infrastructure, it became obvious that there was no further development of the product and support from the vendor: as a result, the company began to consider domestic alternatives, and the choice fell on SimpleOne ITSM, the development of which was monitored by the Media Body, collaborating with the vendor as an integrator partner.

Factors in favor of SimpleOne ITSM were the wide possibilities of customization, active development of the product and frequent updates, as well as the vast experience of Media Bodies in implementing this solution as an integrator.

Preparatory work and coordination processes with SimpleOne took place between November and December 2023. The system was configured for two months - from January to February 2024. In March, customers were tested and transferred to the system being implemented. On March 24, SimpleOne ITSM was put into commercial operation.

Combining the roles of integrator and customer in the same project has become a certain challenge for us. We were able to competently allocate the resources of specialists and independently carry out a smooth migration, while maintaining the quality and continuity of service to our clients throughout the transition period, - commented Vladimir Lyaleko, director of the Media Tel IT services management center.

One of the key objectives of the project was to implement seamless migration for Media Phone clients. This was achieved by adapting the appearance and logic of the interface - users do not notice the difference between systems.

For our customers, the migration went completely unnoticed. Thanks to the configuration of identical logic and functionality of portals, they continued to work in the usual environment. At the same time, our employees received a more modern and convenient interface for effective support processes and application execution. The most important factor for us is the transition to a supported Russian platform with high potential for further development, "said Konstantin Levchin, General Director of Media Tel.

During the project, all business processes of the company were transferred, including contract management, billing, integration with accounting, etc. A great role in the implementation of these processes was played by the deep customization of the solution.

As of April 2024, SimpleOne ITSM uses dozens of clients from various organizations to automate T&M contract support and billing. The Media Bodies plans to actively study and use machine learning technologies and neural networks within the framework of SimpleOne ITSM.

It is always very important and even honorable for us when our partners who implement our own software products to customers choose them for their own use. Given the experience of Media bodies in automating business processes, especially in the implementation of ITSM and ESM solutions, and productive cooperation with SimpleOne over the years, I did not have a single doubt about the success of this project, - said Sergey Chukanov, CEO of SimpleOne.