Customers: 12Storeez (12 Stories) Contractors: ProSoft Biometrics Product: Biosmart StudioProject date: 2020/01 - 2020/12
BioSmart identify The devices of employees by fingerprint - papillary pattern is unique for each person, formed in childhood and does not change throughout life. Unlike traditionally used in - ACS RFID kart, it is impossible to forget at home, lose or transfer to a colleague, which completely excludes cases of forgery.
At the same time, fingerprint scanners belong to the lower price segment - such devices are cheaper than solutions based on the identification of palm veins, but provide a sufficient level of security.
As of February 2021, several dozen BioSmart controllers are operating at 12 STOREEZ network facilities. In addition to taking into account working time, they perform MCDS functions in the office and in the company's warehouses.