Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The ABB company completed implementation of a corporate system of accounting

Customers: ABB

Cheboksary; Information technologies

Contractors: 1C-Rarus
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2010/01  - 2010/04
Number of licenses: 50


The 1C-Rarus company completed the project of automation ABB. On the platform "1C: Predriyatiye 8" is created the information system providing internal control of regulated accounting, allowing to keep accounting and tax accounting under Russian accounting standards and GAAP. Work in an information system began in 3 months after implementation start.


The management of the enterprise set the task – to create the new information system providing internal control of regulated accounting; conducting accounting, tax accounting for Russian accounting standards and GAAP; conducting management accounting.

As the contractor the 1C-Rarus company was selected. As a basis for an ACS the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product was selected.


In three months after the beginning of active project stage, the new information system was put into operation. As a result of implementation subsystems of accounting, tax and operational accounting are automated.

More than 50 jobs in Cheboksary are automated. In Moscow remote jobs at office and in a warehouse with which data exchange is configured are organized.


The main feature of this project – creation of an internal control system of regulated accounting, the organization of accounting for US GAAP in parallel with RAS and consolidation of accounting with operational accounting of the company, allowed the customer to achieve the following results:

  • Provide reliability of the accounting and management reporting: errors of processing of primary documents and as result are excluded – the efficiency of management decisions is provided.
  • Provide complete detailing of financial information due to use of two charts of accounts: Russian and international.
  • Prepare the international reporting in an interval between dates of the reporting.
  • Timely, quickly and correctly to prepare the external and internal reporting.
  • Provide the correct asset valuation, obligations and economic transactions in terms of money.


The chief accountant ABB Kuznetsova Vera Dmitriyevna so comments on project deliverables: "One of components of an effective internal control system are accounts of accounting and management accounting, distortion of information on which can mislead management of the company or potential investors".