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AYuSS (Astor: RS.TMS)

Customers: AYUSS

Khabarovsk; Trade

Contractors: Astor
Product: Astor: RS.TMS

Project date: 2017/01

Implementation of industry solution for management of transport logistics of RS.TMS which is intended for automated management of logistic processes in retail networks, the wholesale, production, transport and logistic companies.

RS.TMS is the "boxed" product having all necessary functional tools for implementation of implementation in a short time.

The high-performance algorithms of planning of delivery put in a system allow to count quickly optimal routes, to control correctness of their execution and to analyze profitability of runs. Also a system allows to control housekeeping overheads of vehicle fleet and to automate calculation of the price-work salary of drivers.

The open platform of the solution and the developed mechanisms of adaptation allow to automate logistic processes of any complexity.

RS.TMS is compatible to any accounting systems, WMS, and solutions for GPS monitoring.