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Boardriders keeps account of the marked footwear with IT solution "iDocs: Marking"

Customers: Boardriders (Sangtuocha)

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: Corus Consulting
Product: Corus Consulting: iDocs Marking

Project date: 2019/12  - 2020/06

2020: System implementation "iDocs: Marking"

Corus Consulting Group announced on July 13, 2020 connection of the producer and distributor of clothes and equipment for Boardriders extreme sports to the state system of marking of goods. The implemented solution "iDocs: Marking" will help to protect the Russian consumers of world brands from counterfeit goods.

Boardriders products – in particular, footwear – get under action of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation about obligatory marking: since July 1, 2020 in retail only the marked footwear can be on sale. The company was faced the need to implement a system for extremely limited time. Accounting of the movement of codes of marking needed to be reflected in the different systems of the customer, providing end-to-end business processes and also to consider existence of different sales channels of goods in the project. Regular changes of the technical, organizational and legal moments of the state project on goods marking complicated connection to GIS of marking.

For project implementation on information transfer about the movement of the goods which are subject to obligatory marking in the state system "Fair Sign" the management of Boardriders selected Corus Consulting Group as the company having already implemented projects on marking of footwear and the similar Mercury projects.

Experts of Corus Consulting carried out the analysis of business processes of Boardriders, logistics, warehouse transactions, interaction with an electronic document management system and sales. On analysis results as the IT solution conforming to requirements of the company offered "iDocs: Marking", the integration solution with universal architecture, the most suitable for this project (own development of CORUS Consulting Group). As solution architecture "iDocs: Marking" was fulfilled and optimized based on a number of implementations, in the current project the minimum completions for integration with other systems of the Customer were required. In addition the IT company trained users of Boardriders in work in this system.

Using 'iDocs: Marking' we automated process of control, creation, movement and write-off of codes of marking, thereby having reduced by this time. For July, 2020 we hold testing of all components of a system, but we already note good points which are used on sales. In our plans – connection to an existing solution of other commodity groups of a legprom, – Alexander Vodyanitsky, the Chief information officer of Boardriders comments.

Among benefits of marking It should be noted an important point: buyers can be sure that the footwear purchased by them original and passed all stages of check. At any time they can obtain reliable information about goods, having checked the code of marking through the Fair Sign system. For the producer the fact of connection to a state system – an opportunity to show to the market 'purity' of business, – Natalya Semichastnova, the deputy CEO of CORUS Consulting Group notes.
