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Car of 49 (PSIwms)

Customers: Car 49


Contractors: Red Tree
Product: PSIwms

Project date: 2008/12

Red Tree (Red Tri) automates a new warehouse complex of the company of the Car 49 which construction is completed in Khimki (Moscow region). The logistic complex of class A with a total area of 18000 sq.m. will be equipped with the latest innovative technologies allowing to make work of a warehouse of the most effective. For automation and optimization of warehouse processes the PSIwms system from the German company PSI Logistics whose official partner in the territory of the CIS and the leading expert on integration of PSIwms into warehouse logistics is Red Tree will be used.

One of leaders of the industry of auto parts the company of the Car 49 integrates network of 76 shops, 14 mountings and 3 car services. The range of shops of the Car 49 includes 12000 names of auto parts, supplies and accessories. The high goods turnover and the wide range of goods demanded upgrade of logistics. Till the recent moment the company used several warehouses of the small areas in Zelenograd, but the new modern warehouse and the effective system of its automation was necessary for satisfaction of constantly increasing requirements of storage and distribution of goods. Functionally saturated warehouse management system PSIwms providing to the user quality and reliability of operation was determined by the Car 49 the most suitable for the solution of the tasks set for a warehouse. PSIwms system implementation will be completed by specialists of Red Tree along with commissioning of a logistic complex (November – December, 2008).

The market of autoproduction and autodistribution endures the period of intensive development. The competition in the industry puts the enormous pressure upon producers and distributors, requiring permanent updating and release of the innovation and high-quality products. It is enough to miss at least one requirement, and the consumer will make a choice for benefit of the competitor. Many companies already realized need of automation and optimization of logistic processes, effective work of a warehouse is a guarantee of successful performance of any enterprise. Most of representatives of car market gave to preference the warehouse PSIwms automation system.

The automation system of warehouse processes PSIwms is considered the most optimal for the industry of automotive industry. It is known that projects on automation of warehouses of autodistribution (the similar project is implemented by specialists of Red Tree in a logistic complex of the Car 49) are considered as the most difficult owing to need of development of a multi-tier architecture, planning of zones of oversized goods, design of the mezzanine, maintenance of an intensive goods turnover and a good selection. The PSIwms system allows to resolve effectively these issues thanks to the functional advantages: flexibility of a system, prototyping, individual scalability, ergonomic interface, aspect-oriented architecture, ample integration opportunities.

PSIwms system implementation specialists of Red Tree in a warehouse of the company of the Car 49 will allow to achieve correct work with miksovanny pallets and effective support of storage of oversized goods in raznorazmerny toruses that, in turn, will allow to perform the bigger number of warehouse shipments and goods acceptances. A system has the built-in algorithm of ABCD classification for a number of goods with pronounced seasonality, gives an opportunity for work of a warehouse with radio-frequency terminals, voice technologies and using only paper technology. Convenient implementation of function of packaging of collected orders and existence of the transactions of placement collected a pallet on storage in a rack zone of an expedition are also provided.

"PSIwms is the best automation system for difficult warehouses with high intensity of a goods turnover and the wide range, - the commercial director of Red Tree Alexander Hushit is convinced. – The most convincing proof of this statement is PSIwms use by the leading automobile concerns, such as Volkswagen, Daimler Chrysler, Audi, for supply of production and distribution.

In 39 years of work in the market the PSI Logistics company gained trust over 1500 clients around the world. The number of the Russian customers, especially from the sphere of autodistribution, promptly increases that speaks about understanding by players of the market of efficiency and profitability of implementation of WMS in warehouse processes. We, of course, offer our customers from distribution sphere of autobuses, rims and other accessories PSIwms, the most balanced WMS system which is optimum satisfying need of thin tuning for its adaptation in business processes".

Now the Red Tree company also performs a warehouse automation system implementation project in a warehouse of Sever-Avto-M company, the largest distributor of autobuses in the Russian market. Whether it is worth saying that the management "North-Avto-M" selected the PSIwms system from all portfolio of WMS solutions? Considering that in line some more projects in this industry, likely, are excessive … Here it is more appropriate to speak about unconditional recognition of product quality of PSI Logistics by car market and highly professional experience of Red Tree in integration of PSIwms into logistic processes more likely.