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TSITO Federal State Institution of N.N. Priorov implemented the project of complex automation based on software "PARUS-the Budget 8" by Parus company

Customers: Central Research and Development Institute of traumatology and orthopedics of N.N. Priorov

Contractors: Parus
Product: Parus Budget

Project date: 2014/09

Today in the unified information system of the organization of a traumatologic and orthopedic profile, largest in the country (integrates more than 20 divisions and annually services more than 31,000 patients, rendering more than 280,000 services) heads of institute, accountant officers, economical, personnel and contractual departments, department of statistics, a warehouse, drugstore, registry, the secretariat work. Medical departments are among users of a software package both doctors, and paramedical staff. Work is based according to the principle of single input and reuse of information.

In a system the accounting of activity at all stages of medical care — from record of the patient on acceptance (including on the Internet) before receipt in medical institution and passings of necessary procedures is carried out. The specialized module "Management of Treatment and Prevention Facility" provides maintaining electronic medical records, registration of the facts of rendering medical services in the compulsory health insurance, VHI programs and agreements, the detailed cost accounting on each patient, calculation of cost of the rendered services on the basis of data on actual costs.

Egor Suvorov, the project manager of STC of MIK-INFORM Ltd, company – the contractor comments: "Automation of accounting of the primary and financial and economic activity in a single system gives ample opportunities for profitability analysis and other indicators of cost efficiency. In real time it is possible to obtain information in necessary analytical cuts for acceptance of management decisions on the basis of the actual indicators".

Unloading of passport details of organization, the information about health workers and business activities of organization in the Single state information system in the field of health care (Uniform State Health Information System) is provided. Solution integration with federal and regional departmental resources, including the systems of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (data on compulsory health insurance, hi-tech medical care, the number of transactions), Social insurance fund, funds of compulsory health insurance, Bureau of medical statistics of the Moscow Department of Healthcare is performed.