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"Cheese the Starodub" passed to an end-to-end system of production accounting based on 1C:ERP

Customers: Starodub cheese

Food industry

Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2018/04  - 2018/09

On October 29, 2018 the Desnol Soft company announced that the Russian producer of semisolid cheeses "Starodub Cheese" brought the accounting system covering all sections of management and production into commercial operation. Consultation, selection, implementation of the software product and personnel training were provided by Desnol Soft company. The accounting system "1C:Enterprise 8 is implemented . ERP Enterprise management 2" with a superstructure — industry solution "1C: Milk plant. The module for 1C:ERP and 1C: KA2".

TNV "Starodub Cheese". Photo:

Before implementation of 1C:ERP accounting of products and stock analysis in a warehouse and also data collection for assessment of key performance indicators were conducted at the enterprise practically in "manual mode". Automation systems of collection of data on activity of the company, preparation of the reporting and planning were absent or did not meet the current requirements of business. The most part of work on accounting was executed in spreadsheets of MS of Excel, processing and expert evaluation of separate information occupied not one working day.

"1C:ERP is suitable for the enterprises of the food industry as allows to plan precisely purchases of raw materials according to the sales plan taking into account short terms of storage, regulation, variable characteristics of composition of raw materials, etc. Effective production planning of products and the needs for raw materials - an important condition of competitiveness. In addition, a system allows to configure complex circuits of accounting of products with different cycles of production: for example, production of the fresh and matured cheese are two different in duration and logistics of a cycle. Products of our plant require different storage conditions at different stages of readiness — therefore it is important for us that 1C:ERP can be configured as the logic of our production requires".

Oksana Adamova, the associate director of TNV "Starodub Cheese" on economy

"1C:ERP gives the chance to integrate all fields of activity of the company in a system, to optimize all key business processes and resources. During implementation there is an opportunity to work all functional "nodes" of the enterprise. On each section a number of specific objectives was solved: for example, automatic creation of all chain of production documents with automatic filling of parameters; digital control by motor transport — automatic information acquisition on a consumption of fuels and lubricants and payroll of drivers; management of the dining room — automatic calculation of necessary amount of ingredients and their cost by drawing up the menu, etc.".

Pavel Protasov, director of production "Desnol Soft"

Use of 1C:ERP helped to resolve an issue of end-to-end accounting of products — throughout all production and warehouse cycle there is no left "a blind zone". Each unit of production is visible in the program, account is kept in three units of measure — on the weight, quantity and packagings.

"Cheese — the live product, terms in cheese making have critical value. Idle times are a risk of damage, loss of tastes and high-quality indicators of products. One of tools which helps to increase the speed and accuracy of work with finished goods — the system of barcoding. According to the results of the project each ready batch of cheese is marked by the unique barcode which allows to define quickly date of development of a batch, a cheese head count in it, etc. It significantly accelerates process of acceptance and shipment of products from a warehouse, so, the goods go to shops quicker, possible errors (an incorrect or incomplete complete set of orders) come down to zero, approximately for 50% the storekeeper's time is saved".

Oksana Adamova, the associate director of TNV "Cheese Starodub on economy