Customers: Chekhovian plant Gidrostal
Contractors: Compass Product: ERP system CompassProject date: 2003/03 - 2003/12
Number of licenses: 39
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Features of an automation object
One of specific features of the organization of management of the plant is the detailed cost accounting and exact cost accounting of products, up to each used small screw.
Software Selection
The choice of the software product for control automation by the Gidrostal plant was carried out in 2003. In addition to the ERP system "COMPASS", also software products of 1C company, the ERP system Leader, "Microsoft Navision" and Galaktika were considered. As decisive argument for benefit of the ERP system choice "COMPASS" existence of the instrument of the visual setup "Masters of KOMPASA" allowing the staff of IT department to solve individual problems, including to organize joint operation of "COMPASS" in a common information space with products of own development served. Besides, the important role was played by the positive experience of the nearby Kryukovsky ventilatory plant studied by customer representatives where by that moment about 3 years the software package "COMPASS-the Giant" was operated.
General Description of the Project
The first project stage on ERP system implementation "COMPASS" at "The Chekhovian plant Gidrostal" took about 10 months and was complete by the end of 2003. At this phase completed by forces of the working group consisting of representatives of the Moscow branch "COMPASS-the CENTER" and IT department of the Customer all main subsystems of the ERP system "COMPASS" were implemented. The second stage of the project passing in 2004 was executed by forces of consultants of the St. Petersburg office of KOMPAS company and consisted in implementation of a subsystem Cost management. At the moment means of the ERP system "COMPASS" solve the following problems:
- management of finance (including accounting and tax accounting);
- registration of personnel;
- payroll (including price-work);
- execution of orders on execution of works;
- complete document flow;
- purchase management, stocks and sales;
- accounting of fixed assets;
- production cost accounting;
- products cost accounting.
From an otyzv of the CEO of JSC Chekhovian Plant Gidrostal A.D. Kesov: ... Among the main effects from ERP system implementation "COMPASS" there is a wish to note considerable decrease in labor input of process of input and processing of primary documents and also reduction of time of formation of the monthly forms provided in tax administration...
Some Specific Features of the Project
- "COMPASS" at "The Chekhovian plant Gidrostal" is the main feature of the project on ERP system implementation the detailed cost accounting, both direct, and indirect. In full accordance with the algorithms which are historically accepted at the plant the difficult multistage automatic procedure of closing of 23 and 25 accounts of accounting was configured.
- For more convenient organization of the procedure of overhead allocation standard functionality of a subsystem "COMPASS: Cost management" it was added with the mechanism of the description of scenarios of allocation of costs.
- A row business – procedures which exercise automatic control and data modification, received on the algorithms of calculations put in the COMPASS system at separate stages of distribution of indirect costs is developed.
- In the course of implementation of a subsystem "COMPASS: Cost management" the mechanism of accounting of ready products was developed (at the selling price and actual cost). Account is kept by an accumulative result since the beginning of the period of implementation. Data on release and shipment by orders form from delivery acts and delivery notes on shipment, and actual costs come from the magazine of costs.
- A complex and detailed system of expensive analytics (on divisions, ShPZ, cost accounts, cost items) caused considerable amount of works regarding setup of standard economic operation on an automatic accounting entry of the salary in the course of which accomplishment the accrued payroll is distributed by all listed above parameters.
- In the course of implementation of a subsystem Management of finance the new form "Interpretation of Receivables and Payables of the Organization" taking into account a limited subset of accounts and also taking into account an organization type (the joint-stock company, State enterprise, the Other organizations) is developed.
- The large volume of works on setup of payrolls was also predetermined by a significant amount (more than 120) codes of the charges and deduction which are used at the Customer.
- Works on automation of calculation of the price-work salary are carried out, including several specific types of dresses on execution of works are developed.
- Setup of automatic dividend payout and deduction of the corresponding PIT, including to the persons who are not the staff of the enterprise is carried out.
- Forces of IT specialists of joint stock company made integration of a subsystem "the COMPASS: Registration of personnel" with a control system of access and a time recording (an electronic checkpoint). Information on arrival time for work and going away from work is transferred directly to the sheet of a time recording which is kept in the COMPASS system.
- The abundance of the fine purchased details which are used in production led to the fact that, despite the automation of warehouses allowing to pass to accounting at the exact prices, the Customer was not ready to refuse accounting write-off of materials in production at the average book prices. Consultants of COMPASS-the CENTER company implemented the corresponding procedures included in standard delivery.
- In implementation process of the project subsystem "COMPASS: Purchase management, stocks and sales" it was added with the functionality of maintaining limit and intaking cards more characteristic of a subsystem "the COMPASS: Production management".
- In a subsystem "Purchase management," was added by stocks, sales formation of delivery notes on shipment and invoices on shipment in currency taking into account % of prepayment (advance payment) and a rate at the time of prepayment.
- The additional mechanism of control of the amounts reflected in warehouse documents (arrival, an expense, transfer, write-off, shipment) with the amounts which are carried out to the Magazine of economic account transactions 10 ("Materials") is developed.
- In the module "Fixed assets" fixed asset accounting, being in pledge is organized (the agreement, date of pledge, the partner), on the basis of these data necessary reports form.