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Баннер в шапке 2

CompLekTech (1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2)

Customers: CompLekTech

Novosibirsk; Information Technology

Contractors: Elias WC
Product: 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2

Project date: 2023/10  - 2024/01
Number of licenses: 10


2024: CompLekTech manages the supply of computer equipment using the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 system

It was decided to automate the company's business processes based on the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 software product. The capabilities of this solution provide all requirements in terms of production management, supply, sales, warehouse, cash flow. Software 1C: Enterprise platform 8 provides ample opportunities for flexible adaptation of the solution to the company's peculiarities. The product was implemented with the support of Elias VC.

Automated processes

As a result, the 1CERP following processes were automated on the basis of the solution ": Enterprise Management 2":

  • Sales Management;
  • Procurement Management;
  • Management of mutual accounts with customers;
  • Cash management;
  • Warehouse and Inventory Management;
  • Production management;
  • Regulated accounting;
  • Calculation. wages


As a result, the following advantages are obtained:

  • Work in a single information space;
  • Reduction of communication time between subdivisions;
  • Reduction of information transmission errors;
  • Increased efficiency of financial control;
  • Reducing operational errors when selecting and issuing orders;
  • Increased control over inventory balances;
  • Increase control over the delivery process.

As a result, the company got the opportunity to improve the quality of service to its customers, as well as the opportunity to continue to expand its business without losing manageability. In total, 10 jobs were automated.