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The Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk region upgraded system management of prof formation of the region

Customers: Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk region

Bryansk; Government and social institutions

Contractors: IBS

Project date: 2014/08  - 2015/01


On April 9, 2015 the IBS group announced completion of creation of an information analytical system of increase in efficiency of use of resources of a regional system of professional education of the Bryansk region by IAS of "Profset", by request of Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk region.

Project Tasks

For effective management of the professional educational organizations of regional network on the basis of permanent monitoring and efficiency analysis of a status and structure of network of the educational organizations the Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk region needs to solve a problem of information support of acceptance of management decisions.

As the partner attracted IBS company to creation of the information management system.

Government house of the Bryansk region, 2013

Project Progress

An information analytical system is intended for providing an optimal ratio of the professional educational organizations of a regional system of professional education, proceeding from assessment of their availability, fullness, employment of graduates, competitiveness, innovation. It is aimed at quality improvement of providing educational services by optimization of structure of educational programs and redistribution of resources of network of the professional educational organizations.

IAS of "Profset" provides the solution of several main objectives of management of an educational system:

  • strategic planning of number and the structure of the professional educational organizations on the basis of monitoring and control of development of network of the organizations according to requirement of employers of the region for the personnel
  • cost optimization on the maintenance of their property complex.

In a work progress over a system, specialists of IBS together with the customer handled methodical issues of efficiency evaluation of the activity of the professional educational organizations based on more than 40 key indicators calculated on the basis of primary indicators, expert evaluations.

The solution on modeling of structure of network of the educational organizations according to requirement of employers for the personnel on the basis of specially developed "rational" algorithm of resource allocation for uniform development of network of the educational organizations is developed and created. In connection therewith a system determines by an algorithm number and the specific structure of the educational organizations which will provide training of specialists according to the main and additional programs of professional training so that distribution of requirement happened in proportion to efficiency of the educational organizations. A system is based on methodology of scenario modeling and allows to carry out the scenario analysis "that – if" depending on changes of an anticipated demand of the region in the personnel.

Technology IAS of "Profset" - program development with a possibility of installation on a hardware platform of the customer with access through the specialized web portal. The portal technology provides providing results of assessment and development plans for network of the educational organizations of the region to different categories of citizens via the Internet in the form of open data.

Project Results

For April 9, 2015 a system in a status of trial operation in nine professional educational organizations of the Bryansk region. Until the end of 2015 a system will cover all 44 professional educational organizations of the Bryansk region.

Lyudmila Shigapova, the head of department of professional education of Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk region, noted: "Together with IBS we found the solution of a problem of information support of management decisions for regional network of the professional educational organizations. It will allow us to increase management efficiency. This year we will expand application of IAS of Profset on all subordinated organizations. We hope, this step will help us quicker and more qualitatively to provide the innovative development of the region by the corresponding professional staff, to orient prof education on real requirements of labor market and to implement tasks of the strategy of development of professional education of the Bryansk region until 2020".
"Information and analytical systems are widely used for the solution of a problem of optimization of the complex social and economic systems. Algorithms which were developed and implemented for modeling of optimal structure of network of the educational organizations of the Bryansk region allowed to create replicated solution for effective management of the educational organizations of network which can be implemented in the majority of Russian regions. Trial operation of a system showed high quality and accuracy of the proposed solutions necessary for system management of professional education of the Bryansk region", - Vladimir Babeshko, the leading consultant of IBS told.