IBS IBS IT Uslugi IBS Soft
Since 1992
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
127434, Dmitrovskoe shosse, 9B
Top managers:
Zabezhinsky Leonid Veniaminovich
Grigory Ovanesovich Kocharov
Kelmanzon Andrey Klimentievich
Natalya Borisovna Pochinok
Lev Aleksandrovich Drozdov
Tretyakov Ilya Sergeevich
Zabezhinsky Leonid Veniaminovich - 28,31%
Grigory Ovanesovich Kocharov - 8,4%
Lev Aleksandrovich Drozdov - 33,3%
Nina Ivanovna Grigorieva - 5%%
Information Business Systems LLC - 24.99%
IBS There are several specialized subsidiaries: a developer of mobile and web applications, IBS Dunice a center for the development of custom systems, products and projects, IBS InfiniSoft a testing center (for IBS QA Solutions May 2024).
IBS also produces its own product lines: the Planet business process management platform, an integrated weight and size control system, testing tools and others.
The main office of IBS is located in Moscow. Development and customer service offices - in Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Perm, St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Belgorod, Barnaul, Vologda, Taganrog and Omsk (as of October 2022).
Performance indicators
Main Article: IBS Financial Performance
Launch of the think tank
The IBS group of companies on March 18, 2025 announced the official launch of the think tank. The new business area is designed to help customers from the Russian Enterprise segment make balanced strategic decisions, including when entering new niches and international markets.
The main feature of the IBS analytical center is the focus on "trust analytics." As part of this approach, companies will receive not only research data, but also a completely transparent methodology, information about sources and their interpretation, as well as formed business hypotheses and specific recommendations.
The product portfolio of the analytical center will include custom research, strategic consulting services and the preparation of industry and technological analytics based on open sources and surveys of market participants in the Russian Federation and the world.
The core of custom research and strategic consulting will be many years of IBS expertise in real sectors of the economy. As part of working with individual requests, analysts intend to support companies in choosing domestic automation and digitalization platforms, developing new products, entering regional and international markets, and creating competitive advantages.
In the era of dynamic digital development and challenges to ensure the technological sovereignty of our country, domestic companies need to be at the forefront of international trends and best practices. These tasks require a comprehensive analytical tool that will allow customers to familiarize themselves with the trends of the global IT market, the capabilities of the Russian IT market, and vendors and integrators to take into account the real needs of potential customers, "said Grigory Kocharov, General Director of the IBS Group of Companies. |
Our strategic goal by the end of 2026 is to occupy at least 10% of the IT analytics market, RUSSIAN FEDERATION providing businesses with transparent, reliable data and helping companies make strategic decisions. In the first year, we plan to implement at least 10 custom studies, as well as submit 20 + analytical industry reports on Russian and foreign markets. The key difference between the center is expertise: the team already has specialists in strategic and management consulting, specialists with a scientific background and employees with experience in large companies in the real sector of the economy. We understand the tasks of developing companies in various industries, so we speak the same language with business, in fact, acting as a business partner, "said Anastasia Ryzhkova, head of the IBS analytical center. |
How to improve the performance of "1S:ZUP KORP": IBS experience
1S:ZUP KORP is one of the most popular and, perhaps, the most famous solutions for automation of HR processes. Many companies choose it as a replacement for SAP HCM after the vendor leaves Russia. But is 1S:ZUP KORP capable of replacing foreign software by 100%? Is it possible to adapt the solution to the needs of big business? And how do I improve system performance if needed? Says Veronika Chibisova, Director of the Department of HR-Automation and Electronic Document Management IBS. Read more here.
Checkup for artificial intelligence: why and how to test AI solutions?
Hiring an employee without an interview based on a resume alone is rightly considered a risky move. But for some reason such doubts do not arise when transferring business tasks to artificial intelligence. Denis Vodeneev, director of the IBS automated testing department, tells about the danger of complete trust in AI solutions, what aspects in the operation of algorithms need to be checked and how traditional software testing approaches will help in this. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with Ivitsky and Kelmanzon
Despite the departure of SAP from Russia, large customers are in no hurry to abandon its solutions. Why this will last so long, IBS experts said in October 2024: Dmitry Ivitsky, director of the commercial software support department, and Andrey Kelmanzon, managing partner of the Outsourcing and Services segment. Read more here.
Falling under US sanctions
On May 1, 2024, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), as part of U.S. Treasury Department , announced new sanctions against Russian IT companies. The list, among other things, included integrators IBS and "," LANIT as well. Astra Group In addition, Ministry of Finance USA he introduced sanctions restrictions against developers of solutions for and, cyber security "Aladdin" ("Aladdin R.D.") Secret Technologies (Sikret Technologies LLC) as well as the developer of means of digitizing corporation documents (Electronic ELAR Archive LLC). The sanctions affected the subsidiary -: Scientific and Technical Center "Proteus" this LLC "Protei SpetsTekhnika" structure is engaged in the development of communication systems and integrated security. More. here
Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map
TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It includes, among other things, IBS. The article about the map can be found here.
Agreement with PSNIU to train IT professionals
IBS and Perm State National Research University (PGNIU) signed a cooperation agreement. They intend to jointly develop educational programs and train highly qualified specialists in the field of information technology. IBS announced this on April 9, 2024. Read more here.
6th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"
IBS took 6th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.
1st place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest SAP solution support outsourcers in Russia"
IBS took 1st place in the ranking "The largest outsourcers for supporting SAP solutions in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in December 2024 based on the revenue of companies from support services for solutions of the German company SAP for 2023. Read more here.
4th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest integrators of 1C solutions"
IBS took 4th place in the ranking "Largest Integrators of 1C Solutions," prepared by TAdviser in November-December 2024 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation services of 1C solutions for 2023. Read more here.
10th place in the ranking of TAdviser "Largest IT suppliers in Russian banks"
IBS took 10th place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in Russian banks," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of IT projects in Russian banks, received at the end of 2023. Read more here.
Introducing the Targeted Marketing Process Automation Service
On November 9, 2023, IBS introduced a service for automating targeted marketing processes, which will allow you to combine data into a single client profile, analyze and predict which products and services will be most interesting to them. Systematic analysis of customer information and behavior is aimed at improving the efficiency and accuracy of marketing work, which as a result leads to an increase in sales indicators and total revenue of the organization.
IBS, with extensive experience in building data and analytics platforms, with the support of Russian vendors, offers a comprehensive solution that includes CVM platforms for efficient and accurate work with customers: attracting, retaining, returning and increasing loyalty. Learn more here.
Announcement of the Mobile Crawler application
The IBS Development Center created application "Mobile Crawler" for devices on. OS "Aurora" This was announced on August 17, 2023 by representatives of IBS. Presented ON is an MVP version, which in a short time can be modified to meet the functional requirements of the customer, taking into account the specifics of his business.
The mobile crawler allows companies with a distributed infrastructure to automate the process of bypassing and monitoring the condition of equipment and includes all the functionality necessary for this. The application will allow maintenance and repairs in the field, ensuring the effective digitalization of the customer's employees. Learn more here.
Create a virtual test environment based on Yandex Cloud services
Participants of the Federation program have deployed virtual a test environment for a project "ERP + Laboratory" based on services, Yandex Cloud including infrastructure, platform services data and development services in. Now cloud business application developers will be able to test for compatibility of their products the Russian with ERP systems twice as quickly and release new solutions to the market. The company IBS announced this on July 24, 2023.
The ERP + Laboratory is designed to check the compatibility of products, carry out load, integration and functional tests, analyze the technological risks of each specific assembly and develop mechanisms for reducing them. Learn more here.
Running the Test IT System Knowledge Certification Program
The IBS Training Center launches the Test IT Test Management System Knowledge Certification. It is aimed at assessing the knowledge of the practices and methods of the system and is aimed at testing engineers, test managers and developers. The company announced this on April 5, 2023.
The Test IT system is a completely domestic development. As of July 2023, more than 50 thousand specialists use the tool. The decision is included in the Register of domestic software of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.
With the help of certification, entry-level QA specialists can expand and systematize their knowledge in the field of testing, and experienced testers can update and organize them thanks to special methods and the latest standards. This tool will be useful for companies to confirm internal expertise and improve employee competencies.
Certification evaluates knowledge across six key modules. Among them are the development and execution of tests, automation of testing, visualization of work, integration with external systems and control of testing. Certification is available in full-time format in three cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Omsk.
According to the company, more than 60% of QA specialists are confident in the need for certification. They see it for themselves as an opportunity to confirm their professional level, career growth and increase income.
Sale to top managers of Platformix integrator and IT equipment developer Sila
As TAdviser found out, at the end of March 2023, IBS sold IBS Platformix and IT equipment manufacturer Sila, which were part of the group. The new owners of these assets were the general director of Platformix Georgy Polikhronidi and the executive director Andrei Sergeyev. Read more here.
Running Java Programmer Certification
The IBS training center, the Skolkovo Foundation's IT cluster and the Axiom JDK team, the developer of the domestic Java platform, were the first in Russia to launch certification of Java programmers. BellSoft (BellSoft) announced this on February 14, 2023. Read more here.
5th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"
IBS took 5th place in the ranking of the largest participants in the custom software development market in Russia, prepared by TAdviser in March 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the corresponding services for 2022. Read more here.
9th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian industry"
IBS ranked 9th in the ranking of the largest IT suppliers in industry, built by TAdviser in March 2024 based on companies' revenue from IT projects in this area for 2022. Read more here.
4th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex of Russia"
IBS took 4th place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of IT projects in the fuel and energy complex industry in Russia in 2022 and published in January 2024. Read more here.
4th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of BI solutions in Russia"
IBS was ranked 4th in the ranking of the largest BI system suppliers prepared by TAdviser in late 2023 based on companies' revenue from BI projects in 2022. Read more here.
8th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT service providers in Russia"
IBS ranked 8th in the ranking of the largest IT service providers in Russia prepared by TAdviser in 2023 based on the revenue of companies from the provision of IT services for 2022. Read more here.
5th place in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT suppliers in Russian banks"
IBS took 5th place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of IT projects in Russian banks in 2022 and published in December 2023. Read more here.
3rd place in the TAdviser rating "The largest integrators of 1C solutions"
IBS ranked 3rd in the ranking of the largest integrators of 1C solutions ranked by revenue from the implementation of such products in 2022. The rating was prepared by the TAdviser portal and published in September 2023. Read more here.
5th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in retail"
IBS is included in the rating "The largest IT suppliers in retail," prepared by TAdviser in August 2023 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of IT projects in retail for 2022.
IBS has a new co-owner
As TAdviser found out, in December IBS Holding LLC, the head structure of the IBS group, had a new co-founder - Nina Grigorieva. She received 5% in the authorized capital of the company.
In media publications, a woman with this name previously appeared as the wife of the co-founder, ex-co-owner of IBS Anatoly Karachinsky[1]. Previously, she headed Medialogia, a company that develops a press monitoring system.
According to the database of legal entities Kontur.Fokus, "as of December 2022, in addition to IBS Holding LLC, Nina Grigorieva is not a co-owner of any other companies and the general director.
IBS does not comment on the appearance of a new co-owner.
Anatoly Karachinsky, we recall, in June, after falling under American sanctions, got rid of a 75 percent stake in IBS Holding LLC.
As of December 2022, 33.3% of IBS Holding LLC belongs to Lev Drozdov, 28.31% to Leonid Zabezhinsky, whose share decreased by 5% in favor of Nina Grigorieva, 24.99% to Information Business Systems LLC (IBS) and 8.4% to IBS CEO Grigory Kocharov.
Participation in TAdviser SummIT
The general director of the group of companies IBS Grigory Kocharov will make a report "Creation of ecosystems of software replacement projects + ERP Western manufacturers" on. TAdviser SummIT
On November 29, 2022, within the framework of the plenary part "Strategies and the largest IT projects of the state and business," the general director of the IBS group of companies will talk about the process of ensuring technological independence in the ERP + segment. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement a large number of large-scale projects to replace software from Western manufacturers - SAP, SAS, IBM, Microsoft and others. Integrated IT solutions of domestic companies with composite, heterogeneous architecture should come to the place of products of foreign vendors who have left the Russian market.
The speaker will pay special attention to factors affecting the successful implementation of import substitution programs for Western technologies. This requires consolidation of the efforts of all market professionals. Russian manufacturers need to create a comprehensive integrated platform of proven solutions that take into account the harmonization of software capabilities with the requirements and expectations of customers. At the same time, one cannot do without the development of a general methodology for the implementation of import substitution programs. It is necessary to jointly solve the problems of developing competent personnel and the formation of professional teams.
An important role in consolidating market needs and developing missing IT solutions is played by development competence centers Russian system-wide and application software created Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation on behalf of. the governments of the country Among them - CCR "/, "under ERPCRM the leadership of Komlev N.V., developing a comprehensive program for creating an ecosystem of vendors, integrators and customers. The IT service company IBS takes an active part in the working group at the ERP/CRM CDC, which helps in organizing work and shares its many years of expertise in replacing foreign software products.
TAdviser interview with managing partner Andrey Kelmanzon
Andrey Kelmanzon, managing partner of the IBS Outsourcing and Services segment, answered TAdviser's questions. Read more here.
IBS assets
As of October 2022, IBS had several specialized subsidiaries:
- IT Replication Solutions Provider (IBS Platformix),
- mobile and web application developer IBS Dunice,
- IBS InfiniSoft Custom Systems, Products and Projects Development Center,
- IBS QA Solutions Testing Center
- and Russian OEM equipment manufacturer Sila.
Long-term technological security of SAP solutions? Is it possible
The company SAP is leaving Russian the market. According to to data TAdviser about 1.5 thousand Russian companies continue to operate a variety of SAP application solutions. They have no reason to worry, according to the company, IBS since there is a possibility of full-scale support for solutions in the absence of a global vendor. We talk about these possibilities. More. here
In the IBS holding - new owners
From June 1, 2022, Anatoly Karachinsky ceased to be the owner of 75% of the IBS holding. Its share was distributed among three top managers: 33.3% each for Leonid Zabezhinsky and Lev Drozdov, 8.4% for Grigory Kocharov.
IBS declined to comment on the change of ownership.
Zabezhinsky and Drozdov stood at the origins of the IBS company founded by Karachinsky, the first was responsible for personnel issues, the second for financial issues. Drozdova, a TAdviser source familiar with IBS, calls Karachinsky's close friend. Kocharov has been working in the holding since the early 2000s, and in 2020 he became the general director of the main companies of the group - IBS IT services and IBS Expertise.
Speaking about whether Karachinsky will continue to take part in the management of IBS, a TAdviser source called this the most difficult issue. "On the one hand, he has not been engaged in RAM for a long time, and the company is managed by Grigory Kacharov. On the other hand, it was Karachinsky who did not agree with Sergei Matsotsky (until 2020 - co-owner of IBS) in the strategy of working with the state, which led to a split between them. "
Earlier in the spring of 2022, Anatoly Karachinsky fell under US sanctions and left the IBS board of directors. Since then, it has five directors. These are Grigory Kocharov, Lev Drozdov, Leonid Zabezhinsky and Georgy Polikhronidi (CEO of IBS Platformix), as well as Alexey Krivoshapko from Prosperity Group.
IBS founder Anatoly Karachinsky resigned from the company's board of directors
On May 11, 2022, it became known that Anatoly Karachinsky left the board of directors of the IBS IT group, co-founded by a businessman. This happened against the background of the entrepreneur getting into the American sanctions list. Read more here.
Luxoft handed over Russian business to IBS
On April 22, 2022, it became known about the transfer of Luxoft's Russian business to Anatoly Karachinsky's IBS group. The relevant information is contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Read more here.
Acquisition of Russian developer of mobile and web applications Dunice
Dunice, a Russian software developer, is part of the IBS group of companies. This was reported to TAdviser on February 8, 2022 by IBS representatives. The corresponding announcement between the parties was signed on February 4. The amount of the transaction was not disclosed. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with Andrey Kelmanzon, Managing Partner of Outsourcing and Services
In January 2022, in an interview TAdviser , the managing partner Outsourcing of the company's "and services" segment IBS Andrei Kelmanzon explained how the outsourcing model of provision IT services allows you to increase the efficiency of operating costs and why it is important for business and IT leaders to focus on solving key problems. Read more here.
2021: Sale of DataFort to VimpelCom
On June 9, 2021, it became known about the purchase of DataFort by VimpelCom. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) received a corresponding petition. Read more here.
As of 2020, development and customer service offices IBS operated in To Penza Perm,,,,. The St. Petersburg Ulyanovsk Belgorod group of companies employed about 4.7 thousand people.
Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "IT suppliers in the Russian industry"
The company IBS is included in the rating "Largest IT suppliers the Russian industries in by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here
Inclusion in the ranking of the largest Russian outsourcers for supporting SAP solutions
IBS is included in the rating of the largest Russian outsourcers for supporting SAP solutions, prepared by TAdviser in December 2021 at the end of 2020. Read more here.
Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT Service Providers"
The company IBS is included in the rating "Largest suppliers IT services Russia by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here
Investment in City Farmer
On November 30, 2020, the IBS Group of Companies announced to TAdviser that it had become an investor in City Farmer to jointly create and operate digital farms. Read more here.
IBS co-founder Sergei Matsotsky leaves the company, taking with him part of the business
In April 2020, IBS announced that the founders of the company Anatoly Karachinsky and Sergey Matsotsky decided to further develop their businesses on their own. The reorganization plan provides that in April 2020, with the beginning of the new financial year, an independent structure will be allocated from IBS, which will belong to Sergei Matsotsky. He ceases to be a minority shareholder of the company and resigns from the board of directors of IBS (PJSC "IBS IT Services").
This decision was made by the founders by mutual agreement and with a sense of deep respect for everyone's contribution to the partnership, which lasted more than 30 years. The reorganization will allow Anatoly and Sergei to concentrate on priority areas of the IT-Business for themselves, the IBS said. |
IBS (IBS IT Services PJSC) will consolidate its business to implement business solutions, consulting, system integration, IT services and HR outsourcing, software development, software testing (IBS AppLine) business, supply of replicated IT infrastructure solutions ( IBS Platformix) and private cloud services (IBS DataFort).
In turn, the new structure separated from IBS includes the IBS infrastructure division, Budget and Financial Technologies (BFT) and Arenadata. The new structure will operate under its own brand. IBS and the newly created structure establish partnerships.
The IBS infrastructure division is concentrated in the legal entity "IBS Expertise," TAdviser was specified in the company. Its revenue in 2018 amounted to about 10.3 billion rubles, according to the Kontur.Focus database. The financial results of the company for 2019 as of April 13, 2020 have not yet been published. One of the most notable IBS infrastructure projects is the project of equipping data centers with computing equipment of the Federal Tax Service.
BFT specializes in projects for regional authorities. The order of the business volume of this company can be estimated by indicators for 2018: according to the Kontur.Fokus database, the revenue of Budget and Financial Technologies LLC then amounted to 1.6 billion rubles. The financial results of the company for 2019 as of April 13, 2020 have not yet been published.
Arenadata is engaged in the construction of analytical systems, optimization of data storage, construction of universal storage and migration from traditional DBMS to distributed data storage and processing systems based on DBMS (MPP - massive parallel processing) and Hadoop. Among its largest clients are X5 Retail Group and Gazprom Neft.
Matsotsky explained the division of businesses in this way to TAdviser by the fact that he was engaged in IBS more than others. The agreements reached are the subject of a "complex and accurate compromise," he added.
Arendata, which is actually a startup, Matsotsky calls his "brainchild" of recent years. In the direction of infrastructure, where a significant share of turnover falls on commodity revenue, according to Matsotsky, there were many projects that he conducted directly as the curator of key clients. This also includes the largest import substitution projects of recent years.
IBS is a big part of my life. I am very grateful to the team with which I worked here all these years, for invaluable experience, as well as important results that we achieved together, "says Sergey Matsotsky. |
He also cited data that about 400 people work in the infrastructure division, 750 employees in BFT, and 50-60 specialists in Arendata. In total, IBS employs about 4.7 thousand people with all its companies.
BFT and Arendata will continue to operate under the same brands, and the legal entity of the infrastructure division will receive a different name. Matsotsky says that he has ideas for the name of the new brand, but he has not yet decided on the final version.
IBS CEO Grigory Kocharov noted that the IBS Board of Directors expresses deep gratitude to Sergei Matsotsky for his contribution to the development of the company, "which over the past decades has remained one of the leaders of the Russian IT market." The reorganization process is carefully planned and takes into account all the company's obligations to customers, including the quality and timing of current projects, Kocharov added.
New CEO - Grigory Kocharov
In March 2020, IBS announced that the company's board of directors approved Grigory Kocharov as CEO. In this position, he replaced Svetlana Balanova, who went to work at Gazprom-Media Holding. Read more here.
Acquisition of "Aplana Software" and "Aplan Aiti Innovation"
On November 21, 2019, IBS announced to TAdviser that it had acquired Aplana Software from the Aplana group of companies (legal entities of Aplana Software LLC and Aplana IT Innovations LLC), a player in the Russian software testing outsourcing market. The final agreement on this was signed on November 20. Earlier, the deal was approved by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia). Read more here.
Agreement with Mail.ru Group to jointly develop and implement big data management technologies
On November 11, 2019, IBS announced that, together with the Mail.ru Group, they agreed on the joint development and implementation of big data management technologies, as well as on long-term cooperation in the field of innovative development and the creation of sustainable technical solutions in the Russian market. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with Yuri Perestoronin, Director of Agro-Industrial Complex Segment
In September 2019, Yuri Perestoronin, director of the segment of the agro-industrial complex of IBS, told TAdviser about the best accumulated practices of informatization of agro-industrial enterprises, which will be useful to all companies in the industry.
TAdviser interview with IBS Skala product director Svyatoslav Sorokin
In April 2019, Svyatoslav Sorokin, director of the Rock product at IBS, spoke in an interview with TAdviser about the peculiarities of the development and promotion of the domestic hyperconverged platform Skala-R.
Development of outsourcing direction
Infrastructure outsourcing
- Data Center Services
- Network Outsourcing
- End User Device Outsourcing
- SaaS
Business Application Support Outsourcing
- Commercial Application Outsourcing (Commercial Application Outsourcing)
- Custom Application Outsourcing (Custom Application Outsourcing)
Outsourcing business processes
- Finance and Accounting
- Human Resources
- Supply Management
- IT
Why should agro-industrial companies digitalize supply chains? TADetali
Yuri Perestoronin, director of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Retail segment of IBS , in an article for TAdviser , told how to simplify interaction with suppliers and buyers, optimize the production strategy, increase exports and reduce costs in the new digital era.
IPO rescheduling due to sanctions
On April 13, 2018, IBS announced a postponement of the initial public offering on the Moscow Exchange, explaining this by the instability of financial markets due to new US sanctions against Russia.
The increased volatility in the markets currently creates not the best conditions for placement, a IBS spokesman told Reuters.[2] |
According to him, the company will resume preparations for the IPO after the situation improves. He also noted that the reaction of investors to the IBS listing was "very positive," and the company is confident in the attractiveness of its business in all respects.
A RIA Novosti source in financial circles said that the organizers of the IBS placement were supposed to complete consultations with investors on April 13, 2018, the so-called investor education, following which they decided to carry out the transaction and its price parameters.
According to the interlocutor of the agency, investors have shown interest in the company, but recent events, mainly volatility in the stock market caused by new anti-Russian sanctions, cause uncertainty about the risk and discount on Russia as a whole.
On April 6, the United States imposed new sanctions against Russian companies, businessmen and officials. On April 9, stock indices collapsed by 8-11%, and the dollar and euro rates soared by 3.7-4%. At the same time, on April 10, the organizers of the IBS IPO considered it premature to stop work on the placement of the stock, Kommersant writes, citing a source close to the deal.
The target amount of placement was 7-8 billion rubles, a person who knows the conditions of placement told Vedomosti. An investor who knows these conditions specified that we are talking about the amount of about $100 million. The entire IBS in early April was estimated at $300 million, the source said.
IPO plans announcement
On April 4, 2018 IBS , she announced her intention to conduct an initial public offering (Initial Public Offering,). IPO It is expected that shares will be admitted to trading on the Moscow Exchange in the sector of the Innovation and Investment Market (RII), the exchange sector for high-tech companies with significant growth potential.
Citigroup and Renaissance Capital act as joint global coordinators and joint bookrunners of the proposal. SOVA Capital is a joint bookrunner. Alfa-Bank is a public offering manager for retail investors.
As part of the proposal, shares of the additional issue and existing ordinary shares of the company will be presented. The shares will be offered by the company, as well as its current shareholder, IBS Holding, owned by Anatoly Karachinsky and Sergei Matsotsky. It is assumed that the additional issue of shares will be more than 50% of the offer.
It is also assumed that according to the results of the offer, the share of shares in free float will be 30-35% of the increased share capital.
IBS plans to use the raised money to strengthen and expand the line of services through organic growth, as well as merger and acquisition transactions aimed at increasing the company's value.
Explaining in its statement the potential for further growth, IBS emphasizes that it focuses on large and fast-growing areas and sub-segments of the IT service industry, does not depend on any vendors and relies, among other things, on its own product line.
The company's priorities and future growth strategy cover such advanced technologies as cloud solutions, data analytics, blockchain, machine learning technologies, Internet of Things, information security, IBS said in a statement.
Deputy Chairman of the Board of VTB Olga Dergunova joined the Board of Directors of IBS
In March 2018, IBS included Olga Dergunova on its board of directors as an independent director. Read more here.
IBS thinks again about IPO
The IBS group is preparing to enter the Russian exchange, a source familiar with the group's shareholders told TAdviser in September 2016. According to him, the owners have already decided to hold an IPO.
Going public will make it possible to get an assessment of the company's value, which will allow attracting investments for development and increase confidence on the part of customers, the TAdviser source said.
IBS itself confirmed to TAdviser that the IPO on the Russian stock exchange is one of the potential scenarios for the company's development, but, according to the deputy general director for IBS strategy Yevgeny Peskin, a final decision has not yet been made.
IBS owners already have exchange experience. Until 2014, IBS Group depositary receipts, which in addition to the Russian integrator also included the developer of custom software Luxoft, were traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
In November 2014, the securities were converted - minority shareholders of IBS Group received in return part of Luxoft shares owned by IBS, and the founders of the group Anatoly Karachinsky and Sergey Matsotsky consolidated 100% of IBS Group. Luxoft itself entered its IPO in 2013.
Sergey Matsotsky in the fall of 2012 announced[3]the valuation of the company, at which shareholders would be willing to consider offers to sell the business, is the range of at least 7-10 EBITDA. The IBS Group's financial year 2011 statements (from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012) stated that EBITDA amounted to $30.6 million in the direction of IT services. Thus, taking into account the voiced coefficients, the cost range of the system integrator could be estimated at $210-300 million.
Before the crisis of 2008-2009, Anatoly Karachinsky, speaking about a possible upcoming IPO, estimated the cost of the integrator at $640 million.
IBS opens SDN technology center
The competence center will allow specialists IBS to gain practical experience with products for building software-defined networks (,) and Software Defined Networks SDN study the specifics of their integration in. IT infrastructure IBS experts will investigate and test solutions from various manufacturers for each of the three main components of such systems: Software-defined networks (SDN); Virtualization Network functions () NFV Infrastructure Management Orchestration.
By identifying the most comprehensive products in these areas and technically working through their integration, you can create end-to-end solutions that focus on your needs across different market sectors. The Center will study both the products of traditional IBS partners, such as Cisco, Mellanox, HP, VMware, F5, Microsoft, Avaya, and solutions based on open standards, including from Russian developers. They will be given special attention.
The expert composition of the Center will include specialists from the technological areas of the IBS IT infrastructure division: Network Solutions, Cloud Platforms, and Management Systems.
Develop business applications, IT infrastructure, and data management
Business applications
Implement and maintain IT systems to automate and support key business areas. IBS specializes in products for human resources, finance, manufacturing and logistics, enterprise resources, document management and customer relationships.
Supply and maintenance of equipment, systems and devices that ensure the functioning and development of the company's information space. IBS - A reliable provider of business application infrastructure, storage systems cloud infrastructure, networks and communications systems, solutions for, information security IT management systems, and engineering infrastructure.
Data management
Create systems to collect and process, store, use, analyze, search, and visualize enterprise data. The key focus of IBS is to calculate the sources of new business performance that are being discovered through the use of Big Data technologies.
IBS opened a third regional center in Ulyanovsk
IBS opened an office in Ulyanovsk in early 0215. The new division will include developers of data integration solutions and information system support specialists. IBS expects that the opening of another office will increase the efficiency of operating activities and make it possible to attract new personnel in a potentially interesting region.
The expansion of the network of regional development centers is primarily aimed at improving the efficiency of work and creating the most attractive conditions for the provision of services for geographically distributed customers, said Grigory Kocharov, First Deputy General Director of IBS: "The opening of a software development and information system support center in Ulyanovsk gives us the opportunity to attract IT specialists from this region to participate in our projects, who are in no way inferior to Moscow in terms of professionalism, and are often superior in innovation and enthusiasm."
Ulyanovsk was selected based on the results of a study of the attractiveness of 35 cities in a number of parameters - the number of IT professionals available on the labor market, the existing system of training specialists, the attitude of the Regional Government to the IT industry, the level of remuneration, office rental costs and others. Ulyanovsk is one of the main IT development centers in Russia, having a good base for training young specialists, represented by two specialized state universities and a close-knit community of IT companies. The IT industry has the support of the regional government, which creates the conditions for the activities of IT companies and the development of the IT community of the region.
The opening ceremony of the office, which took place on December 27, 2014, was attended by Grigory Kocharov, First Deputy General Director of IBS, Leonid Zabezhinsky Deputy General Director, representatives of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, Ulyanovsk State Technical University, and the Non-Profit Partnership for the Promotion of Internet Technologies in the region.
IBS organized a service - migration of SAP systems from foreign data centers
On July 1, 2015, IBS announced the launch of a new service - a service for the migration of SAP systems and data between data centers and hardware and software platforms.
The service is aimed at customers acting in accordance with the new version of the Law on Personal Data (152-FZ), which comes into force on September 1, 2015, a significant change in the exchange rate of foreign currencies and the transition to more economical standard hardware platforms (x86-architecture). As a result of the migration, according to the company, the cost of hosting and supporting "heavy" corporate solutions may decrease by 40-60%.
The increase in the value of the currency and the entry into force of the amendments to the Law on Personal Data on September 1, 2015 become an additional incentive to refuse to place IT systems abroad.
"Among companies operating in Russia and using" heavy "ERP systems of Western manufacturers, up to 30%, according to our expert estimates, place systems abroad," said Dmitry Ivitsky, director of the IBS Service Center for Business Application Support. - About 40% of installations are placed on equipment that is already morally and physically outdated and requires updating. Customers would like to move their systems to new sites and modern equipment, but fear possible risks. We have already accumulated experience in various migrations, and we know that any system migrations are possible, feasible without risk to the customer and have a quick effect. "
Enterprise Application Migration Service, which is offered by the IBS Business Application Support Service Center, is a proven technology that allows you to migrate any SAP system to a hardware and software platform with guaranteed performance within the agreed time frame and minimal downtime. The technology was developed based on the systematization of migration experience of more than 50 SAP systems. Migration can be performed both with a change in the software and hardware platform, and without it, both all data and part of it related only to the Russian business, both with the organization of the logistics of data movement and without it. For each customer requirement, there is a ready-made solution, which reduces risks to zero, significantly reduces the cost of migration.
The usual time for preparing and performing a migration of a three-system SAP landscape with a data volume of up to 10TB - 2 months, the budget for such a migration on average is from 0.5 million to 1.5 million rubles. Downtime of production systems during migration can be reduced to half an hour if necessary.
"Taking into account the fact that this year migration from abroad and the transition to more modern and economical hardware platforms has become one of the main tasks for companies, we are starting to offer our experience in the field of system migration as a separate service. According to our assessment, we have the most extensive experience of such work among Russian IT suppliers, so we can guarantee the users of the service an understandable time, cost and reliable result. We expect that several dozen customers can use the service in the coming months, "said Dmitry Ivitsky.
2014: "Hypermetod" sold to company founders
IBS sold 51% of Hypermetod (Lenwea LLC), which develops distance learning software, to founders Dmitry Krechman and Yuri Perepelitsyn. The deal was closed in the spring of 2014. Details were not disclosed. After that, "Hypermetod" is completely owned by Dmitry Krechman and Yuri Perepelitsyn, in a ratio of 50 to 50. IBS acquired 51% of Lenwea in 2008.
IBS is ready to sell. Price announced
Chairman of the Board of the System Integrator IBSMatsky Sergey said in the fall of 2012 More on CNews that the valuation of the company, in which shareholders would be ready to consider offers to sell the business, is a range of at least 7-10 EBITDA.
"For an adequate price, any business can be sold - this is the goal of any businessman. But we have no need to urgently sell something, "says Matsotsky.
The IBS Group's financial year 2011 statements (from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012) stated that EBITDA amounted to $30.6 million in the direction of IT services. Thus, taking into account the voiced coefficients, the cost range of the system integrator can be estimated at $210-300 million.
Prior to the 2008-2009 crisis, IBS President Anatoly Karachinsky, speaking of a possible upcoming IPO, estimated the cost of the integrator at $640 million.
In the time after the crisis, according to Matsotsky, negotiations on the sale of the IBS integrator did not reach any serious stage: "No binding contracts or even documents of intent were signed."
"There really were substantive talks before 2008 with a number of big Western players that I wouldn't want to name," he adds.
Earlier, CNews sources said that negotiations on the sale of the integrator were conducted, in particular, with the French Atos and the Russian AFK Sistema. Matsotsky calls the sources of these conversations investment bankers who are constantly looking for an opportunity for large transactions.
"They come regularly, the organization of transactions is their earnings, but it doesn't go beyond dating. But rumours emerge as a result, he says. - I don't think that a deal is possible in the near future, the market situation is now bad. Depressed companies will be bought and cheap, this does not apply to us. "
Create a Human Resources Solutions Department
February 2012 - The group of companies IBS combines all its practices involved in consulting and developing IT solutions for human resources management for Russian customers into a single Department of Solutions in the field. The Human Resources Management new department includes HR IBS Consulting Practices, Product Based HR Implementation Practices, and HR SAP Based Solutions Implementation Department. Oracle
General Director - Svetlana Balanova
The operational management of the company's activities is carried out by the general director Svetlana Balanova. The chairman of the board is Sergey Matsotsky, who ceded the post of general director to Balanova in January 2012.
Borlas split from IBS
In mid-2012, IBS Group regained full control of IBS, buying out a stake owned by Borlas. This was preceded by the departure from the IBS in 2011 of the group's president Alexei Ananyin. He made the decision to fully focus on developing his own business.
Sergey Matsotsky later on this occasion spoke about the underestimation of many aspects related to human relations and psychology, and some initial romanticism - the companies were too quick with the process of operational merger[4]
Alexey Ananyin admitted that, despite the readiness of the leaders of both companies to meet each other in terms of corporate culture and the fact that this movement was originally, it turned out that slogans are one thing, and specific people with specific interests and dolzhnostyami are completely different.
Market colleagues, commenting on the "divorce" of IBS and Borlas, mainly focused on the dissimilarity of corporate cultures and personalities of company executives.
Conflict with Mikhail Dvorkovich
In early February 2011, Mikhail Dvorkovich, chairman of the board of directors of the Presshall communication group and younger brother of Assistant to the President of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich, called on the Prosecutor's Office and the Accounts Chamber to check the activities of IBS. According to Dvorkovich, the system integrator incorrectly conducts business in Russian regions.
"If IBS enters regional competitions in a consortium with local players, then in case of victory, regional participants in the consortium actually perform the work, but 70% of the payment goes to IBS," Mikhail Dvorkovich told CNews. In this, he sees the reason for the problems of the regional IT-Business.
Dvorkovich also described the claims against IBS in his microblog on Twitter: "My opinion is that IBS has been methodically destroying the regional IT-Business for many years. It is necessary to conduct inspections of the Prosecutor's Office and the Accounts Chamber in order to knock off IBS in the regions. "
Anatoly Karachinsky, President of IBS Group Holding, drew attention to Dvorkovich's blog post. "At the Troika-Dialogue forum held yesterday, I had an emotional dialogue with Karachinsky, who accused me of slandering his company," Dvorkovich told CNews. "I replied that I would collect evidence of my words, and if I fail to do this, I will apologize in the same way - on Twitter."
In the near future, Dvorkovich plans to contact specialists familiar with the problems of regional informatization and collect cases of IBS participation in such consortia. "The entire IT market knows about the working methods of this company, they raise questions," he summarizes.
IBS representatives, in response to questions from CNews about the claims of Mikhail Dvorkovich, replied that they expect the author of the promised evidence of the statement he made about 70% and hope to receive them today. The day after the release of the note, the IBS demanded an immediate apology from Dvorkovich.
Moving to the new office "Novodmitrovsky"
In August 2011, it became known that IBS moved to the new Novodmitrovsky office, which began to be commissioned in July 2010. Today it employs about 1,500 IBS specialists. The new four-story building for specialists has created the most comfortable conditions: an open office space and a "second light" in the form of four glazed atriums allows you to deliver a maximum of daylight to employees' workplaces. There is a central air conditioning system, a modern IT infrastructure has been deployed. In addition to workplaces for employees, the office has recreation areas, a training center, conference rooms, a dining room, a medical room, a bicycle parking and a shower, a corporate "people's" library, an open and closed parking lot, a car wash, a dry cleaning room and other useful little things. Dance and yoga classes are held in the office, various interest clubs operate, corporate competitions are held (for example, the Mafia championship). Open-air concerts, fairs and art events are organized on the site in front of the building for employees (and with their direct participation).
- In 2011, the representative office in Kazakhstan was closed.
- On 11 October 2011, IBS announced it had signed a partnership agreement with Bentley Systems. Bentley is a leader in comprehensive software solutions to support infrastructure projects. Under the terms of the contract, IBS will be able to provide its customers with Bentley products and solutions designed to support the full life cycle of infrastructure facilities. Among them are the MicroStation computer-aided design system, the ProjectWise engineering team collaboration system, Geospatial Desktop, Electric and Gas Utility Network Analysis and Design, Conceptual Plant Design, Electrical and Instrumentation, Plant Design and Engineering, Plant Operation, Pipe Stress Analysis, Plant Design and Engineering, Structural Analysis and Design, and other Bentley proprietary solutions. In addition, IBS will support the organization of events for Russian users of Bentley Systems.
As of August 2011, the company employs more than 2,500 people, including about 1,500 consultants and specialists in various software and equipment and products.
Leaving Alexey Ananyin's company
In December 2011, Alexey Ananyin left the post of president of IBS, intending to start his own business. Together with him, a team left the company (see Borlas article) specializing in the implementation of Oracle software.
By the beginning of 2008, the operational merger of IBS and KG Borlas was fully completed. Under the IBS brand, the combined company continued to develop its expertise and portfolio of products in the field of information technology and consulting. As part of the management consulting practice, a unique expertise for Russia in the field of HR consulting was concentrated, the largest and most experienced team of HR consultants in the IT market was formed from more than 30 professionals.
In the middle of the year, the direction of consulting practice in the field of production systems and supply chains management was opened. This made it possible to expand the range of tasks to be solved in production management, equipment maintenance and logistics, as well as significantly improve the quality of complex projects.
IBS acquired 51% of Lenwea, one of the leading Russian developers of distance learning systems provided under the HyperMethod brand. With the new acquisition, IBS supplemented its product portfolio to include state-of-the-art e-learning systems.
IBS, with the support of the Ak Bars business group, opened the IBS Kazan regional company. Based on IBS experience and expertise, IBS Kazan provides services in Tatarstan for the creation and development of information systems.
Start of training program at MIPT
In the fall of 2007, a unique IBS program for the training of young specialists was launched: the IBS Magistracy was opened at MIPT, where 42 students are already studying. The master's program provides for the training of specialists in the most popular IT specialties. Further plans include the opening of the IBS Masters in other universities in the country. In three years, it is planned to train at least 700 young specialists under this program for further work in the company.
In addition, in 2007, IBS opened directions for working with educational institutions. The new area has combined specialized consulting services and IBS IT solutions for the educational sector. This IBS initiative is aimed at providing the services and solutions necessary to build a new generation educational institution - an "innovative university of the future," which meets the needs of the country's economy and is competitive at the international level.
Merger of IBS and Borlas
In mid-April 2007, IBS and the Borlas consulting group announced a friendly merger. The purpose of this transaction is to create a company that can provide customers with international services, carry out projects of any scale and degree of complexity with maximum impact on customers' business.
In the summer of 2007, the first joint initiative of the two companies was implemented: BSForum was held - a key event in the field of business applications in Russia. The forum, which brought together more than 200 delegates - representatives of top management and heads of functional divisions of large Russian companies, presented the widest portfolio of solutions for enterprise management on the Russian market and a unique combined expertise of IBS and Borlas.
On October 29, IBS and Borlas announced the completion of the merger and the formation of the combined IBS company. It includes all the existing business areas of IBS, including IBS Data Fort and IBS Platformix, as well as the companies of the Borlas Consulting Group. Practices working with business applications and other Oracle technologies are combined under the IBS Borlas brand.
As a result of the merger, a unique structure was created in terms of its financial, human and technological resources, which became the absolute leader among Russian IT service providers with a market share of IT services ~ 7% and a share of more than 20% in the business application segment (according to data). IDC The total number of employees exceeds 3400 people. Currently, the company has the largest consulting team in the Russian IT market, which includes more than 400 solution consultants and developers SAP and more than 500 solutions. Oracle
77% of the newly created combined company is owned by IBS Group Holding, 23% of the property went to Warrant Group Ltd., serving the interests of Borlas shareholders.
At the end of 2011, the companies split again. Until the end of January 2012, IBS shareholders had to redeem the shares of Warrant Group Ltd.
In April 1996, IBS for the first time in Russia connected the bank's local payment system (International Bank for the Development of the InterTEKbank Fuel and Energy Complex) to the STB-Card regional payment system online. The company's specialists have created a unique software product with which any of the 200 participating banks of the STB-Card payment system can be connected to it in real time. In June 1996, the company introduced the IBS Trade trading automation system, the previous version of which was called TS-1.
On July 10, 1996, IBS, Dell Computer Corporation USA () and Finance Corporation Citicorp (USA) announced the joint creation of a new computer company. Dell Systems Limited The project was prepared for more than 10 months. Dell Systems Limited received the status of an exclusive supplier of products Dell in Russia, and IBS, as the press noted, "says goodbye to the" Dell "business." The event generated a lot of interest in the market. In the same period, IBS won the tender for the creation of a comprehensive information system for the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after Burdenko. This was one of the first in Russia projects of integrated automation of an existing medical institution.
In August 1996, the IBS Division of Banking and Trading Systems introduced its first filling station automation system (Lukoil filling station ). The company has begun to implement the concept of "further developing the areas of automation of private services."
In 1997, the company raised $31 million in investments from Citigroup and AIG, planning to launch an IPO in 2001. This plan was shelved due to the 2000-2001 dot-com crisis.
Since 1997, Sergey Matsotsky has become CEO and Chairman of the Board of IBS.
In October 1997, IBS introduced the company's comprehensive solutions for building corporate telecommunications solutions based on Ericsson equipment, as well as network solutions based on equipment from world manufacturers: 3Com, Cisco, Newbridge, Mod-Tap, Legrand, Network General, etc.
In March 1999, IBS and the analytical and consulting company Gartner Group (USA) entered into an agreement to provide IBS clients in Russia - the largest Russian companies and government agencies - with risk assessment services for their information systems at the onset of 2000.
In 2000, the company implemented the first project in the history of Russian insurance companies to implement a R/3 system for the insurance company Zurich Insurance Company (Russia) Ltd.
In January 2001, IBS opened a new project - an information and analytical Russian-language web magazine that consolidates information about the e-business market V2V - b2b.ibs.ru. In addition, the beginning of the year was marked by the company's entry into the Asian market. An agreement was concluded with the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs of the Republic of Mongolia for the development of software for the creation of a system of state registration of real estate.
In May 2001, IBS announced the official opening of an office and the active development of its activities in Ukraine. In the same month, IBS entered into a partnership with Intersertifica, one of the leading centers for training and development in quality management. The companies planned to cooperate in creating quality management systems at the enterprises of Russia and the CIS, developing these systems and preparing them for certification at TUV CERT (Germany) for compliance with international ISO 9000:2000 standards.
In June 2001, IBS and global telecommunications group Cable & Wireless announced the start of providing integrated ASP (Application Service Providing) services to Russian and foreign companies as part of a joint Data Fort project.
In August 2001, IBS completed the first phase of the project to implement SAP AG's R/3 system . Thus, IBS became the first company among Russian system integrators to implement a R/3 system without the involvement of external consultants.
In early 2002, IBS received an FSB license to carry out work related to the use of information constituting a state secret.
In March 2002, IBS and Intel, a global microprocessor manufacturer, opened the IBS Competence Center to promote enterprise solutions on the Intel platform (including ERP systems, CRM systems, information security systems, Internet technology solutions, etc.).
In August 2002, IBS became a member of a consortium of companies leading in the Russian market for information and software, which won an open competition of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation for the creation of a specialized information system "Government Portal" on the Internet. IBS, as general contractor, was to carry out general management, as well as commissioning and information and analytical work.
In October 2002, IBS developed a new integrated solution designed to optimize customer relations processes. The solution was a comprehensive integration of call centers of companies Cisco Systems Nortel Networks and. CRM systems Siebel
In March 2003, the company announced the completion of the development and start of the promotion of a new integrated IBS Insurance solution to the insurance market. The solution is based on a comprehensive system for managing the financial and economic activities of Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision and a specialized solution for managing the insurance activities of the Icelandic company Landsteinar Iceland hf. In the same period, the Data Fort project and iT announced the start of providing commercial services for the use of the BOSS-Personnel personnel management system in ASP (Application Service Provision) mode. Then, together with Oracle and Sun Microsystems, the Data Fort project launched the Fortest platform, designed to debug and test software in remote Internet access mode.
In April 2003, IBS developed a new, unique server-based cluster solution, Hewlett-Packard Itanium II operating system HP-UX 11i 1.6 and. Oracle DBMS 9iRAC
In 2004, IBS implemented a new strategy in industry markets: the company focuses efforts and consolidates resources to improve the quality of work in target segments. Within IBS, a new structure is actively developing, focused on cooperation with consumer market companies. In addition, IBS is launching a new Microsoft software license management service .
In 2005, the company successfully conducted an IPO on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, receiving $113 million for a 33% stake.
In 2005, the company continued to develop its outsourcing practices. Over the past three years, IBS has implemented several dozen projects based on its own data center. The company consolidated all internal resources for outsourcing services and created the Data Fort Outsourcing Center. In parallel, IBS continued to develop project cooperation with the public sector. (projects for the Federal Tax Service, the Federal IT Agency, the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Education and other state authorities). A number of major projects have been implemented to create Internet portals for the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and an electronic trading platform for a complex of architecture, construction, development and reconstruction of Moscow has been created.
In 2006, IBS continued to work in four key business areas (management consulting, business applications, IT infrastructure, IT outsource) and developed a new practice - the practice of automation of production.
In April 2006, the Division of Production Control Automation Systems was formed., IBS integrated strategies were developed in the production automation market and a portfolio of integrated production solutions, which included: Production Control Systems (MES); Asset Management Systems (EAM ); production planning systems; APCS systems ; Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems and many other specialized solutions. In addition, IBS has created a competence center for working with banking structures and a center for developing solutions for financial institutions.
1995: Distribution agreement with IBM and start of work of distributor Diline
In March 1995, IBS announced the launch of the Diline distribution center, a subsidiary of IBS.
On February 19, 1996, IBS entered into a partnership with IBM Corporation (USA) and received the right to supply ATMs manufactured by IBM as part of banking automation solutions .
1994: The beginning of the automation of trading enterprises
In February 1994, the company introduced a new version of the Delta Bank system and self-service banking devices. On February 16, IBS installed in GUM the first automatic currency exchange machine ASM 90 SIGMA in Russia, acquired by the Capital Savings Bank.
In July 1994, the company began to develop the direction of automation of trading enterprises. Later, IBS will introduce a "TS-1" system to automate retailers. In February 1995, IBS and IBM entered into a distribution agreement for cash and terminal equipment, according to which the TS-1 system was to be equipped with point-of-sale POS IBM 4694 terminals.
1993: Dell First Delivery
In March 1993 IBS , she completed the first large-scale delivery of computers Dell and other equipment to DIAM-Bank. In fact, this is the beginning of the development of the Russian brand name computer market. In June, IBS took part in the 4th International Computer Forum organized by the ICC. Within the framework of the IBS forum Dell , they held the first joint press conference. It announced the new status of IBS - a master distributor that Dell fully determines the strategy of promotion to the Dell Russian market. In addition, IBS entered into an agreement with the company "," according to Microinform which each delivered IBS computer Dell is equipped with the latest version of the text editor "Lexicon."
In August 1993, the company won an open tender for the technical equipment of the Land Cadastre management system (ROSKOMZEM tender). The system that needed to be built is unique in scale - both technical and geographical. IBS and Dell outperformed 22 computer companies, including HP, Compaq, IBM and others.
1992: Founding of the Company
The history of the company began in 1992. Then Anatoly Karachinsky, technical director of the computer company Intermicro, decided to establish a new computer company "from scratch." The official "Birthday" of IBS is November 2, it was on that day that the company "Information Business Systems" (IBS) was formed. Following Karachinsky "Intermicro" left 12 specialists who formed the first composition of IBS. Already on November 3, the company signed the first 2 contracts - with the Kolomensky and Meshchansky branches of the Moscow Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation for the implementation of Delta-Bank - a system for automating the service of private depositors. On December 14, after lengthy negotiations, the first dealer agreement was concluded with Dell Computer Corporation.