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2024/10/31 16:49:16

Largest IT providers in banks

The article is included in the review "Digitalization of banks."


The new ranking of the largest IT suppliers in banks, prepared by TAdviser for the corresponding revenue for 2023, includes 70 companies. The leader was again the company T1 with a result of 168.4 billion rubles, an increase of 126.4%.

The top five also included companies, Softline,, and Jet Infosystems. Rubytech VS Lab

The total revenue of all participants in the rating amounted to almost 323 billion rubles.

In the new ranking, some participants revealed the forecast of their revenue from IT projects in banks, which companies plan to receive by the end of 2024.

Largest IT providers in banks
by revenue from the implementation of IT projects in this area

Company name Total revenue from IT projects in banks for 2023, million rubles. including VAT Total revenue from IT projects in banks for 2022, million rubles. including VAT Dynamics 2023/2022,% Dynamics forecast 2024/2023,% Largest customers in 2023
1 T1168 36974,376126.4n/an/a
2 Softline20 11216 423.522.5n/an/a
3 Jet Infosystems14 501.515 147.7-4.3n/an/a
4Rubytech12 72314 101-9.8n/a Gazprombank| VTB|,, Sberbank
5 VS Lab10 9246 30773.29.8Alfba Bank, Promsvyazbank, VTB Bank, Sberbank, Gazprombank
6 IT19 7984 061141.3-13.5VTB Bank, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank
7 SberService9 467.610 784.2-12.2-17.3Sberbank, Credit Bank of Moscow, OTKRITIE BANK, VEB, Raiffeisen Bank
8 Digital Economy League8,4908,223n/aSberbank, VTB, Alfa Bank, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank
9 I-Teco7 883.16 486.421.5n/an/a
10 IBS Group4 6338 367-44.6Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank, Tinkoff Bank, Renaissance Credit
11 Angara Security4,279NDNDNDSberbank, VTB, GPB BANK, ALFA-BANK, Bank of Russia
12 K2Tekh4 265.91 240244n/aVTB Bank, Rosselkhozbank, ROSEXIMBANK, Otkritie FC, Credit Bank of Moscow
13 BSS3,7322,96825.727.2GPB (Gazprombank), Novikom, VTB (Vneshtorgbank), AK Bars Bank, RRB
14Unithat3,0531,72077.5RD RSHB| |, Raiffeisen
15 GC Basic Solutions2,812n/an/an/an/a
[[ICore (CJSC Ai Ko)iCore2 732,11 46886,1-56,1н/д]]
[[SitronicsSitronics Group2 643,44 136-36,1н/дн/д]]
18 AMT GROUP2,3992,3123.8n/aRosbank, VTB Bank, CBR, Otkritie, RSHB
19 Arenadata Group2 103928126.6n/an/a
20 Step Logic2,052N/AN/AN/AN/A
21 Yuztech GC1,9801,8397,7n/an/a
22 Cinimex1,9522,417-19.2n/aAlfa-Bank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Gazprombank, Rosbank
23 ITFB Group1,6801,29230n/an/a
24 SimbirSoft1,469,71,618-9.2n/an/a
25 Innovative People1,4141,24513.6n/aAlfa Bank, Sinara
26VS Robotics1 331,61 110,919,924,7н/д
27 AGIMA1 245.2947.631.430MKB, AlfaStrakhovanie, Tinkoff, Sberbank
28 Innostage1 174.6751.856.2n/an/a
29 Inline Group1 125415171.1n/an/a
30 Grindata1 097.4819.134n/aPSB, ВЭБ.РФ, Bank of ДОМ.РФ, Otkritie FC
31 Reksoft1,068135691.1n/an/a
32 65apps906.6ndnd21.3CBR, Alfa-Bank, MTS
- GC Digital Habits770.9583.232.2Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank, CBR
34 Performance Lab73165910.98.1Sberbank, VTB, Otkritie, MTS Bank, Gazprombank
36 Swordfish Security670303121.1n/an/a
37 Hi-Tech GC558481062.5n/an/a
38 Infotactika54132069.1186.5Gazprombank
40 Umbrella IT440.9296.2n/aBCS, OTP Bank
42 Krosstech Solutions Group402.9382.45.4197.8BANK GPB
43 Ferrum IT Group377--Banks 32.6from the category of top 10 largest in Russia
44 KORUS Consulting320510-37.3n/an/a
45 SATEL31291242.9Promsvyazbank, VTB Bank, Fora-Bank
46 Outlines Tech275.1207.132.810.9Alfa-Bank, Tinkoff, Otkritie, Gazprombank, Go Invest
48 HOST Group19419215.7Bank Sinara, UBRD, Sberbank, BM-Bank, Ural FD
49 Flant193.675.4156.8n/aCBR TBank, OTP Bank, MultiCard, BLANK BANK
50 Forsyth191.48.52165.2VTB Bank, Sberbank, ВЭБ.РФ, Central Bank, AK BARS BANK
51 RAMAX Group183.9270-31.9n/an/a
52 ARTI Group18399.683.7n/an/a
53 ELMAn/an/a32.9AKB Kapitalbank, Bank Sinara, Roseximbank
55 Nobilis.Team150.6122.822.619.5Tinkoff Bank, AUTO FINANCE BANK, Design Bureau Renaissance Credit
56 CESCA1327869.213.6Rosselkhozbank
57 NGR Softlab90,1n/an/an/an/a
58 Innodata87.6N/AN/AN/AN/A
59 Red Soft80.5N/AN/AN/AN/A
60 Stratosphere7581-7.444Tinkoff Bank, OTP, Ingosstrakh Bank
61 Bobday Soft54.5N/AN/AN/AN/A
62 Technocracy54.3122.9-55.8163.3n/a
63 Sherpa Robotics48.314.124244.9Alfa Bank, Rosbank, MKB, AK bars, Otkritie Bank
64 Optimacros4861.1-21.447.3T-Bank, MKB
65 Luxms46.6N/AN/AN/ALarge Federal Bank
66 QSOFT4333.329.2n/an/a
67 Krayon35.7121-70.5n/an/a
68 Knowledge Space357.0400122.9Gazprombank
69 MAI 'digital integrator20.2n/an/an/a
Sum322 977

* Rating prepared on the basis of questionnaires completed by companies (unless otherwise indicated)
* * The data came after the rating was published. Company added without position in ranking

In an additional rating, TAdviser collected Russian vendors of various IT products that are used in banks. Among the vendors who disclosed the proceeds from IT projects in banks based on their own solutions, BSS became the leader with a result of 3.26 billion rubles, an increase of 19.5%.

The total revenue of all participants in this rating exceeded 11.6 billion rubles.

Largest IT vendors in banks
by revenue from the implementation of IT projects based on own solutions

Company name Revenue from IT projects in banks based on their own solutions for 2023, million rubles. including VAT Revenue from IT projects in banks based on their own solutions for 2022, million rubles. including VAT Dynamics 2023/2022,% Dynamics forecast 2024/2023,% Own solutions implemented in banks (list key solutions)
1BSS3 2602 72919,535,8Digital2Go, Digital2SME, Digital2Corporate, Digital2Retail, Digital2Speech
2Группа Arenadata2 103928126,6н/дArenadata DB (ADB), Arenadata Hadoop (ADH), Arenadata QuickMarts (ADQM), Arenadata Streaming (ADS)
3 Grindata1 097.4819.134n/aCredit pipelines, risk management, procurement management, EDMS, CRM
- GC Digital Habits * *770.9583.232.278RBS UL, RBS FL (My Bank 2.0 - Cross-Platform Solution), Investment Platform
4 Performance Lab73165910.98.1n/a
5 HFLabs72057525.22.8Single Client, Factor
6 FIS62044040.993.5Pre-Approved Loans, CRM, United Front, Credit Front, Credit Pipelines for FL and UL, Campaign Manager, Scoring Models, SPR, Antifraud, Customer Monitoring, Collection, the entire line of banking applications covering the entire end-to-end process of customer service in the bank: from product sales to maintenance and recovery
7 Umbrella IT440.9296.248.9n/an/a
8 Swordfish Security Group437205113.2Growth forecastn/a
9Кросстех Солюшнс Групп402,9382,45,4197,8CrossTech Smart Assets (CTSA), DataGrain Remote User Monitoring Analytics (RUMA) , DataNova Object Recognition (OR), Crosstech Docs security suite (DSS), DataGrain Event Stream Optimization (ESO)
10 Basic Solutions GC351n/an/an/aNotebooks SILA NK2-3205, servers SR2-6327
[[RBSJTC267.4554.7-51.812.2Salto Digital Microservice Platform, Codeless Fast Frontend Development Platform, Salto.Avanti RBS for Legal Entities, Salto.Presto Personal Account System for Legal Entities and Individuals, Salto.Treasury Centralized Treasury System, Salto.Profile Automated Module for DigitalProfile]]
12 SATEL221n/an/a30RTU: Unified Communications Platform; RTU-Connect: VKS and corporate messenger; RTU-Atmosphere: omnichannel contact center; ZIAX: Chatbot and Voice Robot Dialog Platform
[[Flant Deckhouse Kubernetes PlatformФлант193,675,4156,8н/дDeckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP) и Deckhouse Observability Platform (DOP)]]
14 Forsyth191.48.52165.25n/a
15 ELMA158N/AN/A32.9ELMA365 Platform, ELMA365 CRM
16 Innostage105.767.756.1n/an/a
17 NGR Softlab90.1n/an/aAlertix (SIEM), Infrascope (PAM), Dataplan (analytical platform)
18 Red Soft80.5N/AN/AN/ARED OS , RED Virtualization
19 Sherpa Robotics48.314.124244.9Sherpa RPA
20 Optimacros4861.1-21.447.3Optimacros
Knowledge Space|**357,0400122,9Knowledge Space
21 IBS Group27122-77.9n/aPlanet. Budgeting
22 Profiles Tech13.60.25501.284.8Calculation calculator, internal personnel accounting system
23 Vinvestor12.460.9-79.6404.4ESIA Finance
24 Agora11.513.6-15.34.5ETP
25 RNDSOFT4.62.864.373.9Agredator Platform, ESIA Gateway, UPRID Gateway, Profile Gateway, One Window Direct
26Platformcraft4,52,1115,81 219,9DEPOT, DEPOT EDGE

* Rating prepared on the basis of questionnaires completed by companies (unless otherwise indicated)
* * The data came after the rating was published. Company added without position in ranking