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Banks Soft Systems BSS



Project-PIR (Project - Professional Innovative Solutions - 50%
Avdeeva Olga Vladimirovna - 50%
(effective October 24, 2023)


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ Project-PIR (Project - Professional Innovative Solutions

BSS is the parent company of the group of the same name. Its main activity is the development and implementation of technologies, solutions and services for remote electronic service. In addition to the parent company, the BSS group includes BSS Engineering, Unified Contact Point and BSS-Security.

BSS has representative offices and branches in Russia and CIS countries, as well as a developed network of dealers and technology partners. The company employs more than 700 employees.

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 17.9% to RUB 3,502 million

At the end of 2022, the revenue of BSS increased by 17.9% - to 3,502 million rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 123 lines (23 lines of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of the largest IT companies in Russia).



Optimizing RAG Technology in InKnowledge Knowledge Base GPT Search

BSS has improved the quality of RAG technology in GPT search in the InKnowledge Knowledge Base from L2U (BSS partner), which is built into a single technological stack of the omnichannel dialog platform Digital2Speech. BSS announced this on September 5, 2024. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Director of Speech Technology Department Alexander Krushinsky

Contact centers actively use voice assistants, chat bots and voice analytics. Despite the ambiguous attitude of customers, AI-based technologies are being used more and more. What is the secret of their success and what to expect in the future, said Alexander Krushinsky, director of the BSS speech technology department. Read more here.

Entry into the 1C market of products with deficient competencies

BSS enters the 1C market of products with deficient competencies, which are especially important for the successful implementation of projects, regardless of whether it will be implemented, supported or custom development (refinement). The company announced this on May 27, 2024.

The team of specialists is ready to offer comprehensive solutions, including the implementation of several configurations in conjunction with each other, expertise throughout the 1C product line (ERP, CRM, DoD, RM, BP), as well as rare skills in project management, budgeting in ERP, development of integrations and flexibility in the project methodology.

Extensive experience with complex and fast projects, an architectural approach to choosing products and solutions, as well as a willingness to make part of a comprehensive project and integrate into customer project teams, make BSS a valuable resource in the 1C developer and integrator market. In addition, the company works directly and on subcontracting, guaranteeing a flexible and effective approach to each project.

BSS offers three main areas of work with 1C products:

  1. Implementation projects - a team of specialists combines scarce complex and rare competencies and is ready to carry out a full-scale implementation of 1C product (CRM, DoD, ERP (+ PM), RM, BP) or a complex of products.
  2. Individual support - solving operational problems during product operation: support, configuration, fine-tuning (printed forms, reports).
  3. Custom development - performing functional improvements on 1C products, developing custom exchanges between configurations and integrations with third-party systems.
With deep expertise, the necessary competencies and an experienced team, BSS is ready to become a reliable partner in the implementation of projects of any complexity. With us, the customer receives an individual approach, high quality services and a reliable partner for the implementation of projects on the 1C platform, - commented Vasily Krivinyuk, Director of the Organizational Development Department of BSS.

He noted that BSS is a company specializing in the development, implementation and maintenance of 1C solutions. Focused on solving business problems of any complexity and ready to do everything necessary to benefit the customer.

TAdviser interview with Alexander Klyonin, Director of Outsourcing and Dedicated Teams

IT outsourcing does not lose its relevance and continues to gain momentum. Its successful development is largely related to the dynamic development of the IT industry, as well as to the processes of import substitution and migration of personnel. The main trends in the outsourcing market, the prospects and opportunities of BSS in this direction in March 2024 were discussed with Alexander Klyonin, director of the business area "Outsourcing and provision of allocated teams" of BSS. Read more here.


1st place in the TAdviser rating "Income of participants in the voice and chat bots market in Russia"

BSS took 1st place in the ranking of developers and suppliers of platforms for creating voice and chat bots, prepared by TAdviser in November 2024 based on the revenue of companies from the development and implementation of relevant platforms at the end of 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

6th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

BSS took 6th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the revenue of companies from projects for the implementation/supply of such products at the end of 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

9th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

BSS took 9th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the revenue of companies from projects for the implementation/supply of such products at the end of 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

TAdviser interview with Director of Voice Digital Technologies Alexander Krushinsky

Alexander Krushinsky, Director of the Voice Digital Technologies Department at BSS, spoke about the current level of development of text and voice robots for business communications and key success factors in choosing solutions in an interview with TAdviser in June 2023. Read more here.


4th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest providers of information security outsourcing services in Russia"

BSS took 4th place in the ranking of the largest providers of outsourcing information security services in Russia, prepared by TAdviser in March 2024 based on the revenue of companies from relevant services for 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

6th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

BSS is included in the#.D0.9A.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.B9.D1.88.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.B2.D1.89.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D1.81.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.B8.D1.85_.D0.98.D0.A2-.D1.80.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B9_.D0.B8.D0.B7_.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.87.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BE_.D0.9F.D0.9E rating "The largest suppliers of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of projects for the implementation and supply of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software for 2022.

8th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

BSS is included in the#.D0.9A.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.B9.D1.88.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.B2.D1.89.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B1.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D1.8B.D1.85_.D0.98.D0.A2-.D1.80.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B9_.D0.B8.D0.B7_.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.87.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BE_.D0.9F.D0.9E rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of implementation projects and the supply of their own solutions from the register of domestic software for 2022.

TAdviser interview with Product Development Director Stanislav Shilov

A high level of development of speech services can become a key factor in the release of RBS to a fundamentally new level. The synergy of RBS and speech technologies will allow banks not only to increase business efficiency, but, which is currently becoming the main trend, to constantly improve customer service. This was announced in November 2022 in an interview with TAdviser by the Director of Product Development of the Center for Digital Solutions for Business of BSSStanislav Shilov. Read more here.

TAdviser Interview with BSS Partner Sales Development Director

The departure of foreign companies that provided solutions for automating and robotizing the operation of contact centers, including using speech technologies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, leads to some market turbulence. However, Russian vendors have all the technical and intellectual capabilities for import substitution and are able to quickly meet the growing needs of customers. This is the opinion of Alla Zagurskaya, Director of Partner Sales Development at BSS. Read more here.

Opening an office in Uzbekistan

On January 21, 2022, BSS announced that it confirms its serious intentions to expand its business in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In confirmation of the long-term plans, the company opened an office in Tashkent. It will become a center of competence and will be able to oversee all projects implemented in the country. The office is located in the center of the capital at the address: Seoul Plaza Business Center, Shahrisabz Passage, 5A House. The head of the BSS office in Tashkent - Director of Development in the Republic of Uzbekistan Pulat Khaliulin - is ready for meetings and is interested in developing Uzbekistan's business using innovative developments of BSS in the field of remote service and speech technologies. BSS solutions are already being actively implemented in banks in Uzbekistan.


{{quote 'author
=BSS CEO noted Georgy Kravchenko|"Uzbekistan is one of the most dynamically developing countries in the region. The banking sector is a driver of economic growth in the country, actively introducing advanced technologies of remote banking and artificial intelligence. BSS experience and competencies are interesting and in demand by local businesses. We are actively implementing in several banks, and we expect a multiple increase in customers next year, "}}

To achieve ambitious goals, the office is developing a staff of highly qualified specialists. Analysts, project managers, Java developers, mobile application developers, support specialists, product managers are invited to work.

In February 2022, a subsidiary of BSS Tashkent received the status of a resident of IT Park Uzbekistan. This is a technological park created at the initiative of the President Uzbekistan IT information technology of the Republic for the advanced development of the industry, the implementation of innovative projects in the field of digitalization. economies countries

IT Park residents receive a number of state preferences, including tax privileges additional opportunities for the implementation of solutions and services in the public sector of Uzbekistan. For BSS, it is an opportunity to offer new technologies and modern solutions in the field, and remote banking service speech technologies on information security favorable for business states and conditions.

Certification of quality management system as per GOST R ISO 9001-2015

On January 20, 2022, BSS announced that it has passed the next certification of compliance according to GOST R ISO 9001-2015, which certifies that the quality management system of production and provision of services for the implementation and maintenance of information systems meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015. The BSS certificate is valid until 2025 and involves annual inspection control of parameters.

The key thesis of ISO 9001 quality management is customer focus. The company must not only understand the needs of consumers of its products and services, but also exceed their expectations. At the same time, the basis of the standard is a process approach that involves managing the company as a single system of interconnected processes. All of them are aimed at achieving the goals set - both strategic and quality, the BSS noted.

"Certification according to GOST R ISO 9001-2015 will allow BSS to improve its work in accordance with the accepted performance criteria, optimize business processes and accelerate the achievement of the set goals. For us, our customers and partners, certification according to the international standard ISO 9001 is a recognition of the effectiveness of the company's quality management system and compliance of BSS products with international criteria, "said Georgy Kravchenko, General Director of BSS.


Revenue growth by 8.1% to RUB 2,971 million

At the end of 2021, BSS's revenue amounted to 2,971 million rubles, an increase of 8.1% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 136th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.

RFRIT Speech Development Grant

BSS on December 30, 2021 announced that it had won the RFRIT grant for the development of speech solutions.

The grant funds will be used to develop speech and dialogue technologies based on artificial intelligence and. machine learning Russian The Development Fund information technology announced the results of the competitive selection for the development of domestic solutions in the field IT implemented under the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "."Digital economy of Russia

During the project, an independent competitive Russian vendor solution will be created on the basis of, speech technologies which will allow solving issues. import substitution Its task is to provide business and state structures Russia CIS other countries complex speech services using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The BSS vendor platform will be in demand financial in the sector, companies retail and wholesale, including trade online format, state organizations, sphere,,,,,,, and. health care industries telecom transport to logistics real estate education marketing

The project, implemented with the financial support of RFRIT, will bring the domestic BSS solution to a new competitive level. The full stack of native technologies will be enhanced by the use of an end-to-end (E2E) approach in speech recognition and few-shot learning in natural language understanding. The advantages of these technologies are higher accuracy of speech recognition and understanding of natural language and tens of times less need for data for model training. This will significantly reduce the time and resources to create application solutions in the field of dialog technologies (text and voice intelligent assistants, text and voice analytics, etc.).

The development of the Russian vendor platform of speech and dialogue technologies based on the latest breakthroughs in the field of AI, which includes tools for rapid application development, will open up the possibility of using digital assistants and speech analytics for most medium and small banks. Also, the platform can be used for the mass introduction of digital assistants into the activities of federal and regional government bodies and local self-government. We understand the prospects, we know the competitors, we are confident in our abilities and have already started work, "commented Georgy Kravchenko, CEO of BSS.

TAdviser interview with technical director Dmitry Svalov

In an interview TAdviser , the company's technical director BSS Dmitry Svalov assessed the development of Russian the systems market () remote banking service RBS in recent years, spoke about the company's new RBS platform on. microservice architecture Read more here. [1]

TAdviser interview with Yuri Ledakov, Head of Voice Products and Intelligent Services Development

Yuri Ledakov, head of the development of voice products and intelligent services at BSS, spoke about where it is worth looking for breakthrough ideas in the field of neurotechnology in March 2021 in an interview with TAdviser. Read more here.

Grant in the amount of 156.3 million rubles for the development of the RBS system

Russian Development Fund information technology () RFRIT January 12, 2021 announced TAdviser the results of two competitive selection for grants: support for projects for the implementation of domestic IT solutions (PP RF No. 550) and support for development projects (PP domestic software RUSSIAN FEDERATION No. 1185).

Bank Soft Systems has allocated a grant in the amount of 156.3 million rubles for the development/refinement of the RBS system for the provision of remote banking services to legal entities and individuals by Russian banks. Read more here.


Revenue - 2,749 million rubles

At the end of 2020, the revenue of BSS amounted to 2,749 million rubles.

Partnership with Korus Consulting on the product Digital2Speech

GC Corus Consulting"" and the company BSS on July 8, 2020 announced the conclusion of a partnership agreement. Thanks to the cooperation, the product portfolio IT of the company was replenished with Russian a solution Digladnoital2Speech for automating omnichannel customer service that contacted the support service.

Inclusion in the list of backbone IT companies

The Russian government has added BSS to the list of backbone IT companies. The company announced this on July 6, 2020.

The list of backbone companies of the Russian economy in the field of information technology, communications and mass communications has been expanded.

Together with BSS, it included 9 more companies. The decision to expand the list was made on June 19, 2020 at a meeting of the Government Commission dedicated to increasing the sustainability of the development of the Russian economy.

The inclusion of BSS among the backbone organizations in the IT field is a recognition of the reliability and importance of the company for the domestic economy. During the spread of coronavirus infection, we do everything in our power so that bank customers do not experience difficulties with remote banking, and employees retain their jobs, "said BSS CEO Georgy Kravchenko.

The head of the company noted that BSS solutions and services were in demand in a pandemic not only by the banking sector, but also by companies from other industries.

With the help of our voice technologies, we have helped several public service centers and telecommunications companies reduce the load on call centers during peak periods, we have launched a popular service for organizing remote workplaces, our information security solutions help customers resist cyber fraudsters, "said G. Kravchenko.

The list of system-forming organizations of the Russian economy in the field of information and communications was approved on April 21, 2020. Among the criteria for entering the list are the development and introduction of critical technologies, ensuring information security, providing services for the development and operation of state information systems (GIS) and socially significant Internet services. The company's revenue figures are also taken into account.


Growth in the direction of solutions for individuals by 19.2%

On February 6, 2020, BSS shared its main achievements and successes in 2019 and the main areas of development in 2020. In the reporting year, BSS demonstrated a steady increase in financial performance. Thus, in the direction of solutions for corporate clients, the growth was 6.8%. The direction of solutions for individuals proved to be more effective in terms of revenue - 19.2%. But the most phenomenal was the growth of new directions - 291.7%, the company noted.

The presented platform Digital2Go marked the beginning of the development and implementation of a number of banking services for various categories of customers.

In 2019, BSS focused on the three most relevant areas. Time showed that the choice was made right. Solutions in these areas were most in demand by customers and were noted by experts from the professional community:

The company develops and implements solutions in the field of remote customer banking. In particular, on the basis of the Digital2Go platform, BSS has developed Digital2SME and Digital2Business Mobile.

At the same time, the company is engaged in the creation of customer care along with BSS solutions based on neurotechnology. The key thesis is that BSS offers Digital2Speech - a single solution for omnichannel interaction. Includes voice interaction, text interaction, speech recognition and processing, voice sample storage and processing, voice analytics, and voice biometrics. At the same time, BSS solutions can develop and adapt to new requirements by the bank or its partners. They have flexibility, speed, scalability, independence from suppliers.

In 2019, BSS moved from developing a voice bank to implementing it. The solution is built on the BSS platform and implements a fundamentally new channel for interaction between the bank and customers, according to the company for February 2020. Now BSS based on Digital2Go provides services in three channels at once - Internet bank, mobile bank, voice bank. In 2020, this decision is expected to be actively replicated.

With the rapid growth of cybercrime, BSS, based on many years of expertise and competence, in 2019 accelerated the development of a set of services for ensuring information security and reducing cyber risks - Security Advisor. In short, we are talking about a set of services that provide an opening of vulnerabilities and errors in security settings. These are external and internal pentest, security analysis of web and mobile applications, Wi-Fi networks, sociotechnical penetration test, simulation of DDoS attacks, testing of fraud scenarios, source code analysis, RedTeam, physical penetration test in the office, OSINT, audit and consulting information security. Importantly, our own approaches have been developed that combine world practices and an exceptional focus on the financial industry, the company emphasized.

The activities of BSS are reflected on the map "Information technologies in the bank" of the analytical center TAdviser. BSS is represented in three branches, functional areas of banks: products and services, sales and service in channels, risk management and reporting.

In 2020, BSS will focus on the following key and most promising areas:

  • 1. Development of the Digital2Go platform. The active development of functionality, expansion of capabilities, development of new services will continue. So, on the basis of the Digital2Go platform, it is planned to release a solution for serving large corporate clients - Digital2CIB.
  • 2. Information security and the fight against cybercrime.
  • 3. Replication of a voice bank built on a comprehensive Digital2Speech platform.
  • 4. Development of the Monitoring solution. There RBS are plans to expand the functional capabilities of monitoring, including the capabilities that allow you to build various sales funnels based on the activity of customers in the channel.

Buying iDA Mobile

Company logo until 2020

On July 31, 2019, BSS announced the purchase of iDA Mobile. The key parameters of the agreement were approved at a meeting of BSS CEO Georgy Kravchenko with iDA Mobile founders Dmitry Feofanov, Roman Potemkin and Andrei Doronichev. Read more here.


  • The unified register of Russian computer programs and databases includes information on the software complexes BSS.CodyFi, BSS.SignyFi and BSS.VeryFi. The company continued its development aimed at developing and introducing voice services for the banking sector, developing omnichannel Digital Banking and creating a single ecosystem of remote channels for retail and corporate clients.
  • The introduction of the BSS concept Agile in the Company allowed to reach a new level of project standards in the development CORREQTS Corporate and. CORREQTS Retail The competencies of the team during Agile-implementation of products have been strengthened.
  • In 2017, compared to the same period in 2016, CORREQTS Corporate sales doubled, CORREQTS Retail - fivefold, BSS Business - tenfold.
  • BSS has brought to the market the service robots "Auto Attendant" and "Intellectual Collector," a chat bot and aims to create an intelligent assistant for full interaction with the client - natural communication between the robot and humans. The concept of voice banking is developing.


Project-PIR buys half of BSS

In July 2016 UEC Aleksei Popov , the company founded by the ex-head "Project-PIR" became the owner of 50% - BSS the developer of IT solutions for. financial sector The second half is owned, Dmitry Stefanchuk which is also the founder. "BSS Safety" More details - by. to the reference

Certification for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008)

The company received a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008) of the quality management system in the field of production and provision of services for the implementation and maintenance of information systems. The certificate is issued for a period of three years with an annual audit of compliance with the requirements of these standards.


In 2014, BSS continued to develop banking space in the CIS countries: in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine. CIS banks make a choice in favor of BSS products, based on the expertise and competence of the Company, the accumulated experience, as well as the modern functionality of its solutions.

The largest number of new projects were implemented by BSS in Kazakhstan. Thus, DB Sberbank JSC, Capital Bank Kazakhstan JSC, Delta Bank JSC and Eximbank Kazakhstan JSC migrated to the new digital banking system CORREQTS. Altyn Bank JSC (DB Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC) has introduced the RBS BS-Client system for servicing individuals. Private Client, "legal entities ─" BS-Client RBS. "

Two banks from Tajikistan ─ OAO Bank Eskhata and MDO Standard Molia ─ implemented projects to implement the RBS system for legal entities RBS BS-Client. MDO Standard Molia also launched the Notification Server client notification system.

The Ukrainian banks of TASKOMBANK JSC and PJSC UPB have introduced the RBS BS-Client system. Private Client. "


Revenue growth - more than 20%

According to the results of 2013, the revenue growth of the BSS group amounted to more than 20%, the company told TAdviser in January 2014. Based on data from open sources, in 2012 its revenue in absolute terms amounted to about 1.85 billion rubles. According to BSS representatives, the main drivers of its turnover growth in 2013 were the active development of projects for the largest banks, projects in the field of mobile banking and integration projects.

Over 10 major projects

According to the company, in 2013 it implemented over 10 major projects to expand and improve RBS systems in banks in the Top 100. For example, the development of the project at Sberbank to improve the Internet bank for legal entities Sberbank Business OnL @ yn and the development of the RBS system for legal entities and the solution for automating the centralized management of corporate finances "Corporation Settlement Center (RCC)" in the VTB Group .

BSS They note that almost everyone who banks is its clients last year showed interest in expanding and developing RBS systems, launching new services and installing related products.

One of the key trends last year in the company is called mobile banking, which contributed to the growth of projects for creating mobile applications. Mobile banking projects for individuals, for example, were completed at AB Rossiya, Nordea Bank, Petrokommerts Bank and AIKB Tatfondbank.

BSS told TAdviser that in 2013 the company also increased the number of projects in the public sector. Large projects have started in the regions, the implementation of which is scheduled for 2014, they say in BSS.

In 2013, the company implemented more than 70 projects to connect credit and state organizations to the e-government infrastructure, introduce new technologies in regional and federal executive bodies using the BSS Engineering information systems. At the same time, the geography of projects has spread to all federal districts of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. Also over the past year, the company has a number of new customers in the public sector who have chosen the BS e-Region product line to organize a full cycle of payment for state, municipal and commercial services.

In 2013, BSS also continued its expansion in the CIS countries, implementing projects in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine.


2012 - BSS Group has strengthened its market leadership and focused on developing its business in new geographical and industry segments. More than 60 Russian and foreign banks and their branches, including in the TOP-100 and TOP-300 segment, joined BSS's new clients.

According to the annual study of CNews Analytics, the total share of BSS in the RBS market for legal entities was 62.8% in the TOP-50 segment and 58.9% in the TOP-100 segment. According to the results of the financial year, the Group's turnover increased by 25%.

Large-scale projects for the development and implementation of complex BSS systems for remote service of legal entities were implemented in Sberbank of Russia, VTB Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, Commercial Bank of India, Credit Europe Bank CJSC, Chinggis Khaan Bank (Mongolia), Nurbank JSC, Temirbank JSC (Kazakhstan) and other banks of the Russian Federation and the CIS. More than 100 banks have implemented or switched to a new version of the RBS BS-Client system for legal entities, and over 30 have chosen BSS solutions for mobile banking of retail clients.

As a result of active work on improving and creating complex solutions, the Company's portfolio was supplemented with new innovative developments in the field of mobile remote banking and cloud services for legal entities - Mobile Business Client and Comprehensive Service for Bank Customers. In the field of information security improvement, the largest international company RSA (information security division of EMC Corporation) has become a strategic partner of BSS.

BSS Group subsidiaries have been actively gaining ground in their industry market segments. The system integrator BSS Engineering implemented a number of large-scale projects to organize interdepartmental electronic interaction in the process of providing public services and expanded the BS-eRegion line of high-tech products. The landmark project of the year was the introduction in the SKB-Bank of the innovative solution "BSS e-Government Gate" to connect banks SMEV to and implement the provision of services. GIS GMP The certification center of BSS-Security LLC was included in the list of trusted certification centers of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the Federal state Statistics Service and the Federal Tax Service. The United Point of Contact company has increased the number of participants in the ETK-Invoicing electronic interaction system and expanded the list of services available to them.

The financial indicators and the number of contracts concluded indicate the positive dynamics of the BSS Group's business development in accordance with the strategy outlined earlier.

Court with LISSIE

On June 14, 2012, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal refused LLC Bank Soft Systems (LLC BSS) to satisfy the stated demands to cancel the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court of 09.04.2012 to deprive BSS LLC of the right to vote at general meetings of participants of LLC Laboratory for Testing Means and Informatization Systems (LLC LISSIE).

Earlier, the FAS Russia established that BSS LLC, the only member of which is SATTERFIELD MANAGEMENT LTD (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), control was established without passing the appropriate approval procedure over LISSIE LLC, which is of strategic importance.

  • According to the Federal Law of 29.04.2008 No. 57-FZ "On the Procedure for Making Foreign Investments in Economic Companies of Strategic Importance for Ensuring the Country's Defense and State Security," foreign investors also recognize organizations under the control of foreign investors, including those created on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • In accordance with Article 15 of Law No. 57-FZ, if a transaction in relation to a strategic company is made without taking into account the requirements of this law, the court, at the suit of the authorized body, decides to deprive a foreign investor or group of persons of the right to vote at the general meeting of shareholders (participants) of an economic company of strategic importance.


2011 - The Company BSS demonstrated stable growth in sales indicators, increased its share of presence in the regions, and entered new industry markets. The Company's annual sales growth RBS was 30%.

The most important event of the year was the completion of the formation of the BSS Group of Companies, which included subsidiaries (Unified Contact Point, BSS Engineering, BSS-Security) and regional representative offices of the Company in St. Petersburg, Izhevsk and Kazakhstan.

About 40 large banks and their branches of the TOP-100 and TOP-300 level, including banks the CIS countries and credit institutions with 100% participation of non-residents, joined BSS's new clients. The key projects in 2011 were: banks Sberbank of Russia Bank (VTB OJSC), OJSC "," Raiffeisen Bank CJSC "YuniKredit Bank, KB" Uniastrum Bank "(LLC), OJSC KB" INVESTTRASTBANK, "OJSC". "SKB-bank

According to the conclusions made by the CNews Analytics expert group during the annual study of the Russian market for remote banking systems, "BSS not only retained its leadership among Russian IT developers of remote banking, but also strengthened its position, increasing its presence in all segments of the remote banking solutions market." Thus, in the segment of RBS systems for corporate clients, the total share of BSS solutions in the largest banks in the Top-100 list amounted to 55.6%, which is more than last year's values ​ ​ (48.4%). The same figure among TOP-50 banks exceeded 62% (54.3% in 2010). Among banks with 100% participation of non-residents, the share of RBS solutions from BSS Company amounted to 60.4% (58.4% in 2010).

BSS focused its efforts on business development in new market segments, continued to improve existing solutions in the traditional RBS sector for the Company, and also developed new products and services, including involving the resources of subsidiaries and partners.

Audit of quality management system ISO 9001:2008

In February 2011, BSS announced another successful inspection audit of the Quality Management System for compliance with ISO 9001:2008. The BSI Audit Company's Certificate testifies to the compliance of the current BSS Quality Management System with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard in relation to "Production and provision of services for the implementation and maintenance of information systems." The officially re-issued certificate confirms the high level of customer satisfaction and sustainable internal development of BSS. As before, BSS has the official right to use the BSI symbol on various documents, including correspondence, advertising products, internal walls and exhibition stands in accordance with the BSS registered area of activity.

Creation of BSS Engineering

In June 2011, BSS announced the creation of BSS Engineering based on the system integration division. In less than a year, BSS Engineering has successfully established itself as the center of competence of BSS in the field of system integration and project management, and has also entered the market of solutions and services for government organizations. For state customers, BSS Engineering develops and implements high-tech solutions to ensure the processes of providing state and municipal services and performing state and municipal functions in electronic form based on its own solutions and developments.

In November, BSS announced the entry of BSS-Security (BSS-Security) into the information security services market. The company was created to ensure the introduction of modern information security technologies into BSS products and the creation of a competence center for information security.

During the year, the United Point of Contact company steadily developed its business, strengthening its position in the payment services market. The company offered the market a new set of ETK-INVOICING services, including an information service on invoices and advance payments, an exchange service for electronic legally significant documents, a sales service, an advertising service, as well as new payment mechanisms for bank customers and suppliers of goods and services.


2001 - BSS of banks became BSS customers. Through various service channels, these banks serve more than 15,000 of their customers. The project of electronic subscription via the Internet of the Rospechat Agency has been put into commercial operation. Now everyone anywhere in the world from their computer can subscribe to the publications of the Rospechat Agency.

2002 - " sys tem " went beyond the borders of the Russian Federation - its active implementation began in banks in Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine. More than 700 banks became partners of the Company.

2003 - More than 170 credit institutions have chosen " system for remote customer service. More than 900 credit institutions in Russia and the CIS countries operate the RBS BS-Client system. BSS has developed the "Private Client" system, a fully functional replicated solution for remote servicing of individuals. A project was implemented to organize a retail business system at Alfa-Bank. For the Alfa-Bank (Alfa Bank Express) retail project, BSS specialists have developed a unique Internet-Bank system containing more than fifty different banking products.

2004 - The size of the BSS staff approached 200 specialists. The total number of the Company's customers was more than 1000. According to a survey by TheBanker, in 2004 the RBS BS-Client system was used in 9 (out of 21 mentioned in the list) leading Russian banks that were included in the rating of thousands of the largest banks in the world. In terms of the number of implementations in Russian banks, BSS developments took first place (OTR assessment).

The company's turnover in 2004 (only in the direction of banking automation) exceeded $9 million.

2005 - The number of new clients of the Company exceeded 150 banks and branches in Russia and the CIS (including a number of banks from the Top 100 and the largest multifilial financial institutions). The BSS Quality Management System was certified for compliance with the international quality standard ISO 9001:2000 (certificate No. 177632, issued by BVQI Russia).

BSS turnover in 2005 (only in the direction of banking automation) grew by more than 38%.

2006 - BSS has implemented more than 50 major projects in leading Russian banks, many of which are part of the TOP-100. More than 130 banks and branches have become new customers. The total number of credit institutions using the systems developed by the Company exceeded 1300. The growing popularity of BSS solutions in the field of financial management of a group of enterprises was confirmed by the choice of the Corporation Settlement Center system by a number of large credit institutions and holdings in Russia. In particular, AB Gazprombank (CJSC), with which the Company signed a contract for the supply, revision, implementation, provision of technical support for the software complex of remote banking services and the settlement center of the corporation (PC DBO-RCC).

The company's turnover increased in 2006 by almost 1.5 times compared to the previous year.

2007 - According to a study by CNews Analytics... "a little less than half of the market for electronic service systems of legal entities is controlled by one developer - BSS (46.5%). The gap with the closest competitors in terms of the number of installed systems is more than significant. " The Company has maintained strong growth this year. More than 150 credit institutions have become new clients, among them are leading multifilial Russian banks of the TOP-100 level, such as RMB CB ZAO, National Bank TRUST (OJSC), AB ROSSIYA OJSC, JSCB MIB CJSC, MOSCOW CAPITAL CB (LLC), as well as banks with foreign capital: Toyota-Bank CJSC, KMB-Bank (CJSC) UIC, UIC LLC The Training Center of the Company began active work, the main task of which is to increase the efficiency of the use of RBS systems in credit institutions and improve the quality of customer service.

2008 - Stable growth of the Company. Over 140 banks and their branches become new customers: Commerzbank (Eurasia) CJSC, ABM BANK LLC, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Yufj (Eurasia) CJSC, MIZUHO CORPORATION BANK (MOSCOW) CJSC, etc. BSS developments are successful not only among Russian credit institutions, but also among non-resident banks. BSS continues to develop new areas of activity. Credit institutions benefit from the system integration services offered by the Company. In 2008, more than 15 banks began optimizing their IT infrastructure and business processes on the principles of SOA using a single platform (ESB) in partnership with BSS, such as JSC AB OTKRITIE, LLC KB AGROPROMCREDIT, JSC Nurbank (Kazakhstan), JSC Rus-Bank, AKB Ural Financial House, etc. Traditional areas of the Company's activity continued to develop actively.

2009 - BSS demonstrated steady growth in sales performance and strengthened its market position. According to the findings of the CNews Analytics study, BSS occupies over 50% of the market in banks of the Top 50 list and confidently leads the market for developers of RBS systems. More than 110 banks and branches became new clients of BSS, including Top-100 and Top-300 banks: Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Vostochny Express Bank OJSC, Tavrichesky Bank OJSC, My Bank LLC, First Republican Bank OJSC, Regiobank CJSC, etc.

A notable achievement of the year was the conclusion of contracts with the largest banks and corporations: Sberbank of Russia OJSC, GPB OJSC, AK Transneft OJSC. From 54.9% to 58.6%, the share of BSS solutions among banks with foreign capital participation increased. In 2009, the Company's clients from non-resident banks were DnB NOR Monchebank OJSC, J&T Bank CJSC, Raiffeisenbank Austria CJSC, Svenska Handelsbanken CJSC, etc. The expansion of BSS solutions into the markets of the Commonwealth countries continued.

More than 50% of the largest banks in Russia use systems developed by the Company. In particular, according to analytical research by CNews Analytics for 2009, 24 out of 50 leading banks of the Russian Federation use the Internet Client subsystem of the RBS BS-Client system, and 28 out of 50 use the Bank-Client subsystem. In general, the Company's solutions are used in more than 1,500 credit institutions in Russia and the CIS countries.


The results of BSS's work demonstrate a significant increase in sales volume, the growth of the client base and the high potential for further business development. About 120 new banks and branches in Russia and the CIS joined the number of BSS clients, the annual growth of the Company's turnover in the Sales direction amounted to 86%, in the Projects direction - 38%.

BSS's leadership in the RBS market was confirmed by the results of the annual CNews Analytics study: BSS increased its market share in the segment of the largest Top 50 banks to 54.3% and in the Top 100 segment to 48.4%, respectively. New BSS clients from among banks with 100% participation of non-residents in 2010 were banks of Volkswagen Bank RUS LLC, HELLENIK BANK CB LLC, etc.

In 2010, BSS continued to work in the largest projects for the development and implementation of RBS systems in Sberbank of Russia, GPB OJSC, Raiffeisen Bank CJSC, YuniKredit Bank CJSC, NOMOS-BANK OJSC, Bank Russian Standard CJSC, etc.

2010 was the year of dynamic promotion of the Corporation Settlement Center (RCC) system. In 2010, RCC was delivered to Sberbank of the Russian Federation, ZAO JSCB Novikombank, and the National Reserve Bank. Active development of the RCC system continues in banks of VTB (OJSC), OJSC GPB, CJSC YuniKredit Bank, OJSC AB ROSSIYA, etc.

Following strategic plans, BSS developed its business in new market and product segments: automation of remote payments and money transfers, automation of brokerage services, ensuring information security of banks and companies. In 2010, the organizational structure of BSS expanded due to the production branch in Izhevsk.

The total turnover, taking into account subsidiaries, for the first time in 2010 exceeded 1 billion. rubles


1994 - A group of enthusiasts organized a company, the main profile of which was the installation services in banks of various ABSs with their subsequent maintenance. From the very beginning, all ABS implementations were accompanied by writing their own additional modules. For 2 years, more than 15 installations were carried out in various banks.

1996 - BSS carried out the first significant development of banking software - the creation of an automated settlement center of NK LUKOIL. Shortcomings and shortcomings in the existing bank-client systems led to the BSS Company's decision to develop its own bank-client system.

1997 - Analysis of the banking automation market and accumulated experience made it possible to create the BS-Client v.2 Electronic Settlement System. Sales dynamics for the Company of 10 was impressive. Over the year, more than 100 banks became with small clients of the Company, including MENATEP Bank, Moscow Industrial Bank, INGBank Eurasia. BSS becomes one of the leaders in the market for developers of Bank-Client systems. The systematic and progressive growth of the Company is due to the parameters of the Bank-Client system construction, which at that time were not in any other system:

  • Exceptional flexibility in building forms, types, and content of documents
  • the presence of a built-in event scheduler;
  • the use of various communication and cryptographic information protection systems;
  • Remote update of client parts.

1998 - The infamous banking crisis, oddly enough, was a time of serious recovery for the Company. In the entire previous history, the most productive in terms of sales was October 1998. Then, immediately after the crisis, banks were forced to actively use new tools to attract customers and make a profit. There was a redistribution of the customer base, and RKO became one of the main sources of profit for banks.

1999 - Confirmation of the correctness of the chosen strategy and internal ideology of the Company was a significant increase in the number of employees (30 people) and a significant increase in the customer base (200 user banks). A new version with a new ideology is being prepared for release - the Remote Banking Service System "RBS BS-Client" v.3. The creation of the RBS BS-Client v.3 system as part of the Bank-Client, Internet-Client and Telephone-Client subsystems integrated through a single banking server could be called a revolutionary solution.

2000 - The industrial operation of the "RBS BS-Client" v.3 system began in the first banks. Success was accompanied by the BS-Client RBS BS-Client system, as well as in the case of BS-Client v.2 - already about 100 banks use BS-Client v.3 as part of various subsystems. On the basis of the BS-Client v.3 system, the development of a new technology for creating a full cycle of e-commerce begins. Together with NOMOS-BANK, a project has been launched to organize electronic subscriptions via the Internet to publications of the largest Russian agency Rospechat.


Bank Soft Systems LLC (BSS Company) operates in the market for the development and implementation of remote banking and financial management systems. The BSS portfolio includes a full range of solutions and services for the organization of RBS for legal entities and individuals.

BSS solutions use:

  • 1700 + banks and branches of Russia and neighboring countries.
  • 59.5% of banks TOP-100.
  • 100 + corporations and organizations.

LLC BSS Engineering"" () BSS Engineering - provider of IT solutions and services in the field of creating a single information space of state and financial structures. Priority areas of activity: support for state initiatives to form e-government, organization of interdepartmental electronic interaction, socially significant tasks.

LLC BSS-Security"" () BSS-Security carries out work on comprehensive protection and certification of informatization objects, examination of personal data information systems, development of models of threats and violators of personal data, preparation for licensing of customers in the areas and. FSB of Russia FSTEC of Russia

LLC "Unified Point of Contact" ("ETK") provides "Comprehensive Service for Bank Clients." KSKB unites the most popular cloud services available in the RBS system by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

iDA Mobile operates in the development and implementation of mobile banking technologies.


"CORREQTS" is a platform for building RBS services of any complexity. It can be used to create and develop effective automation tools for both the bank's front office and its internal processes.

"RBS BS-Client x64" is a system designed to organize remote banking services for legal entities both in the classic "bank-client" mode and via the Internet in the Internet bank or mobile bank mode.

"RBS BS-Client. Private Client "is a replicated software solution for organizing remote service of retail clients of the bank via the Internet through a wide range of devices: PCs, laptops, PDAs, smartphones, etc., as well as self-service kiosks, landlines, in offices and branches of banks.

The Corporation Settlement Center (RCC) is a solution in the field of automation of centralized management of corporate finances of enterprises with a territorial and organizational structure of any complexity in real time.

Mobile Business Client (MBC) is designed to organize remote services for individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as large corporate clients. The solution allows bank customers to manage their organization's accounts using tablets.

Comprehensive service for bank customers (KSKB) is a service for legal entities that provides the ability to provide RBS additional cloud banks services most in demand by customers through remote banking systems (): Electronic Accounting, Electronic Reporting, and. "Electronic Document Management

FRAUD-Analysis is a system designed to prevent fraud when a bank serves legal entities and individuals in remote banking systems (RBS). The solution fully complies with the specifics of the banking business and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

"BSS e-Government Gate" is a single information gateway of the bank for organizing legally significant electronic document management with FSIV through SMEV and obtaining information from FSIV.

"BS-Notificator" is an alternative to sms-informing service for financial PUSH notifications.


BSS Group:

  • Absolute leader in the market of RBS systems of legal entities and individuals TOP-100 banks of the Russian Federation based on the results of the annual study of CNews Analytics (2013).
  • Included in the CNews Analytics rating TOP-15 "The largest IT suppliers for banks 2013."
  • Included in the TOP-20 of leading Russian software developers (results of 2013);
  • 35th place in the ranking of the largest IT companies according to Expert RA (results of 2013).
  • 18th place in the ranking of the largest suppliers information technology for banks IT banks in and insurance companies 2012 CNews Analytics.
  • 63rd place in the TOP-100 rating of the "Largest IT companies in Russia 2012" according to CNews Analytics.
  • Holder of the title "Company of the Year 2012" in the nomination "Dynamic Development."
  • 12th place in the TOP-20 ranking of "Fastest Growing IT Companies" (2011)