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Dergunova Olga Konstantinovna
Dergunova Olga Konstantinovna


Olga Konstantinovna Dergunova was born on May 15, 1965 in Moscow.

In 1987 she graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics of the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy. She worked as a programmer at the Voskhod Research Institute.

Since 1990 - Director of Sales and Marketing of joint ventures "Paragraph" and "Microinform," engaged in the distribution of software, including the Russian text editor "Lexicon."

In 1991 she graduated from graduate school with a degree in computer engineering and programming at the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy.

1995: Head of Microsoft in Russia

In 1994, she began working as a corporate account manager for Microsoft representative office in Moscow, and in 1995 she headed the Microsoft Rus representative office in Moscow.

In 2002, The Wall Street Journal included Olga Dergunova among the 25 most successful and influential business women in Europe[1].

In 2004-2007 - President of Microsoft in Russia and the CIS.

In 2004, Olga Dergunova was on the list of the ten most successful and influential business women in Europe[2].

2007: Member of the Management Board of VTB

From 2007 to 2012, she was a member of the Management Board of VTB Bank.

2010: Member of the Board of Directors of Transneft

In 2010, she was included in the Board of Directors of Transneft[3]

2011: Chairman of the Board of Directors of VTB in Kazakhstan

In 2011, she was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of VTB Kazakhstan.

Since 2011, he has been a member of the public committee of supporters of Dmitry Medvedev.

He is a member of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education, as well as the board of the Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises (APKIT).

Participation in the "circle" of Dvorkovich-Voskresensky

Dvorkovich-Voskresensky's "circle" during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev was the core of his administration.

The company met once a week to broaden its horizons. It included:

We discussed a lot - from the structure of world financial centers to the Arab Spring. The meetings were held in the offices of the Voloshin analytical center "Forum."

According to the Nezygar telegram channel, the Forum Analytical Center was funded by PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte.

2012: Head of the Federal Property Management Agency of Russia

On June 29, 2012 Russia Dmitry Medvedeva , by his order, the Prime Minister appointed Olga Dergunova as Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - Head. Federal Agency for State Property Management

2016: Return to VTB

In 2016, Olga Dergunova left the Federal Property Management Agency and returned to VTB as deputy president - chairman of the board. In this position, she oversaw the VTB IT Department.

2018: IBS Independent Director

In March 2018, IBS IT Services (IBS company) included Olga Dergunova on its board of directors as an independent director. IBS told TAdviser that Dergunova's main tasks in this capacity are to expand the competencies of the board of directors and improve the company's corporate governance system.

The company expects that this will allow it to do "extensive professional experience and outstanding expertise in information technology and business."

I am glad to accept the offer of shareholders and join the IBS board of directors, and contribute to the creation of a new growth story in the Russian IT market, - said Olga Dergunova regarding the appointment

2019: No longer curator of VTB IT block

From September 2019, Olga Dergunova will lose part of her powers as deputy president - chairman of the VTB board, two informed sources told TAdviser. In particular, Dergunova will cease to be the curator of the information technology block, the significant expansion of which VTB announced in February 2019.

By the end of 2020, the staff of VTB IT teams is planned to increase to 5,000 people. The Bank reported its focus on accelerating changes and bringing new solutions to market.

The new curator of VTB's IT block may be Vadim Kulik, an ex-member of the board of Sberbank, who was responsible for the directions of Technologies and Risks in 2013-2017. After Sberbank, Kulik worked for a short time at Otkritie Bank, and then moved to Gazprombank, where he led the technological transformation for 1.5 years.

VTB's new strategy for 2019-2022 involves the construction of an operational and technological platform, and this is more than the introduction of information technologies, - the source TAdviser explains the logic of the permutations. - To solve this problem, you need a person who knows banking products and processes deeply, with experience in their digital transformation. Kulik received such experience in Sberbank, where he was responsible for risks and IT, and in Gazprombank, where he also oversaw operating activities

There is no talk of dismissing Dergunova from the bank. Olga Dergunova will continue to work at VTB Bank as Deputy President-Chairman of the Board, the VTB press service told TAdviser.

According to a TAdviser source, she, in particular, will continue to be responsible for the bank's activities as a co-founder of the Digital Economy Autonomous Non-Profit Organization, as well as to lead the Higher School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (Dergunov replaced VTB President Andrei Kostin in June 2019).

2025: Resignation from the post of deputy chairman of the board of VTB. Appointment to the post of adviser to the head of the bank Andrei Kostin

In March 2025, VTB Bank announced personnel changes in management. Olga Dergunova left the post of deputy chairman of the VTB board and moved to the post of adviser to the head of the bank, Andrei Kostin. She will continue to lead the department of external educational projects and initiatives, the bank's press service said. Olga Dergunova worked for 9 years as deputy chairman of the board.[4]


Married, daughter[5].

Olga Dergunova: about work and relationships in the family
