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In the Don state public library the corporate portal works

Customers: Don state public library, GUK

Rostov-on-Don; Show business, leisure, sport

Contractors: Softline
Product: DeskWork
На базе: Microsoft SharePoint

Project date: 2011/01


With the assistance of Softline company implementation in GUK RO "Don State Public Library" (DSPL) of the DeskWork corporate portal by means of which requests in IT department of the organization are simplified and automated is complete.

Choosing a Solution

The DeskWork corporate portal is delivered by Softline company for library. Technical specialists of GUK RO "Don state public library" unrolled a product independently. Installation process took place without notable difficulties and did not demand the additional addresses to specialists of Softline. First of all, the organization needed automation of the request in IT department.


The module "Universal Request" on which emphasis in implementation process of the project is put allows to create requests of different function, for example in IT department, on the courier, training, business trips, etc. In this module it is possible to configure the information block, to set the list and type of fields of the request, to define the claiming and performing person. "The universal request" is expected the normal user. The module includes more than ten already configured requests which it is possible to modify or create their new types.

Most often the staff of DGPB in the work uses library of documents which allows to store documents and files on the portal, but not on the hard drive of the local computer that, in turn, facilitates to users search and work with them.


"Very first we started in work the module of requests in IT department because automation of this process stood in a priority. Now process of technical support is arranged, and we can objectively analyze the state of affairs of this direction", – Oleg Vershinin, the chief programmer of the Center of information technologies of DGPB noted.