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The ECCO brand entrusted business and critical services to a hybrid cloud Croc

Customers: EKKO Grew (ECCO Sko)

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: Croc Cloud services
Product: Croc: Virtual data center (IaaS)

Project date: 2020/04  - 2020/10

2020: Transfer of services in a cloud

On November 12, 2020 the ECCO brand in Russia announced consolidation of most the infrastructure and business and critical services in a hybrid cloud Croc. The combination of public resources and colocation allowed to achieve the necessary flexibility, to simplify administration of IT and to optimize costs for support of services.

The ECCO company for half a year consistently transferred from the local environment to infrastructure of the Cloud of CROC critical business applications, including: An ERP system, a financial system based on 1C, the system of the analytical reporting, mail and file services, databases. Depending on architecture of applications and features of their work for placement the public cloud or the server hardware were selected from data center of CROC. To provide stability of work of services and fast replication of data, the forward channel of communication between two platforms was organized.

The hybrid circuit became an optimal variant for support of a system landscape with a large number of legacy systems, and consolidation of resources allowed to provide requirements of the headquarters in Bredebro and to have an opportunity to quickly increase computing resources during the peak periods.

We as a part of global business of ECCO should place, according to internal standards, critical services in the outsourcing DPCs operated professional by commands. When choosing the supplier of service we were guided by popularity of provider in the market, the technical characteristics of data centers, international certificates confirming continuity and safety of their transactions and also customer focus. For all the time of work with the Cloud of CROC we never doubted the choice — Dmitry Batsyuro, the Chief information officer of ECCO in Russia reported.

In spite of the fact that in a public cloud services of which contrast dynamics of resource consumption (such as e-commerce-websites) is characteristic are not placed, the high scalability of infrastructure and transparency of resource management became one of customer requirements. These characteristics of the Cloud of CROC were demanded during a pandemic when the retailer transferred all state to remote work, having faced the shortage of capacities of own servers for remote access. In process of return of personnel to offline, virtual machines "were extinguished" and started again at activation of the repeated mode of self-isolation.

The pragmatic principle of work with the outsourcing ECCO resources can be held up as an example. The company builds hybrid infrastructures, is customized selecting this or that model of work with data. Thanks to it it is possible to achieve the high performance of the placed services, stability of their work and effective utilization of resources in DPC. And complex approach to placement of applications allows the client not to worry about support and upgrade of infrastructure — Maxim Berezin, the director of business development of CROC noted Cloud services.