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Project" upgraded a conditioning system of DPC

Customers: ER-Telecom Holding (Дом.ru)

Contractors: Eko-Date
Product: Uniflair LE HDCV

Project date: 2014/09  - 2015/03

On May 21, 2015 the Schneider Electric company announced completion of works on upgrade of a conditioning system of DPC of Дом.ru telecom operator. The project, installation and commissioning were performed by specialists of Eko-Date company.

Project Progress

The first stage of upgrade (including design) is executed from March to June, 2014 without stopping of work of data center.

The conditioning system on the basis of solutions of Uniflair of Schneider Electric company ensures the round-the-clock effective energy saving, functioning of server resources and data warehouses in the mode of reservation N+1. Ultimate power of a conditioning system is 360 kW. In two machine halls the system of isolation of cold corridors EcoAisle, the system of automatic maintenance of static pressure of air is used.

In the first hall five Leonardo TUCV2000 conditioners on a cold water, in the second — four conditioners are installed. Both halls service 3 devices of air cooling (chillers) of ARAF0964A with function of ambient cooling (free cooling). The new conditioning system maintains optimal temperature and provides filtering, moistening, drainage in the automatic mode.

"The main task of upgrade of the cooling system is minimizing of probability of idle times: any failure in work means considerable material losses. At the same time, protection against overheating in hot summer months is especially important. Precision conditioners with the system of ambient cooling allowed to lower production costs and wear of the equipment, but also — costs for the electric power in the fall and in the winter significantly decreased. By our calculations economy can make up to 25% a year. If to take only the cold period, economy is significantly higher — to 35%. In 2015 the Дом.ru company is going to carry out upgrade of conditioning systems on 5 objects" — Sergey Onyanov, the head of service of technical service of Дом.ru telecom operator said.

The winter in Perm Krai long (snow drops out at the end of October – the beginning of November and keeps till third decade of April), annual average air temperature fluctuates from 0 °C up to +2 °C in the south in the north. The conditioning system using cooled water, the chiller — fankoil, with function of ambient cooling allows to switch-off compressors of a freon circuit during the autumn and winter period when temperature falls below 8 °C and below that considerably reduces the general energy consumption of a system: the water cooling the DPC premises resets heat to the environment, passing through the additional heat exchanger of ambient cooling of the refrigerator. At the same time, the pump and fans are the only components of the cooling system consuming the electric power since the beginning of November until the end of March.

Project Results

"The customer long enough used so-called semi-industrial conditioning systems in DPCs. Within works on increase in reliability of platforms, we recommended to consider the possibility of installation of the specialized cooling systems capable to provide high fault tolerance and controllability. The energy efficiency of the solution was also one of project priorities. Together with the partner examination was conducted and optimal technical solution on upgrade of the cooling system in DPCs of the customer is developed. Based on work, the customer entrusted us sale of the cooling system of the second platform in the same building. There also the solutions Schneider Electric were used" — Yury Chelpanov, the corporate customers manager in Perm Krai reported Schneider Electric company.