1C-Rarus 1C implemented the solution ": Management of the construction organization" in EcoProg
Customers: EcoProg Moscow; Information technologies Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. Management of the construction organization (1S:USO)Project date: 2014/11
On November 7, 2014 the EcoProg engineering company implemented the solution "1C: Management of the construction organization". Specialists 1C-Rarus carried out express inspection of business processes to EcoProg, prepared, showed an example of system operation and offered the plan of its implementation.
Goals and Objectives
Transparent management of the merchandising numbering a large number of nomenclatures, accurate supply planning, ensuring certainty of supply - tasks which EcoProg set for the project of automation. The industry solution proposed by specialists 1C-Rarus "1C: Management of the construction organization" is recognized capable to meet requirements for the organization of material project-based accounting, both in natural, and in cost calculation. A system will allow to conduct summary planning and to work with price lists of suppliers.
Project Progress
At the first stage of the project should be automated: maintaining normative reference information, purchase management and stocks. A system will allow to keep account on inventory items, partners, agreements, projects, warehouses and the nomenclature. In the field of purchase management planning processes of purchases and formation of supplier orders, return of goods and preparation of the reporting will be optimized.
- Regarding inventory management we will be able quickly to monitor receipt of the equipment and materials and their movement between warehouses, - Mikhail Tarasov specified. – It is important to us to have a transparent restoration system and planning of purchase and receipt of Inventories, to control their transfer to production and return. We aim to see without special delays what equipment is stored in warehouses and what its cost what its volume was transferred to installation at what stage there is an agreement performance with the client.
Use in work of the solution "1C: Management of the construction organization" allows to provide harmonious process of supply of the implemented projects with materials and the equipment, to execute projects according to the planned terms, to exclude exceeding of planned cost of projects.
At the first stage a system should automate work of 25 employees of EcoProg company.
- EcoProg implements all complex of works on design and construction of engineering and information infrastructure for the under construction and reconstructed objects of different function, - Mikhail Tarasov, the director of the department of informatization of EcoProg company told. – Activity of our company differs in complexity and includes the next stages: design, installation and equipment checkout, warranty and post warranty service. The feature of the created solutions consists in their high reliability due to application in engineering solutions of automated control systems, optimal system technical solutions and also thanks to careful selection of suppliers and contractors.
- At the subsequent stages of the project we are going to automate planning processes of work and material management in more detail. Let's include in a system functionality on management of settlement with suppliers and clients. We optimize processes of work with estimates and accounting processes. The project will come to the end with pricing process automation. I consider that if when choosing the platform of automation we stop on a system "1C: Management of the construction organization", using specialists of 1C-Rarus company we will successfully solve these problems - Mikhail Tarasov summarized.
Project implementation it is going to start in the spring of 2015.
Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.