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FAS (LanDocs document management system)

Customers: Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS RF)

Moscow; State and social structures

Contractors: LANIT
Product: LanDocs

Project date: 2009/04  - 2009/09
Number of licenses: 500

Workflow automation systems have been used in the work of the central office (CA) of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia for more than ten years. Until 1997, an automated system for monitoring the implementation of management decisions was used, from 1998 to 2006 - a document accounting and control system developed by CenterInvest Soft. The annually increasing volume of documents passing through the department, the excessive duration of registration processes, the lack of a developed control system, and finally the complexity of the development of the current system dictated the need to switch to a new platform.

At the beginning of 2006, specialists of the Department of Informatization, Automation and Public Relations of the FAS Russia analyzed the market for automated document management systems, developed a detailed technical assignment, which formed the basis of competitive requirements published in mid-2006. These requirements formed the basis of the competition announced by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia." Based on the results of consideration of applications submitted for the competition, a state contract was signed with LANIT. The competition commission recognized the LanDocs system provided by LANIT, which most fully meets the competitive requirements and development needs of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

The implementation of the system implementation project was introduced together with the employees of CenterInvest Soft, who participated in the development of the terms of reference, setting up LanDocs software and training users. One of the specific requirements of the project was the requirement for the contractor to carry out a "painless" transition to a new platform with the complete preservation of the automated procedures accumulated in the replaceable system of the fund and the transfer of all accumulated data (more than 500,000 documents).

The new software system was deployed to 150 jobs by the end of 2006. The project executors, despite the tight deadlines, managed to save the FAS from the need to re-enter information, preserve the regulations of the office, the structure of registration logs, the procedure for registering and monitoring the execution of documents. During the New Year holidays, LANIT and CenterInvest Software specialists migrated data and, thus, since the beginning of 2007, all users have been provided with new software.

In 2008, work was carried out to replicate a standard solution of the document management subsystem in the Vladimir and Rostov OFAS.