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The distributor of PIR dairy products manages agreements in DirectumRX


Moscow; Trade

Contractors: Directum
Product: DirectumRX

Project date: 2018/11  - 2019/04
Number of licenses: 105

On June 4, 2019 the company Directum reported that for simplification of a contracted work and increase in its transparency the management TD "PIR" decided to automate process with the help ECM systems DirectumRX. All contractual documents will be approved in the DirectumRX system, at the same time internal regulations of the company are considered.

In a project deliverable in the company work with agreements was completely automated:

  • All approvals happen in a system on the configured regulations: depending on document type the sequence of stages and approving is defined.
  • Participants of process can check all available information on the partner in couple of clicks directly from the system interface.
  • In the unified register of agreements documents can be filtered flexibly and to unload quickly in different cuts for the reporting.
  • Using convenient mechanisms it is easy to trace the fact of signing and location of the paper original document.
  • Quickly it is possible to find the document in a system by the barcode on paper option – at its scanning the document in a system opens, and the electronic copy can be found by dimensional parameters – by number, date, the partner, the author, etc.

In addition in a system process of work with single deliveries was configured. Thanks to the reduced circle approving shipment of products in such cases does not drag on – cooperation with the partner begins even before agreement signature.

It was succeeded to exclude duplication of information in the different systems at the expense of integration solutions: in DirectumRX and MS of the Active Directory data on divisions and employees are automatically synchronized, and in 1C: Accounting from an ECM system information on contractual documents is unloaded. Using a sheaf with an e-mail client employees of TD "PIR" can perform tasks through corporate mail. Such approach is convenient when the employee has no opportunity here and now to be connected to work in a system, and process cannot be dragged out.

In DirectumRX for June, 2019 105 employees of TD "PIR" work. Internal processes of the company became more transparent and managed. The management had a convenient instrument of control of loading of personnel, the performing discipline increased.

"Active part in the project was taken by the management of TD "PIR". The customer was interested in that the project went most effectively, and its result had a positive impact on work of the organization. TD "PIR" is not going to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, the company management considers possibilities of replication of the implemented solution and also accumulation of functionality of a system through implementation of applied modules".

Vasily Lukin, the project manager of implementation DirectumRX in TD "PIR"

In 2 weeks of trial operation of a system in the company 143 contractual documents were created and 204 tasks are sent. As of June, 2019 the management of TD "PIR" is going to connect to work in DirectumRX other companies of trading house and also to automate office-work processes.