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Global Denim (1C: Payroll and HR Management 8)

Customers: Levi Strauss Moscow

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: 1C-Rarus
Product: 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8

Project date: 2009/08


The 1C-Rarus company automated conducting personnel records of the Russian branch of LEVI'S company – Global Denim LLC. On a basis of "1C: Payroll and HR Management" on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform the information system allowing to process the data arriving from 33 shops in uniform base of the central office is created.

Company Info

The Global Denim LLC company – the Russian branch of LEVI'S company – is engaged wholesale and retail. At the moment the company has 33 shops in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don and Samara. Works more than with 120 wholesale partners in all Russia. The number of employees is about 300 people. TM LEVI'S conducts the history since 1853. LEVI'S shops are located in 110 countries of the world, the company constantly opens new shops.

Project Description

Due to the development of the company there was a need for a modern information system for accounting of personnel. The management Global Denim made the decision on implementation of the "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" software product on the 1C: Enterprise platform, flexible and easily scalable.

As the partner for project implementation the 1C-Rarus company having extensive work experience with corporate clients was selected.

During implementation the following business processes were automated:

  • Personnel records (acceptance, movement, dismissal);
  • Accounting of absences (holidays, sick leave notes, absences);
  • Accounting for CHI (compulsory health insurance);
  • Accounting of data on medical books;
  • The personified accounting;
  • Design of bank cards.

Project Effect

The Customer got the following advantages in a project deliverable:

1. The information system allowing to process data on 33 shops at the central office is created. At the expense of the organization of the centralized data entry of a labor cost decreased by 40%.

2. Maintaining personnel documents (the employment contract, personnel orders, questionnaires, references) in two languages is provided: Russian and English, for providing the reporting to the Company Headquarters. The module allowing to transliterate automatically into English data of employees is developed: surnames, addresses.

3. The uniform information base on personnel is created. It allowed:

  • reduce time for data processing for 30%,
  • avoid inconsistency and the duplication of information arising at repeated data entry on individuals
  • make operational decisions on filling of vacancies.

4. Time for document creation about acceptance, transfer, dismissal of employees and also orders was reduced by a business trip, a holiday and so forth twice.

5. The possibility of creation of analytical reports in necessary cuts is provided.

6. Routine tasks are automated, and preparation of the regulated reporting in state bodies is simplified (The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the tax inspection, etc.).

7. The block is developed for conducting the transactions connected with compulsory health insurance. An opportunity to automatically create documents on employees for submission of data in Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund is provided; keep track of the status of execution of operations (date of submission of documents, obtaining the policy). The zadvoyeniye and loss of information is excluded.

8. Report generation on each of 5 regions in which shops of retail chain stores are located is possible.

9. Accounting of the information supplied according to medical books for providing in relevant organs of check is automated.

10. Process of collecting and giving in a databank of employees for design of bank cards is automated.

11. Flexible differentiation of user rights allows to make available to the employee only that information which is required for his work.

In the course of implementation by specialists of 1C-Rarus company training of staff of human resource department in work with the implemented software product was provided, permanent consultations in workplaces were performed.

Customer Feedback

The human resources manager of Global Denim LLC Bugrova Ekaterina tells about project deliverables: "Using the implemented solution the company had an opportunity to qualitatively systematize and structure information volume in uniform base. Time spent for document creation was reduced.

We obtain the detailed information on personnel in the Russian and English languages that gives us the chance to estimate efficiency of the HR policy in different aspects, to make the right management decisions. We intend to develop further a system, turning on in it the solution of new tasks of personnel management".

Source Reference

Branch of LEVI'S company – Global Denim LLC, manages personnel with the help "1C:Enterprise 8", implemented 1C-Rarus