Customers: SunCity (IP Nikiforov, Petrozavodsk) Petrozavodsk; Show business, leisure, sport Contractors: Petroglyph Product: PapyrusProject date: 2013/04 - 2013/04
On April 5 complex automation of beauty shop "Sun City" was complete. "SunCity" is successful, dynamically developing and one of the leading salons of the city of Petrozavodsk.
As the accounting system the management of salon selected the solution on the basis of the Papyrus enterprise management system.
The workplace of the administrator of salon is equipped with the scanner of barcodes and a fiscal registrar.
As a result of the carried-out works are automated:
- accounting of medicines and the rendered services
- systems of discount cards
- working schedule of masters
- record of clients
- database maintenance of clients
- sale of services and joint products