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Баннер в шапке 2

Razdolye automated the accounting of the Izhevsk Aviation Plant

Customers: Izhevsk Aviation Plant

Izhevsk; Mechanical and Instrument Engineering

Contractors: Razdolie
Product: 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/09

2024: Accounting Automation

The Razdolye company has automated accounting with Izhevsk Aviation Plant JSC. Razdolye reported this on October 15, 2024.

At the aircraft plant, automated separate accounting of the enterprise's activities for the purposes of the State Environmental Protection Service has been introduced. The company switched to comprehensive accounting in the system "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2."

Izhevsk The Aviation Plant faced the need to improve its internal processes and optimize use. software The company established the program ": Enterprise 1CERP Management," but identified obstacles to the effective use of this system. The main difficulties were the impossibility of generating reports and analyzing the cost of production.

To solve these problems, the plant turned to the Razdolye Implementation Center, which specializes in automating complex business processes. As part of the project, Razdolye specialists conducted an audit of the existing accounting system and developed a number of solutions to improve the efficiency of enterprise management. These solutions covered various aspects of the business, including accounting for purchases, sales, production, warehouse, accounting, tax accounting, cost calculation, and more.

One of the key tasks was the introduction of separate accounting of the enterprise's activities for the purposes of the state defense order (state defense order) and automation of calculation and calculation materials.

In addition, key functions such as finance, management accounting, performance monitoring, accounting, tax accounting, sales accounting, logistics and transportation were automated.

Employees of Razdolye carried out work on the setup and implementation of standard/industry software, collected and analyzed the customer's requirements, technical implementation of specific accounting and management features, as well as provided methodological support and training for personnel to work with the system. They also provided support in the form of consultations on technical issues of working with 1C software products and issued preferential support for 1S:ITS.

Due to the joint efforts of the Razdolye Implementation Center and employees of the Izhevsk Aviation Plant, the company was able to successfully modernize its internal processes and introduce modern business management methods.