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Book monuments and graphics at ElarScan will be digitized in Saratov

Customers: K.A. Fedin State Museum

Saratov; State and social structures

Product: ElarSCAN

Project date: 2023/07  - 2024/01

2024: Delivery of ElarSkanA2-600KS

The State Museum of K.A. Fedin is working on the domestic planetary scanner ElarSkanA2-600KS. ELAR (Electronic Archive, NGO Experience) announced this on February 28, 2024.

source = Elar

Work on the scanner of this modification is extremely important, since the museum's funds contain unique exhibits related to the names of outstanding writers of the 19th-20th centuries - A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolsty, I. Turgenev, N. Nekrasov, A. Block, A. Akhmatova and many others. In total, the museum's funds number about 80 thousand storage units.

The fund of a rare book contains books from the library of K. Fedin, rare small editions, as well as books related to book monuments: "The Journey of Her Imperial Majesty to the Noon Region of Russia" 1786 edition, Psalter of the 17th century. The collection of graphics contains works by G. Vereisky, A. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, V. Konashevich, V. Milashevsky and many other famous artists.

This domestic planetary scanner ElarSkanA2-600KS allows you to create digital copies of high quality not only planar materials, but also volumetric objects. Our employees have already begun to digitize the graphic works stored in the museum's funds, "said Margarita Lvovna Kruglova, chief curator of the funds. - Another important task is to create digital copies of the museum's accounting documentation. First of all, the main inventory books that employees turn to daily in their work. Over the years of the museum's existence, some of them have fallen into disrepair and need restoration. ElarScan allows you to perform careful scanning thanks to a special cradle for hosting large-format books.

Museum visitors, specialists, researchers and a wide range of people interested in literature, art and history of our country will be able to use digital copies of museum exhibits.