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Corus Consulting booked audit of a corporate IT system based on SharePoint for Avito

Customers: KEH ekommerts

Contractors: Corus Consulting
Product: Microsoft SharePoint 2013
На базе: Microsoft SharePoint

Project date: 2020/02  - 2020/06

2020: Completion of audit of the InAvito system on the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 platform

On June 29, 2020 the CORUS Consulting company reported that it completed audit of the InAvito system on the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 platform for KEH Ekommerts company. According to the results of audit experts created the detailed report on the current technical condition of a system and opportunities of its development.

According to the company, in "KEH ekommerts" works the solution InAvito – a corporate portal with functional system modules of electronic document management on work with agreements, powers of attorney and the block of requests. IT solution is developed based on Microsoft SharePoint 2013, was supported and improved several contractors. During a system lifecycle conceptual approach to solvable tasks and functionality changed and also a large number of separate information and documentation on the happened changes was accumulated. "KEH ekommerts" decided to attract independent experts who will analyze a current status of a system, will consolidate data on keyword technical parameters, administration, to approaches to completions, InAvito documentation and also will make recommendations on the future.

Technical audit was executed by CORUS Consulting Group. The IT company analyzed a status of the current infrastructure and system architecture, a configuration of the platform, integration with it and completeness of the description of functionality in documentation, estimated scaling options and replications and also checked rules of backup, recovery and correctness of change management. Specialists investigated InAvito on existence of possible errors in work and analyzed the organization of processes of support.

As a result of audit of Corus Consulting provided the complete and detailed report containing data on performance status, architecture, reliability of system operation, security, administration and maintenance, the critical moments and "bottlenecks" to which it is worth paying attention in the nearest future. Specialists prepared practical recommendations about elimination or risk reduction about the revealed problems and also information on opportunities for completions, implementations of functional units, scalabilities and replications, transition to upgraded versions of the platform. Results of audit will become a basis for decision making on elimination of the existing problems, further development of system modules.

We in Avito company make the reasoned decisions and therefore before planning further actions for development of an electronic document management system, booked audit of a current status of a system. We selected for this purpose Corus Consulting as the company with experience in implementation and operation of electronic document management systems in general and on the SharePoint MS platform in particular. With the choice were not mistaken, results of audit will be used for planning of further development of a system.

Alexander Martynov, the head of department of business process automation of KEH ekommerts LLC told

The companies often appear in such situation: a system is implemented long ago, responsible teams of the customer and contractor were replaced since then, changes were repeatedly made, there were completions, documentation was differently kept. As a result business users of IT solution do not possess the complete information about its technical condition any more. Besides, over time a system becomes outdated morally, and it is important to owner to solve in time how to upgrade it and correctly to support that it continued to perform the functions – or to refuse it for benefit of other tool. The impartial assessment of the expert received as a result of audit allows to receive objective data and to draw up the action plan.

Elena Piskunovich, the director of the department of portal solutions of CORUS Consulting Group told