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"Carat" completes automation of an enterprise management system

Customers: Karat, NPO

St. Petersburg; Mechanical engineering and instrument making

Contractors: SoftBalance
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2011/08  - 2013/09
Number of licenses: 50


JSC Karat Scientific and Production Association completed implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" with the assistance of integrator of SoftBalance Group, the press service reported on September 4, 2013.

Project Background

In recent years before NPO Karat there was a problem of upgrade of an enterprise management system.

"All of us began to face more often problems which arise in the absence of the unified information system, – Moskovchenko Artem Leonidovich, the First Deputy CEO of NPO Karat noted. – Ceased to control a warehouse and finance, did not understand that when and for what it is necessary to buy or pay, and with our type of activity it is about millions of rubles. Many operational processes were not smoothly running, and the situation when the whole enterprise depends on one person because only he possessed the complete information in practice turned out".

In 2011 the decision on upgrade of the information management system by the enterprise is made. A basis the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product became a new information system, the SoftBalance Group became the partner in implementation.

Project Progress

The project is begun with a stage on formations of the normative reference information that allowed to solve problems:

  • standardization of names of the nomenclature positions of design documentation used in different design divisions
  • creation of base of admissible analogs;
  • creation and implementation of uniform codes of the reference information for automation of collecting and the analysis of the corporate reporting;
  • quality improvement and reliability of the normative reference information due to elimination of duplication of the handbook data transferred from the inherited automated systems, optimization of regulations of its maintaining, reduction of routine transactions;
  • created "backlog" for integration with the information systems planned to implementation at the level of handbook data that allowed to arrange and cut down expenses on processes of maintaining NSI.

Project Results

After introduction of an information system to operation, the management and the staff of NPO Karat noted:

  • The efficiency of accounting and control on production due to implementation of volume scheduling and operational reflection of the fact of release increased;
  • The functionality of purchase planning which forms on the basis of design documentation in case of batch production, or on the basis of iteratsionno the specified preliminary lists that led to cost reduction, the materials connected with inappropriate or uneconomical purchases is successfully used.
  • The efficiency of accounting in general on the enterprise increased. A new system allowed to integrate work of warehouse economy, design and production divisions and accounting in unified software environment.
  • The efficiency of use of money due to implementation of operational planning on profit centers and costs (payment schedule) which forms on the basis of the payment dates specified in in prisoners with customers and suppliers increased.