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1C-Rarus implemented "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" in KOMUS packaging company

Customers: Komus packaging

Moscow; Light industry

Contractors: 1C-Rarus
Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2014/11

On November 11, 2014 1C-Rarus became the partner in consulting of KOMUS company within the project on automation of the production direction.

The command 1C-Rarus conducted preproject examination in KOMUS packaging company within which the current business processes, opportunities for their optimization are analyzed, the concept of future information system is constructed, its architecture is described, the optimal product of 1C is selected, possibilities of this product and their compliance to business processes of the company are shown.

Results of preproject inspection showed – for unification of business processes at all enterprise, including far off the located plants, and managements of production planning the ERP system "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" approaches. Implementation "1C: ERP 2.0" to allow to optimize processes on creation of the diagram of production and operational reproduction planning, distribution logistics. Especially important tasks are management of work centers, identification of "narrow" production sites and optimization of their loading, these tasks can be also solved by implementation "1C: ERP 2.0".

- Our factories work by the principle of standard modules of a single system of production, distribution and sales, based on the uniform quality standards of goods and services, - Eduard Pavlyuchenko, the chief of production and logistic management of KOMUS packaging company told. - In the conditions of the active growth of the market and gain of the competition we consider the strategic task creation of the perfect operating system with the lowest costs in the industry. For management of operational and strategic tasks we need the unified information system. We thought of its creation based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and addressed experts 1C-Rarus for advisory support in the matter.
- We intend to cooperate with 1C-Rarus company further, - Eduard Pavlyuchenko commented.

Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.