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"Kramp" accelerated the agreement of contracts with the help of "1C: KORP Document Management"

Customers: Kramp

Moscow; Mechanical engineering and instrument making

Product: 1C: Document flow 8 KORP

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/05
Number of licenses: 159

2024: Implementation of "1C: Document Flow CORP "

The company Crump"" automated work with contracts using the system 1C: KORP Document Flow"" integrated with 1C: Integrated Automation"." Work with documents is regulated, regulatory reference information on counterparties, individuals, subdivisions is unified. Agreement of contracts and internal documents accelerated by 20%. It takes a few minutes to find the right document, which helps the company quickly resolve legal issues with partners in and. Russia This was announced EEU on May 27, 2024 by the company. 1C

As reported, the company "Cramp" is a supplier of spare parts for agricultural machinery and goods for animal husbandry. As of May 2024, the company's assortment includes more than 120,000 units of goods.

"Kramp" accelerated the agreement of contracts with the help of "1C: KORP Document Management


The company works monthly with dozens of procurement and sales agreements both in the Russian Federation and with the EAEU countries, as well as agreements with transport companies, insurance and banks. They are processed and approved through the accounting department and lawyers of the enterprise, as well as approved by the head. In addition, other types of internal documents are involved in the company's document management: personnel (business trip orders, transfer and selection of an employee, worklists, applications for leave and dismissal, etc.), organizational and legal (job description, department regulation), administrative (orders and instructions) and information and reference (protocols, applications, memos).

Previously, the document management process at Kramp was not regulated, all approvals were recorded "in words." An effective electronic document management system was required that would help speed up work with documents, optimize coordination processes, and ensure the rapid formation of various types of contracts according to templates. In addition, the management set the task - to create a repository of electronic documents with a convenient and quick search for the necessary files.

To solve the tasks, the 1C: KORP Document Management system was chosen. The implementation partner was the company assino, which is "1C: Center for Document Management Competence."

In 3 months, the system was deployed at 159 workplaces. Seamless integration with 1C: Integrated Automation was carried out, regulatory reference information on counterparties, individuals, divisions and contact information was unified), business process templates related to the coordination of procurement and sales contracts were developed.

Now, employees of the legal and financial services, as well as accounting and sales departments, work in a single electronic document management system. Documents are stored, you can quickly find the desired contract in the system and view the history of approvals and interactions on it.

Work with documents is now clearly regulated. Templates of contracts with auto-filling data in printed forms have been developed, access rights have been differentiated by types of internal documents, document relationships have been adjusted.

Processing and agreement of contracts are carried out in one window "1C: Integrated Automation," without switching between systems. The responsible employee creates a contract card in 1C: Integrated Automation without filling in the details with an indication of the contract storage folder in 1C: Document Flow. After that, a template document is automatically created in 1C: Document Flow. The responsible employee fills in the details, on their basis the layout of the contract is formed. Next, a comprehensive contract negotiation process is started. Not the agreed contract is sent for adjustment, and then - for new approval. The agreed contract receives the status "Valid" in the system and is only then available in "1C: Integrated Automation" for further work. The approval of documents accelerated by 20%.

In addition, an optimized scheme for coordinating personnel documents is now available to employees, which is especially important for specialists working remotely. When creating a document, personal data is automatically substituted, the document is sent for approval to the manager, after which it is transferred further along the routes to the personnel service of the enterprise.

On the basis of 1C: KORP Document Management, a corporate electronic document management system has been created. We have received the full functionality of a modern solution for comprehensive contractual work. For May 2024, the system is configured according to the business processes of the enterprise, all approval and signing routes are clearly regulated and spelled out.

noted Elena Yusupova, manager of e-commerce and IT management at Crump