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"LSR group" transfers purchases to own electronic marketplace

Customers: LSR (LSR) Industrial construction group

Contractors: FogSoft (Fogsoft)
Product: ITender SRM
На базе: ITender

Project date: 2018/01  - 2018/06

On July 25, 2018 the Fogsoft company announced development of electronic marketplace for construction holding "LSR Groups".

Office building of JSC Gruppa LSR. Photo:

According to developers, the LSR Groups electronic marketplace can independently function or be connected to an internal information system of purchase planning (IC). The ETP is developed on the basis of the ready-made solution "Purchase iTender" with completion of functionality under specific business requirements of LSR Groups.

On the platform carrying out accreditation on nomenclature group, accreditation on the tender, opened, closed (by the invitation of procurement authority) request for proposals and rebidding is available.

The customer can start prequalification as on a particular procurement, and to accredit suppliers to a certain term — on commodity groups (nomenclature) or types of activity. Having been included in the list of the accredited companies, the supplier will be automatically invited to participation in the procurement procedures corresponding to its accreditation. Such scheme will affect the entire period of action of accreditation of the supplier.

Especially for LSR Group the Fogsoft company developed the functionality allowing to request analogs for the specified lot positions when forming a packet of the tender documentation. Analogs on positions can also participate in rebiddings.

In a system flexible configuration of evaluation criteria is implemented. For admission to participation in the tender of suppliers estimate on qualification criterions which extend to all tender. For assessment of the arrived offers commercial criteria which can be applied to all lot or to each position are used. The criteria for evaluation of the partner arriving from an information system will be transformed to the questionnaire of purchase which form the user should fill for application for participation in a procurement procedure. The ETP based on "Purchase iTender" allows to configure flexibly criteria for each specific tender and each specific lot.

According to technical specifications on ETP four types of rebidding were developed: in the form of online rebidding on reduction of price, the Dutch rebidding, an internal meeting and rebidding in one step. Each of them can be carried out on lots and positions with any set of evaluation criteria.

The rebidding created especially for holding in the form of an internal meeting means the customer's meeting with his potential suppliers. As a result of internal biddings the purchaser makes the proposals submitted by partners in the course of internal rebidding on ETP.

The ETP is developed especially for interaction with an internal information system of purchase planning of LSR Group (IC).

"At first from an information system commands about the publication of the tender or making changes in the tender documentation go to the platform, further — the applications received from suppliers return to the IC for processing by the staff of LSR. Later on ETP data on results — the choice of the winner, carrying out rebidding, a request of additional documentation or, for example, about purpose of the next round of purchase arrive".

Igor Bovin, the project manager of Fogsoft, the head of development and deployment of ETP for LSR Group company

Thus separation of systems according to security policy of LSR Group is performed. The IC will contain internal data of the company (the list of partners, parts of contractual relations, the signed contracts, etc.) — access to these data will be had only by the staff of holding. The ETP will become a public information system for interaction with partners.

Further LSR Group is going to make a smooth transfer of purchases on corporate ETP.