Customers: Lamborghini Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Engineering Contractors: Product: Salesforce BlockchainНа базе: Projects based on blockchain technology Second product: Projects based on blockchain technology Project date: 2019/11
On November 19, 2019 Salesforce announced implementation by the blockchain system in Automobili Lamborghini company for resale of cars. Thanks to this project the Italian producer of supercars intends to optimize implementation processes of vehicles in secondary market, to improve customer service and to save the value of vintage cars.
Lamborghini participates in resale of the cars, managing a certification process. He demands from 800 to 1000 personal inspections which are carried out in the Italian city of Sant-Agata-Bolonyeze where there is the central office of car maker.
Lamborghini involves photographers, auction houses, the dealer and service centers to data recording about each car. Thanks to software of Salesforce all information concerning repair of machines and buyers will register in a blockchain system without an opportunity to delete or change it.
As a result the buyer will be able to verify authenticity of the car and all its history. Lamborghini will protect clients from forgery on motor transport and will accelerate checks at further transactions on resale.
Follows from the message of Salesforce of November 19, 2019 that the company started the blockchain technology six months before and allows clients to implement quickly it, without resorting to programming.
The blockchain changes how the companies approach questions of trust and transparency. Lamborghini is a fine example of it. We are glad to see how such sign brand is capable to implement innovations and to transform the market of vintage cars using so advanced technologies as Salesforce Blockchain — the senior vice president for the developing technologies in Salesforce Adam Caplan said. |
Lamborghini also uses a blockchain platform of Salesforce for certification of the Lamborghini Aventador S supercar created in the single copy.[1]