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The organization of office in MFC

Customers: MFC of Tobolsk

Tobolsk; Government and social institutions

Contractors: Directum
Product: Directum: Services of MFC
На базе: Directum (EDMS/ECM system)

Project date: 2012/03  - 2016/09

MAU of Tobolsk MFC (MAU "MFC") – the organization providing the public and municipal services to residents in the mode of "one window" including electronically.

Effective office-work

MFC works in the DIRECTUM system since 2012. Over time the organization had a need for development of a system which would allow to close specific job requirements of office. On start of the project the management of MAU "MFC" sounded to contractors the following tasks:

  • organize office-work in the multifunction center in electronic form taking into account interdepartmental interaction;
  • give to employees an opportunity to quickly define location of the document and monitor its movement and also control completion dates;
  • develop the solution allowing to create business on each entering statement in a binding to the outgoing document which should be stored further in electronic form;
  • limit access to affairs and documents according to job responsibilities of employees;
  • create the solution for control of structure of the ready documentation transferred for issue to clerks;
  • provide the mechanism of the simplified, complete and intuitive registration and sending to work of documents conforming to the set requirements of office-work of both organizations;
  • whenever possible to accelerate and optimize work of the managers who are responsible for signing of the contracts and problem definition to contractors, control of completion dates;
  • at all stages of execution of documents to fill up affairs with new documents, with compulsory use of the mechanism of binding.

Upgrade of DIRECTUM

Stage 1. Reference books and rights

Proceeding from wishes of company management, the decision to organize in DIRECTUM (the module Office) two separate reference books for registration of the entering documentation was made. When filling in 10-20 thousand records a year this approach was the most right decision. Change allowed in each of the organizations with which MAU "MFC" interacts, to implement the requirements to office-work and not to complicate development.

Then work on improvement of the module in general began. For office-work three main reference books were prepared:

  1. the Magazine of the entering documentation.
  2. Magazine of outgoing documentation.
  3. Magazine of internal documentation.

Such solution allowed to issue the different rights to reference books to each clerk. It became additional plus of upgrade of the module Office.

As the center for collection of information the entering reference books in which all documents forming further (relating to the statement) and also information on location of the document, the statuses and other information gather acted.

As for the status of the statement, at its change in a card a part of details is blocked. Thus it was succeeded to avoid accidental corrections at different stages of work with the document.

As result of these changes:

  • acceptance of the entering documentation is performed in several windows at the same time now (using end-to-end numbering) that before implementing solution was impossible;
  • staff of MAU "MFC" received the instrument of control and registration of documentation under requirements of office-work of each of the enterprises taking into account a common ground of document flow and the general principles of interaction.

Stage 2. Simple registration

Earlier at registration of the accepted documents and annexes to the application from the clerk the large volume of knowledge was required. The following task consisted in simplification of the procedure. It was required to make process intuitive.

It was as a result accepted to develop Questionnaire on the basis of masters of actions of DIRECTUM. Its implementation solved an array of problems at registration of the entering documentation.

Process of registration of statements includes the choice of its type and verification of details

After the clerk makes sure in the presence of the applicant of a system, he passes to the next stage – "Reconciliation of data of the correspondent". If all information on the person or the organization corresponds stated, the employee passes this stage. If before it the new client, it is necessary to fill out the known data.

At reconciliation of data of the organization the TIN, the check point and other information are checked

At the same time only the administrator therefore the mechanism at this stage fixes only the fact of need of making changes can make changes to the reference book of Organization. If the clerk using the master of actions announces Questionnaire adjustments or the new legal person asks to turn on, then a system sends a task for change of a card to the administrator.

Data of individuals are also checked. But there is one feature – in addition to simple reconciliation of details, a system checks existence of consent to personal data processing.

This document is necessary when providing all types of service therefore clerks scan it separately and load into a system only once. If the applicant has no consent to personal data processing, a system in the automatic mode will create it, the employee will need only to print and give MAU "MFC" on signing to the client.

Then the clerk selects statement type. At this stage the following solution on automation of the module is connected.

The reference book of types of the statement in which data on a document type and the related details are stored (the code of a standard route, the statement ID model, the organization receiver, etc.) was developed.

Further the clerk is offered to load missing documents into a system. On this step the list of applications which is put to the statement on the set requirements to each type of the address is displayed.

At each clerk in a workplace the line scanner thanks to which they scan documents is installed without interfering with each other. The statement is scanned with all applications of A4 format less. Applications more than this size are not transferred to an electronic form.

After loading of files a system displays data on the loaded documents, the sent tasks and the created cards in the entering sheets.

After implementation of this step the uniform mechanism of registration of the document which allowed to make further changes without reorganization of work of clerks started working. Requirements to the staff of MAU "MFC" at a stage of registration of documentation decreased.

Stage 3. Standard routes

After registration documents are sent to work. This step was one of the most difficult since required reengineering of processes.

Specifics of the organization such is that use of only one way of the movement of the document is not possible. Proceeding from it, standard routes were developed for each type of the entering statement. They could cover 70% of volume of addresses. The remained 30% could not be classified accurately therefore such documents began to get on the resolution to the management. The route which allowed to redirect dynamically documents was developed for these statements and also to use execution control fully.

The resolution for 30% of statements treats on paper carriers of documents, and the clerk notes the resolution fact in the entering reference book from where the route "improves" data on the fact and contents of the resolution in the automatic mode and sends the document in work. Further steps are implemented in electronic form. The mechanism allows to redirect the statement infinite number of times with control of terms at each stage.

All routes are closely integrated with the entering reference books, each stage of performance of a document is noted in the entering sheet that gives up-to-date information to the clerk and other interested persons about location of the document.

Upon termination of a stage there was an opportunity in electronic form to control executions of statements, including to trace terms. It allowed to observe the existing accurate job requirements of the organizations and to avoid administrative penalties for violation of the regulated terms.

The innovation became one of the most important tasks of the organization of document flow. According to some statements time from the moment of acceptance of the document before emergence of the request for accomplishment in the contractor was reduced from 1-2 days to 15 minutes. One more result of reengineering - the number of the documents getting on a table of the head decreased.

Stage 4. Further work with the statement

The solution of MAU "MFC" includes automation of several processes

At this stage according to the statement documents, including the service agreement, the order, etc. form. Information on them is stored in separate reference books that allows to limit accurately access rights to documents and registers.

At the same time in the majority of reference books and masters of actions which help to create further documents the first stage is the request of the entering number and date of statements. It allows to avoid an excess routine as a part of data "is automatically tightened" in reference books by contractors. On the basis of the entered data communication between reference books, and further all documents which form, added to the entering reference book forms and also there are communications between the statement and the new document. So affairs on statements form and also accurate differentiation of access rights to documents and other information is conducted.

The solution to create separate reference books for different departments is connected with a big difference in work and methods of control of executions.

Example of control of executions in one of departments of MAU "MFC"

Staff of organization received close integration with the entering statements of the master of actions, reference books, tasks and tasks.

Stage 5. Last stage of the movement of the document

In most cases on each statement works should be carried out and be issued the solution or result to the applicant. For this reason there was a question as it is correct to transfer physical media of information to clerks. It was required to note when also who transferred the document for issue who and when issued it, in what structure.

At the moment all transferred documentation is noted in case, and clerks received a user-friendly interface of control of the movement of documents for each case.

In a card two smiles: red – documents are not ready to issue, green – everything is ready

The fact of issue of documents to the applicant and also the list of the issued documentation, the Full Name of the issued person and date are also noted in this reference book.

Project Results

Implementing solution on the basis of the module Office of DIRECTUM in MAU "MFC" allowed to achieve the following changes:

  • the movement of documents is organized in electronic form;
  • the number of documents which get on the resolution to the management was reduced;
  • formation of complex affairs in electronic form and also creation of archives on the executed statements is organized;
  • obtaining documents by contractors is accelerated;
  • accurate differentiation of access rights to documents and other information in a system is implemented;
  • effective interaction of clerks and other departments and also between the organizations is organized;
  • requirements to responsibility of clerks for quality of knowledge of structure of necessary documents are reduced.

Marina Narozhnyak, acting head of legal department of MAU of Tobolsk MFC:

"The importance of transition to electronic formation of affairs was connected with quite frequent change of the requirements set by regulations to the handed-over documents, high personnel routine among clerks in organization and, as a result, low average qualification of such employees. Electronic office-work had to compensate all these shortcomings taking into account the large volume of works and also reduce terms of passing of documentation of different structures of organization until receipt to the contractor.
Today accounting of all incoming documents, formation of affairs in electronic form, access for employees to contents and the history of passing of the address is organized, terms of passing of stages of vising of documents until receipt to the contractor are considerably reduced. Control of terms of work with documents is organized, conditions of transparency of conducting document flow are reached, it is rationalized and information search is significantly reduced.
Necessary conditions of confidential access to contents of documents are reached. The most part of problems on the main of assigned tasks is most eliminated – the importance of a human factor at standardization of the procedure of receiving and delivery of documents is reduced. Process is automated, documents, necessary for filling, form when filling the corresponding details of the entering address. Accounting and document storage in electronic form is organized that simplified work with addresses, having replaced necessary search of papers manually.
At the moment organized work in electronic form allowed to solve the most part of assigned tasks and eliminated considerable layer of earlier existing problems".