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"Pedant" prolonged action of licenses of antivirus software

Customers: Pedant

St. Petersburg; Trade

Product: ESET NOD32 Business Edition
На базе: ESET NOD32

Project date: 2015/04  - 2015/04

On July 17, 2015 the ESET company announced continuation of the license of the corporate product ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition by Bukvoyed company.

Bukvoyed shop, 2013

Project Results

"Our company – is more, than just bookstore, this is the cultural operator, the Russia's first leisure book-selling network, – Dmitry Mozgovoy, the CIO of Bukvoyed network noted. – We develop the innovation format of book clubs, we improve technologies of work and we implement new modern services. Smooth operation of all services is ensured by IT network, and we pay to its development special attention. For protection of network we selected product ESET NOD32 and were already convinced of its reliability, high-speed performance and convenience both to technical specialists, and to normal users".