Customers: Petrokazakhstan Contractors: SAP CIS Product: SAP EHSM Environmental, Health and Safety ManagementProject date: 2014/05 - 2015/09
On April 29, 2015 within the Forum of SAP it became known of project completion on SAP EHSM system implementation in the field of incident management and incidents in the field of security, labor and environmental protection (BOTOS) of oil and gas group "Petrokazakhstan".
Project Tasks
Questions of labor protection and production security have quite sharply an effect on Kazakhstan. Statistically, in Kazakhstan in 2013 on productions 2 thousand people suffered that is 22% higher than indicators of 2011. Growth of number of accidents caused economic losses: as compensations the Kazakhstan companies paid more than 78.4 billion tenges. At this conjuncture increased security is not only a socially important task, but also one of opportunities of preventive cost reduction for the companies.
Office "Petrokazakhstan", 2013
For work optimization the company management made the decision on SAP EHSM system implementation on security management on production.
Project Progress
"In the course of implementation by specialists of SAP Consulting of the SAP EHSM system the Petrokazakhstan company carried out complex methodological preparation on standardization of processes of BOTOS, preparation of the corporate program for motivation of personnel regarding the operational notification on incidents and potentially dangerous situations. When implementing a system requirements of the Kazakhstan legislation and also the requirement of corporate rules and provisions in the field of security and labor protection were observed, - Liu Gunn, the vice president of Petrokazakhstan company said. - As a result of implementation of this system operational registration and notifications on incidents which can be executed by any employee online and offline was automated. Processing, investigations of incidents, including the work flows used in the field of incident management is executed using the SAP EHSM system. Integration between the SAP EHSM system and other business systems allows to use the common information space providing necessary data for operational monitoring and reaction".
Experts SAP Consulting were faced by a problem of centralization of information on incidents and risks using uniform mechanisms of accounting and management of them. For creation of a common information space within system implementation SAP EHSM integration with systems was executed SAP ERP and SAP ERP HCM.
In the list of the main requirements to an automated system:
- registration of incidents and potentially dangerous situations online and offline,
- ensuring standardization of processes of data collection,
- management and control of incidents,
- flexibility and availability of the consolidated information.
- visualization of the reporting implemented using SAP Business Object BI.
Project Results
Project Results:
- possibility of pro-active risk reduction and prevention of accidents,
- increase in efficiency of technical and administrative service
- decrease in level of equipment downtimes.
With input of SAP EHSM in Petrokazakhstan company the uniform base of incidents and potentially dangerous situations which allows to create the most complete idea of possible risks is created, to define weak points on production and also to reveal cases of violation of requirements of labor protection and security. For April 29, 2015 the SAP EHSM system is used at head office of "Petrokazakhstan Oversiz Servisez Ink." company and at the regional enterprises "Petrokazakhstan Kumkol Resorsiz", "Kolzhan".
"The SAP solution EHSM is effective, how in terms of increase in labor safety and decrease in number of occupational accidents, and in terms of cost reduction. SAP implementation of EHSM in Petrokazakhstan company - the sign project showing importance and efficiency of new priorities: preserving of a human capital, creation of safer and eco-friendly business. We test special pride that the SAP solution EHSM for the first time in the territory of the CIS was implemented in the Kazakhstan company. We are sure that successful results of this project will become also for other companies of the industries, key for the region, a new reference point in the field of labor protection" — Maxim Lamskov, the managing director of SAP emphasized Kazakhstan.