Customers: Power bank Kazan; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Diasoft Product: Projects of IT outsourcingProject date: 2019/11 - 2020/01
2020: Automation of internal accounting, interbank lending, conversion transactions and transactions in security market
The joint command of Power bank and Diasoft in only three months implemented and brought into commercial operation a system for automation of the directions: internal accounting, interbank lending, conversion transactions and transactions in security market. Diasoft reported about it on February 10, 2020.
JSB Energobank uses many years a system from Diasoft. For February, 2020 the main activities of bank are automated, and implementing solution for work in financial markets became a final part of the large-scale joint project of partners.
With existence of an automated system we had an opportunity to develop business in financial markets with a guarantee of smooth operation of bank at increase in its volumes, comments Ismagilov Rustem, the director of Treasury of Power bank
Prompt rates of market development require the corresponding speed of project implementation in banks. In the project with Power bank there were difficulties and nuances on account policy. But any issues managed to be resolved quickly due to the involvement and aiming at result of a command of bank and Diasoft, |