Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Army Medical College of S.M. Kirov

Customers: Army medical college of S.M. Kirov of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training

Contractors: SoftBalance
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2010/07
Number of licenses: 70

This specialized highest medical educational institution is well known not only in Russia, but also is far beyond its limits. The academy, oldest in Russia, is unique training, scientific and health center. Date of its basis it is considered to be 18 on December (29), 1798.

Project Goals and Objectives:

  • Accounting automation

  • Automation of Personnel Records

  • Automation of payroll

  • Automation of a management system for medical supply

  • Control automation by drugstore

Key project deliverables:

  • The automated accounting according to instruction No. of 148 N,

  • The automated personnel records and payroll of personnel with all features, namely educational allowances, medical allowances, etc. are considered.

  • The automated control system for medical supply taking into account all features of work of clinic for what the following blocks were created:

• Management of warehouse with the two-level system of the organization of storage - from the level of division to the level of storage, the shelf, a box, a rack. Accounting and the analysis of storage lives of medicines, batches of receipt, certificates of conformity, the maintenance of precious metals in account and inventory property. Accounting using the basic pharmaceutical principles:

  • By types of prepaprat: group "A", "B", the General, Alcohol-containing
  • On pharmaceutical groups – up to 5 groups
  • With detailing before packing, packaging, a dosage,
  • Accounting of a remaining balance and turnovers in several units of measurements
  • Storage of compoundings and structure of invaluable property
  • The separate personified accounting of inventory medical property according to accounting rules of Fixed assets
  • Receipt, storage, inventory, write-off of medicines and inventory property.

• "Accounting management of medical property" - for divisions accounting – planned department VMEDA. Accounting of all types of the movement of inventory property, application of documents on receipt, movement, leaving, upgrade of inventory property. Formation of "The request of the pharmacist" and reservation of property in the main medical warehouse. Automatic removal of a reserve of a bet to shipment. Management of invaluable property of academy, receipt, movement, leaving and write-off of MT.

• "Purchase management of medical property on a competitive basis". Formation "Official reports - Orders" on property on all divisions of academy, formation on their basis of "The list of quotations". Means of the analysis of conditions of suppliers and the procedure of their choice for delivery. Tracking of the fact of execution of purchases of medical property according to "the List …" and distribution of the property which arrived on a warehouse according to Requests.

The management system for drugstore is automated. Receipt, processing of summary requirement of clinics on medicines. Accounting of a consumption of medicines when using "recipes", during creation of estemporalny medicines. For ex-temporal medicines – accounting of regulations of a compounding and their application in "Acts of drawing up mixes". Automatic formation of set of "Write-off orders" on shipment of medicines on the basis of "Summary requirement". As well as in a warehouse – accounting of receipt, the movement, storage and leaving of medical property.

Software products: "1C: Payroll and Personnel 7.7", "1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions 6 of an edition", "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7", "1C: Trade Management 8"

Quantity of jobs: 70

Implementation term: 6 months