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Diasoft and RosDorBank completed a project to automate social electronic document management with EME

Customers: RosDorBank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Contractors: Diasoft
Product: Diasoft Digital Q.HR

Project date: 2022/05  - 2022/11

2022: Automation of social electronic document management with EME

The company Diasoft"" and PJSC RosDorBank"" completed the automation project electronic social document management Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (Social Fund of Russia) with for proactive (without application) insured appointment and payment of benefits. This was announced on January 31, 2023 by Diasoft.

The software product "Social Electronic Document Management" (part of the Digital Q.HR development platform) provides interaction between the bank and the Sosstrakh EIIS through the EDMS system, operated by the Russian Social Fund .

The Diasoft software product allows you to:

  • receive information from the Social Fund of Russia on the periods of incapacity of employees of the insured company and reflect such periods in the personnel register;
  • provide the missing data for the appointment and payment of benefits to the Social Fund of Russia;
  • initialize the appointment and termination of benefits;
  • inform the Social Fund of Russia about life situations of employees;
  • Receive and send messages and documents
  • monitor the timing of responses to messages and comply with the regulations for working with the EDC of the Social Fund of Russia;
  • send to the Social Fund of Russia the data of the insured person;
  • receive and record data on the status of benefits on personnel records;
  • automatically generate messages for sending to the Social Fund of Russia based on the data entered in the personnel accounting system;
  • Automatically process incoming messages from the Russian Social Fund.

The organization of the appointment of benefits in a non-declarative manner requires changes from the insured bank in a number of business processes. During the joint project with Diasoft, the exchange of documents and information with the Social Fund of Russia was automated. This made it possible to reduce the amount of manual work and timely process documents for registration and payment of benefits,
noted Alexey Vinogradov, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC RosDorBank.

Thanks to the professionalism and well-coordinated work of the joint team of specialists, a project was implemented to install the Social Electronic Document Management product in RosDorBank. Now the bank will be able to use all the features of automation of interaction with the Social Fund of Russia and provide customers with a service for assigning benefits without issuing additional applications,
Mikhail Lebedev explained, director of the department "Economic activities and HR" of the company "Diasoft."