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Rosatom improves intracorporate content delivery with Platformcraft

Customers: Rosatom

Moscow; Power

Contractors: Platformcraft, Greenatom
Product: Platformcraft Depot On-Premise

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Platformcraft Platform Rollout

Rosatom improves intracorporate content delivery with Platformcraft. Platformcraft (Platformcraft) announced this on September 13, 2024.

Faced with the task of ensuring high-quality broadcasting of information events for employees, Rosatom was looking for solutions for its communication infrastructure.

IT company Platformcraft specializes in flexible tools for storing, processing and distributing content. The Platformcraft team was able to finalize the solution according to the terms of reference and deploy their product, DEPOT software, on the Customer's infrastructure.

All work was carried out through the IT integrator of Rosatom - Greenatom.

The project provided for the creation of a reliable internal enterprise content delivery network CDN (), the deployment of three data centers for storages and processing data with multiple replication, and the provision of an adaptive bitrate for streaming broadcasts.

Platformcraft's expertise has enabled the deployment of a sophisticated information system that includes features such as:

  • transcoding video,
  • uninterrupted online broadcasts,
  • geographically independent nodes,
  • a closed-loop CDN network.

Together, Platformcraft and Greenatom created a distributed information system covering three geographically independent data centers. This system facilitates the efficient delivery of content in a secure internal environment. After implementation, Platformcraft provided ongoing technical support. This included solution maintenance, secure updates, and service refinement. The optimized infrastructure with an internal CDN network fully satisfied Rosatom's requests.