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Rostelecom built smart lighting in Rostov-on-Don

Customers: Rostov-on-Don City Administration

Contractors: Rostelecom South
Product: Comprehensive Engineering Systems Projects
Second product: IoT Projects

Project date: 2022/05  - 2022/11

2022: Street Lighting System Upgrade

Rostelecom on December 19, 2022 announced the completion of a project to modernize the street lighting system in Rostov-on-Don. The company's specialists replaced 38,781 lamps with LED ones, improved 450 control cabinets and connected all devices to the automatic outdoor lighting control system (ASUNO). The project was implemented at the expense of the company's investments and in accordance with the Smart City concept within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia."

The automated system to which the lights are connected controls the lighting mode depending on the time of day and climatic conditions, as well as monitors data collection and monitors illegal connections.

After Rostelecom replaced light devices with obsolete sodium lamps with LED ones, it was possible to bring the equipment of the city's road network to regulatory indicators. Before modernization, the level of illumination in suites in our country was only 48% of the standard provided for by GOST. As of December 2022, according to Rosstat, Rostov-on-Don ranks third in this indicator after Ufa and Kazan, - said the head of the Rostov-on-Don administration Alexei Logvinenko.

The life of LED lamps is 11 times longer than a similar indicator of conventional lights. Installed lamps are distinguished by higher light output, they are more durable, less often need maintenance and allow the municipality to save up to 60% of the budget that is spent on street lighting.

The term of the energy service contract with Rostelecom is seven years - during this period, the municipality will return investments from the funds saved on paying for electricity. After its completion, the budget of Rostov-on-Don, thanks to smart lighting, will be able to save over 150 million rubles annually. Upon completion of installation, Rostelecom transferred the equipment to the city's balance sheet and will provide its warranty service throughout the contract period.

The introduction of such a system is an important step towards creating a smart city. This allows you to optimize energy consumption and forms a digital approach to managing street lighting, improves the comfort of residents and increases the transparency of information about the activities of organizations in the field of housing and communal services. The project in Rostov-on-Don became the 14th in a row in the region and takes into account the rich experience in implementing such solutions throughout the country. Digitalization of all sectors of the Rostov region remains a priority for us, which we will continue in 2023, - said Sergey Mordasov, vice president and director of the Rostov branch of Rostelecom PJSC.

The company has formed a free replacement fund in the amount of 2% of the total volume of all lamps installed in the city. Statistics on similar projects showed that this amount is enough to quickly replace non-working lamps. The fund will be replenished if necessary.