Customers: Russian Geographical Society (RGS) Contractors: ELAR (Electronic archive, NPO Opyt) Product: ELAR PlanskanProject date: 2016/03 - 2017/02
In 2016 ELAR Corporation digitized 425 issues of the "Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society" magazine. Numbers of one of the oldest scientific publications of Russia from a meeting of Scientific library of the Russian Geographical Society (further – RGO) are available to Internet users in full now.
The digitized documents became a part of a meeting of the Digital library of RGO. "The RGO scientific library – the largest in Russia and Europe a specialized collection of books, magazines and maps. Among them there are editions on all aspects of geography and also literature on related subjects. One of features of RGO library as, however, and most specialized libraries, there was access restriction to funds at all times. However thanks to creation of a digital library, everyone will have an opportunity to see unique funds. One of the priority directions of formation of a digital library of RGO is digitization of editions of Society. Earlier within the agreement with Presidential library numbers of "Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society" appearing till 1944 were digitized. Now releases from 1944 to 2015 are digitized and the complete body of the magazine is provided in our digital library", – the manager of the RGO Scientific library Svetlana Mangutova commented.
In order that publishing products of RGO purchased the format suitable for the publication in electronic form, magazines are scanned on scanners of the ELAR Planskan brand. "We transfer the library documents requiring careful attitude to an electronic form on contactless scanners in which lighting does not contain harmful to sources of ultrared and ultra-violet radiations. Besides, scanners are equipped with a V-shaped book cradle for digitization of books and filings with the dense back which is not allowing to open, as a rule, completely the document", - the area manager of ELAR corporation on work with libraries and universities Natalia Kachina noted. Digital images were automatically recognized and transferred to PDF. Thus, the resource convenient not only for representation and reading on the Internet, but also for context search is created.