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Soloten started the system of distance learning in SCA Russia companies

Customers: SCA Russia Hygiene Products

Chemical industry

Contractors: Soloten
Product: WebTutor

Project date: 2014/10

The Soloten company started at the end of 2014 the system of distance learning for more than one thousand employees and contractors of SCA Russia company across all Russia.

Due to business development, the Russian division of SCA company (Essiey Haydzhin Prodakts Rasha LLC, further — SCA Russia) at the beginning of 2014 addressed Soloten company with the offer on implementation of a system of distance learning, both the employees, and employees of the partners providing services in the calculation of products in retail outlets. Within read months the system consisting from was designed and unrolled: several training courses, corporate portal and mobile application. As a result of more than one thousand people in the territory of Russia, including the staff of SCA Russia company and its contractors, had an opportunity to be trained in any point of the country — at office, at home and even in way, without separation from the main work.

The general contractor of the project selected Soloten company — the system integrator specializing in development and deployment of mobile systems of business management and a customer loyalty.

As collaborators of the project the Soloten company attracted the market leader of distance learning Zhivoye obucheniye LLC company and KM Ekspert LLC — developer of the automation equipment of e-learning in Russia. The SoftServe LLC company — provider of the CRM system for SCA Russia company with which integration is performed during the project according to business requirements of the customer was also involved in the project.

In SDO the following subsystems were projected and were used:

  • The SDO web portal provides storage and administration of rates in the SCORM format, the ready WebTutor and CRM components were used
  • Mobile application provides access for users to rates (including offline) and sending for the web portal of results of passing of rates
  • The CRM system stores data of users, their rights and results.

Slinkov Dmitry is a CEO and the co-founder of Soloten — so characterized the project: 'The system of distance learning if it is executed qualitatively, saves the mass of energy and money. All employees where they were can extend immediately knowledge of new products of the company. And you can enter the market much quicker than your competitors, at the same time solving an immemorial problem of loyalty of remote workers. Such task was very interesting to be implemented. We could make it the most part because the Soloten company has an experience of management of big complex projects of forces of the managers having the international certificates PMP'.
'I want to thank all contractors for productive joint work in our general project on implementation of eLearning of the tool for remote training of staff of SCA company and field employees merchandising of the agencies. We did difficult, but very interesting way. For us it was the first experience of such projects, but judging by the first positive responses of sales department received during trial operation, and the first responses during productive operation, we are glad to the received results and are sure that the tool will be very useful to us.' — the director of strategy and development of sales of SCA Russia company Vladimir Sirotin so estimated work of contractors.