Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Bailiffs recovered 45 million rubles from the accounts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at the suit of IT-subsidiaries of Rostec

Customers: EMERCOM of Russia - Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management

Moscow; State and social structures

Project date: 2023/12

On December 4, 2023, it became known that the bailiffs wrote off the Central Base of Measuring Equipment of the Russian Emergencies Ministry from the accounts of the PKU more than 45 million rubles. The recovery was carried out on an executive list as part of a lawsuit by the National Center for Informatization (NCI), a subsidiary of the Rostec state corporation.

According to RBC, the proceedings are related to the implementation of research and development work to modernize the Safe City system. The customer was the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the lead contractor was the NCI. The project with a total cost of over 670 million rubles provided for the development of uniform standards, technical requirements and predictive and analytical solutions for the Safe City hardware and software complex. The Contractor, in particular, developed a test bench for modeling scenarios for responding to various threats, including forest fires, floods and oil spills.

Bailiffs wrote off the accounts of the PKU Central base of measuring equipment of the EMERCOM of Russia more than 45 million rubles

All works were divided into five stages. Of these, the first four were accepted and paid for by the Ministry of Emergency Situations without comment. However, during the implementation of the last phase of the project, which accounts for less than 10% of the total contract amount, disagreements arose between the parties. The court ruling says that the specialists who were part of the acceptance committee voted to recognize the results of the fifth stage as proper. However, the customer did not sign the certificate of work performed, but did not send either a motivated refusal to accept the results or a draft bilateral certificate with a list of necessary improvements to the contractor.

As a result, the NCI went to court. The amount of debt amounted to 45.5 million rubles - these funds as of the beginning of December 2023 were written off from the accounts of the defendants. However, the Ministry of Emergency Situations plans to appeal the decision in the cassation court.[1]
