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Promobot began to work in Sberbank

Customers: Sberbank of the Russian Federation

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: Promobot
Product: Promobot

Project date: 2017/03  - 2017/09

In October, 2017 the first robots appeared in the Moscow Sberbank branches on Leningradsky Avenue and Otkrytoye Highway. One of them which is able to record audio and video collects a customer feedback based on service. Taking into account its opportunities in Sberbank developed the new scheme of feedback from the client. The bank calculates that this channel will show high efficiency: it is more interesting to communicate with the robot, than, for example, to fill out the questionnaire.

Other robot is integrated with an internal system of Sberbank on management of an electronic queue. It replaced the terminal issuing coupons on services. To the robot it is possible to make an oral inquiry then he will issue the necessary coupon. Also all services are available on its touchscreen screen. This innovation excludes an error when choosing the coupon and, respectively, significantly reduces waiting time of the client in queue. For more accurate determination of needs of the client at integration of the robot into a system Sberbank used names of banking activities by the words of the client.

The most ambitious initiative Sberbank on "robotization" of service is transfer to the robot of functions of the consultant.

"Many functions of consultants among which detection of need of the client, the help in performing banking transactions, demonstration of personal offers and their registration in a personal account Sberbank Online, we transfer to robots, – the vice president, the director of The Bank Is Near division of Sberbank Sergey Maltsev tells. – It is important to us to estimate readiness of our clients to be serviced in a new format as our audience – not only youth, but also elderly people who owing to the age experience difficulties at visit of bank departments. The robot should have all capabilities of the consultant and satisfy need of each client".

The new batch of Promobot v.3 robots for accomplishment of other cases in Sberbank prepares for sending – part of them will be in Moscow, a part in Perm. The next stage of integration provides robots consultants who will meet visitors after the service choice, and or to answer questions in waiting time of queue, or to independently service through a system Sberbank Online. It will allow to reduce load, to automate the most part of business processes and also to personalize offers for clients. Besides, Promobot at the request of visitors will be able to remember them and with each new address to service according to the personal scheme – to render similar services quicker, to provide necessary consultations.