Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Sberbank selected system provider of protection of e-mail

Customers: Sberbank of the Russian Federation

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: Jet Infosystems
Product: FortiMail

Project date: 2017/03  - 2017/05
Project's budget: 38.6 million руб.

On March 31 the tender committee of Sberbank summed up the results of an open competition at the choice of the organizations on delivery of a system of protection of mail exchange, execution of works for installation and a commissioning with the initial cost of contracts of 102 million rubles[1].

Jet Infosystems will deliver to Sberbank the system of protection of mail exchange for 38.6 million rubles

Angara Tekhnolodzhiz Group and Jet Infosystems companies were allowed to participation in biddings. The first participant proposed the solution Trend Micro, the second Fortinet.

According to a tender committee the best offer looked down from Jet Infosystems. The total cost of delivery was 38.6 million rubles. From them 36.3 million rubles are the share of supply of equipment, including installation, a commissioning and maintenance. 2.3 million more rubles - on consulting services.

Sberbank needs the hardware and software system protecting infrastructure of bank from the purposeful (targeted) attacks and zero day attacks. The complex should be placed in network infrastructure and at workstations of an Internet segment of central office of Sberbank.

Problems of a complex include protection against spam and the malware due to implementation a component of dynamic, behavioural analysis of e-mails in the virtual environment emulating the circle of the user Besides, within the project the monitoring system of level of security of a mail service and reporting system for different levels of management should be constructed and also procedures of response to the revealed threats are developed for personnel of cybersecurity.

In infrastructure of Sberbank mail infrastructure based on Microsoft Exchange Server functions. It consists of the frontal Exchange Edge servers and internal Exchange CAS. Frontal provide message exchange with external receivers, balancing of incoming mail on internal (CAS) servers, filtering of incoming mail from undesirable messages. Internal servers ensure functioning of internal Internet users of network segment of bank. In total in IT to infrastructure of Sberbank 8 frontal servers and 48 internal Exchange servers are operated.

The created system should exercise control and check of the mail traffic passing through frontal mail servers of bank. In total it is necessary to provide protection of the mail infrastructure of 150,000 mailboxes providing processing of 1 million messages a day.

A system should include the following principal components:

  • Antispam – a hardware and software system for cleaning of mail traffic of an inappropriate content;
  • Protection of mail exchange – the hardware and software system providing identification in mail traffic of harmful content and allowing to take measures for protection against the complex attacks according to the set politicians;
  • "Sandbox" – a hardware and software system for the analysis and detection of harmful files in virtual environment;
  • Base of reputational risks – the DB containing information on harmful files, links to the websites with harmful contents;
  • The management console – a hardware and software system for system management and obtaining the reporting.

Architectural scheme of a system of protection of mail exchange of Sberbank
