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In Russia the method of a renalny denervation is for the first time applied to treatment of arterial hypertension with the solution of Medtronic

Customers: Scientific research institute of cardiology in Tomsk

Tomsk; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: Medtronic Russia
Product: Medtronic Symplicity Spyral
Second product: Medtronic Symplicity G3

Project date: 2018/06  - 2018/07

For the first time in Russia in scientific research institute of cardiology of the Tomsk NIMTs operations on treatment of arterial hypertension by method of a renalny denervation using the innovation catheter of Symplicity Spyral developed by Medtronic company are performed. On July 6, 2018 reported about it in Medtronic.

Генератор Symplicity G3 и катетер Symplicity Spyral являются составляющими Системы для renalny denervation. Photo:

By scientists it is proved that in formation and maintenance of the increased arterial blood pressure the leading role is played by sympathetic nervous system (especially renal sympathetic nerves), told in Medtronik. Thanks to the technology called by a radio-frequency sympathetic denervation of renal arteries, patients manage to control pressure much easier. The procedure at the same time is minimum traumatic, safe and does not require use of the general anesthesia, specified in the company.

At a renalny denervation the catheter of Symplicity Spyral is entered through a puncture (puncture) in a femoral artery and carried out to a gleam of a renal artery. The multicontact catheter of Symplicity Spyral is equipped with 4 independent electrodes, has the spiral self-revealing construction allowing to influence both a trunk of a renal artery, and its branches. By means of the radio-frequency waves generated by the Symplicity G3 device a series of impacts on a vessel wall where there are nervous fibers is put. As result, there is a destruction of these fibers, and interruption of an excess impulsation between kidneys and a brain and also between kidneys and a cardiovascular system is performed. Eventually, it leads to a lowering of arterial pressure, explained in Medtronik. The procedure is carried out using anesthesia and under angiographic control.

Thanks to the procedure of a renalny denervation it is possible to avoid dangerous effects of elevated pressure which is not stopped by medicamentous means. Moreover, the quality of life of patients due to improvement of shared state, normalization of activity of vessels and heart increases — the manager of department of rentgenkhirurgichesky methods of diagnostics and treatment of scientific research institute of cardiology of the Tomsk NIMTs, PhDs in Medicine told. Andrey Evgenyevich Bayev.