Customers: Sibkabel Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C: ConsolidationProject date: 2014/11
On November 17, 2014 specialists of the Novosibirsk branch of 1C-Rarus company implemented the project on creation of a system of consolidation of the reporting for one of the leading Russian manufacturing enterprises of cable and conduction products - Sibkabel Ltd.
Choosing a Solution
The next stage of development of the enterprise - consolidation in holding structure - set the new tasks for the management. For the solution of the main of them - consolidation of financial statements - it was decided to use the 1C: Consolidation 8 program. Positive experience of the enterprise with software solutions based on 1C and also a possibility of easy and "painless" integration of the new software product with the information system which is already available at the enterprise became fundamental criterion when choosing.
Project Progress
Preliminary survey of the enterprise showed that the staff of Sibkabel Ltd collected and consolidated the reporting manually, using spreadsheets. This process was significantly dragged out and labor-consuming. For the solution of assigned tasks specialists of the Novosibirsk branch "1C-Rarus" carried out the calculations on real data which allowed to create afterwards model of selection of intra group transactions and also developed recommendations about automation of these calculations. Besides, the status of parent organization Sibkabel Ltd caused need of quarterly collecting and formation not only own financial statements, but also consolidated statements in general of the organizations entering into holding.
The configured data exchange between the accounting system existing at the enterprise and the new program "1C: Consolidation 8" allowed the staff of the remote child organizations easily and just to transfer to head office the standardized report forms where this information is processed and calculated according to the approved financial model implemented in the 1C: Consolidation 8 system. Existence of information component in work allows to exclude excess paper work and significantly exempts employees from routine duties.
In a project deliverable the management of the enterprise managed:
- Enter into work the uniform principles of formation and transfer of finance documents for all enterprises of holding;
- Develop and configure model of calculation of intra group transactions;
- It is considerable to reduce labor costs by formation of consolidated financial statements.
Implementation of the 1C: Consolidation 8 PROF software product allowed board of holding to obtain regularly information on a financial status of affiliated enterprises, to develop and regulate process of formation of consolidated financial statements.
Dmitry Vasimovich Gubaidulin, the representative of Sibkabel Ltd, noted that in a project deliverable the universal system of formation of financial statements is received - report forms which are used by all organizations which are a part of holding are developed and claimed requirements to the entering documentation are accurately defined, the exchange mechanism between the existing accounting system and the new software solution "1C: Consolidation 8" is configured.
Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.