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ICL Services modernizes Syngenta's Russian IT infrastructure

Customers: Syngenta (Singenta)

Moscow; Agriculture and fisheries

Contractors: ICL Services
Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Development of a solution for integrating data from SAP ERP into Saturn FSIS

ICL Services has developed an automated solution for integrating Syngenta data from SAP ERP into Saturn FSIS. ICL Services announced this on August 5, 2024.

At the request of the legislation, Syngenta was faced with the task of fully displaying information on the production, storage and physical movement of pesticides and agrochemicals around the country in the Saturn FSIS system. To do this, ICL Services experts have created a software product that eliminates manual duplication of information from source documents. The Jupiter system has a convenient user interface for monitoring the status of data loading and controlling possible errors and currently processes about 1000 invoices per month.

We highly appreciate the customer's trust in our work, and this time ICL Services took full control of the turnkey development process, "said Irek Abdrakhmanov, lead project manager at ICL Services. - Our solution was designed to save Syngenta employees from manual data entry, avoid the risk of human error and uneven workload for staff depending on the season. The project was the next stage of the company on the way to complete automation of production.