Customers: TFCMI of the Samara region Samara; Government and social institutions Contractors: Synthellect, SoyuzEVMkompleks Product: Syntellect TessaProject date: 2020/08 - 2021/12
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Maintenance and development services of TFCMI
Provision of services for the implementation of the technological regulations of the SED PC (program complex of the electronic document management system) and the VKS PC (program complex in terms of the meeting management system) for the needs of the Territorial Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Samara Region
Project term: January-December 2021
Implementation of general records management
- Implementation of general records management for 200 users;
- integration with the system of the EDO government of the Samara region;
- Implementation of the Meeting Management PC
1. Provision of services to improve the management of TFCMI management using modern information technologies 2. Implementation of the Meeting Management PC using VKS tools 3. Provision of services for the purchase of non-exclusive rights and services for the configuration of software for the needs of TFCMI of the Samara region
Project term: August 2020 - January 2021